Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 209: Ice cap

Lu Yang sighed slightly, raised his head and looked at the top of the cave.

The cave is very spacious, like a huge room.

Lu Yang didn't pay attention at first, and he didn't know that someone had stayed here before.

But he was sure that the scroll was not here when he came, so he can be sure that it must have fallen from above.

It is very possible that the scroll was originally in the huge ice block, and fell to two after being shattered by them.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang looked around, found a few places where he could climb, jumped and flew upwards.

When I reached the top of the cave, I saw a huge hole.

In fact, he can see the top from below, but the cave is full of a huge block of ice. Like a huge blindfold, he thought it was just a simple depression, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a hole leading to the upper level.

Lu Yang jumped out of the cave and found that there was a cave in the upper layer of the cave.

This huge cave has been transformed into a room.

There are old daily necessities everywhere in the room, as well as an ice bed.

There are still people living in this extremely cold place, and Lu Yang couldn't help but call it.

With his skill, you can also live here, but here dripping into ice, wanting to take a bath is a problem.

No matter who lives here, he must have not had a bath in the past few years.

Moving around, the huge ice cave is like a crystal palace, crystal clear. Very dreamy.

But Lu Yang didn't mean to be nostalgic, he mainly looked for whether this senior left any good things.

For example, more martial arts secrets, what kind of magic weapon, preferably a frozen ice and snow beauty. He melted and took him home to warm the bed.

But soon he was disappointed. In this cave, the most valuable is probably the secret book.

Lu Yang turned around for a while and left.

Out of the cave, a strong wind came immediately.

Lu Yang walked out a few steps and glanced back at the cave.

I saw above the opening of a cave below, and there was another opening not far away.

It turned out that the cave where the old senior lived above was underneath, but after a long time, the ice cubes accumulated, and the cave was topped up, and a cave was formed below.

However, the gap between the two caves was very weak, and it shattered more than them, and the piece of ice that did not know what it was used for fell off.

Lu Yang curled his lips and glanced at this cave for the last time before leaving.

He still has a lot to do!

Bu Jingyun wants revenge on his own, he has to take care of this matter.

You can't let him go to death alone.

Has Nie Feng left the world meeting now?

If he leaves, he will also look for Dao Nie Feng and persuade him to cooperate with Bu Jingyun.

There is also Kong Ci. His plan of suspended animation has been successful, and now she will be placed.

He was supposed to almost spark Kong Ci's body, but looking at Bu Jingyun's temper, he had to kill himself.

But let him continue to struggle, and sooner or later found that Kong Ci was not dead. In this way, he is finished again.

In this way, I can only find a place where Bu Jingyun can't get in even if he knows where it is!

I heard that the ancestral grave of Wu Lin Zhizun is OK.

No matter how great Bu Jingyun is, he can't dig the supreme ancestral grave!

He thought for a while and shook his head quickly. It's too risky to say that Bu Jingyun really dares to risk the world's major ministries!

He thought all the way, and he was almost down the mountain.

Several figures not far away saw him and quickly approached.

As soon as they arrived, several people said: "Hall Master, Bu Jingyun has just hurried down the mountain!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "I know!"

Several people nodded after hearing this, and one of them said, "When Bu Jingyun is leaving, let us tell the hall master that he will be waiting for the hall master at the King's Mansion!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, and said in doubt: "King of Xia, what is that place?"

Who knows that as soon as his voice fell, the faces of several people were surprised.

They glanced at Lu Yang, and said in a humane: "The Palace of the King of Xia is a branch of the world. Because the ancestor was made the King of Xia by the supreme of martial arts, it was called the Palace of the King of Xia!"

Lu Yang said, nodded, and then suddenly asked, "Is King Xia's Mansion very powerful? What does Bu Jingyun mean?"

Several people listened, and the cold sweat on their heads fell.

Lu Yang is the host of the World Hall anyhow, doesn't he know anything?

Has he been practicing in retreat before he became the hall master?

One of them was bolder, and he hesitated for a while before he said: "Subordinates dare to guess, Bu Jingyun wants to go to Xiawang Mansion to get the ice soul!"

Lu Yang nodded, and then wondered: "What is Ice Soul?"

A few people are a little untenable, this hall master really doesn't know anything.

They are all part-timers and don't know much about Lu Yang. Lu Yang's guards were injured and busy, this time they were all guarded by people from the division.

Although these people were respectful to Lu Yang, they were all outsiders and knew very little.

Apart from loyalty and reliability, there is nothing special about other Taoisms.

As soon as Lu Yang's voice fell, his eyes fell on the person just now.

The person seemed to perceive his gaze, and immediately said, "Bing Po is rumored to be the essence of Ten Thousand Years of Frost Bing. It is said that it can guarantee that the body will not rot. Bu Jingyun should have taken Bing Po to protect the girl Kong Ci. Corpse!"

Lu Yang realized that after hearing this, these people didn't know that Kong Ci was still alive, so they naturally thought so.

Lu Yang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "So, that's okay, Zhengzhou has nowhere to go, let's go to the Palace of Xia!"

Several people listened for a moment, and couldn't understand Lu Yang's thoughts.

It stands to reason that Lu Yang's wife is dead, so she should be sad.

But he was very happy along the way. I heard that he had found a maid to be a small servant and was happy in the frame every day.

But they just know these things, and they don't dare to say them casually.

Lu Yang's management method is very simple, that is, absolute loyalty to the first class.

Their responsibility is to be loyal to the altar master, that is, absolute loyalty to Lu Yang. ..


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