Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 218: Young girl

Seeing Bu Jingyun leave, they didn't even have the courage to keep him.

Knowing that his figure disappeared, many people's eyes fell on Lu Yang.

Lu Yang looked at Bu Jingyun away with his hands behind his back, groaning in his heart!

He knew that Bu Jingyun was very hostile, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy.

He heard from the people of the World Society that Bu Jingyun had repeatedly washed the martial arts sect, that's why he became known as the **** of death without crying.

He has been unwilling to believe it, but now it seems he is really hungry.

He stared blankly in the direction where Bu Jingyun disappeared, hearing a clear voice behind his ears.

"Hall Master Lu!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, turned around and saw a woman in green clothes in front of him.

This woman doesn't look big, that is, she looks like seventeen or eight, and her face is still a bit tender.

But it can already be seen that it is a beauty embryo, especially a green suit, just like a lotus flower, beautiful and moving.

Seeing that so many people died in Prince Xia's Mansion, and Lu Yi who lived there was also dead. Although this woman had sadness on her face, she was not immersed in sadness.

Lu Yang nodded to the girl, and glanced at the people in Prince Xia's Mansion.

The other people in Prince Xia's Mansion seemed to be surprised by the woman's calmness. They were either immersed in grief or in fear. Even a few older women looked terrified.

Only this woman has a calm face, without the slightest fear.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Is the girl a member of Prince Xia's Mansion?"

The woman arched her hands and said: "Lv Shuang, the next woman, Lu Yi is my distant relative! The little girl is a local committee member, but she is also a member of the King's Mansion. Bu Jingyun ignores the morality of the new rivers and lakes and bloodbaths the Mansion. Prince Xia Mansion is grateful for your help!"

Lu Yang listened for a while, only to think that this little girl looked good. Hearing what he said, his eyes became deeper.

Unexpectedly, a little girl of her could have such a scheming. With three sentences, Lu Yang could not do without this.

This girl obviously thanked Lu Yang for what he meant in secret but blamed. He stood on the rivers and lakes and said that Bu Jingyun had washed the Prince of Xia’s Mansion with blood. Lu Yang did not stay behind with balloons like others, but Lu Yang had to stay. .

Because Bu Jingyun was a traitor to the Tianxiahui, although he was sentenced to the Tianxiahui, he was after all the hall master of the Tianxiahui. Wugong was taught by the male tyrant, and he was also a member of the World Association these years.

He bloodbathed Prince Xia's Mansion. Although it was Lu Yi's treachery first, but if you really want to count it, Bu Jingyun made more mistakes.

Standing on the righteousness of the world, the Tianxia Hui would not be able to stay out of the matter. Er Lu Yang was the master of the Tianxia Hui, and he could not leave easily.

Lu Yang said, "The world will be rebellious and startled to wash away the Prince of Xia's mansion. After I go back, I will report to the overlord gang leader, and I will definitely give an explanation to Prince Xia's mansion in the future!"

Lu Shuang nodded when he heard this, his eyes were red, and tears were about to come.

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows, and he was even more surprised.

I thought that her little girl could remain calm because she had no feelings with Lu Yi. I didn't want to realize that she had a good relationship with Lu Yi!

He sighed slightly and said, "Girl, don't be sad, the Prince of Xia Mansion wants girls to clean up the mess!"

Lu Shuang wiped his tears, nodded and said, "Master Lu is interested, and the world will help, and Prince Xia's Mansion will definitely be well!"

Lu Yang's eyebrows jumped sharply when she heard that, this little girl actually wanted him to stay.

Xiao Nizi, you are a little bit close to fighting with me.

Lu Yang immediately shook his head and said: "Bu Jingyun is cruel and cruel. I don't know how many heroes of the world will be killed by him. If I can't stay here for a long time, I will rush back to the World Club soon, and I won't catch the world!"

Lu Shuang's expression turned gloomy when she heard it. She looked up at Lu Yang, opened her mouth, but did not speak!

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Girls don't worry, I will stay behind and help the master girl!"

Lu Shuang's expression changed when he heard it, and he looked at Lu Yang in amazement.

The corner of Lu Yang's mouth curled, revealing a harmless smile.

Lu Shuang was anxious, and just about to speak, a soft voice suddenly said, "Thank you Lu Gongzi for your help!"

A charming woman walked out of the crowd.

He was also dressed in green, but he was different from the girl's samurai tights. She was dressed in loose tulle, which was quite euphemistic.

Her appearance is also quite tactful, especially her delicate look, like Xizi's frail body, which makes people look at the impulse that can't help but feel pity.

Lu Yang has never seen him in the world, this kind of beauty is naturally resistant.

Hearing what the woman said, he immediately smiled and said, "That's good, let's make arrangements now!"

Lu Shuang, a girl in green clothes, heard what they said, her face became even more anxious, she turned her head and hurriedly said: "Er Niang!"

Who knows that as soon as her voice fell, she saw the woman's fierce look, and waited for her second sentence back.

Lu Yang just laughed and said nothing when he saw them like this.

King Xia's Mansion has always been outside the World Club, just because he has always had prestige in the arena, and his strength should not be underestimated, and the tyrant did not dare to act rashly.

Besides, King of Xia's Mansion does not have any high-powered martial arts. It only relies on the name of King of Xia to gather heroes from all over the world, so Xiong He does not attach great importance to King of Xia's Mansion.

Lu Yi also took advantage of these two points, has been obedient to the hegemony, seemingly loyal, but actually wants to always ensure that the King of Xia's Mansion is only an affiliate of the Tianxiahui.

Xiongba didn't pay attention to it, but Lu Yang cared very much.

Being able to conquer the Palace of Xia, he has one more power, so seeing the sudden disaster of the Palace of Xia, he immediately let the world infiltrate.

Now there is no person in charge of King Xia's Mansion, he can rely on his identity as the master of the Hall of the World to let his own people infiltrate it.

Gradually seize the power of the Prince of Xia Mansion and gain the right to rule the city.

After all, all the people who can take charge of Prince Xia's Mansion are dead!

Moreover, he still has the reputation of hoeing the strong and helping the weak, why not do it.

That Lu Shuang quickly saw his purpose, so he stopped. ..


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