Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 228: poor

Seeing a beautiful woman on the opposite side, the anger on her face was also reduced, she had the meaning of asking for instructions.

He snorted coldly: "Hall Master Lu, you...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, he flew out.

Everyone watched his silhouette fly out and hurried away.

jump! With a sound, the man fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was shocked, especially Lu Yang's guards. Today I heard that this little girl had just arrived as the chief guard. They were a bit strange, but they didn't expect that martial arts were so high.

Another person walking by his side furiously said, "Lu Yang, what are you doing!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "This is Qingmutang. She is my chief guard. I will teach you a rude person, what do you say I want to do!"

Hearing this, the man's expression changed, and he furiously said: "You let us come, the master of Shenfeng Hall is rude, it's also because you are too arrogant!"

Lu Yang didn't even look at him, Yin and Yang said strangely: "If I let you come, you will come!"

When the man heard it, his face was ugly.

Lu Yang meant that I am calling you as the acting host. Since you have obeyed, I should be the acting host.

After hearing Lu Yang's words, the man's face finally softened.

He immediately bowed his hand and said, "I don't know what Hall Master Lu has asked us for!"

As soon as he expressed obedience, the others did not dare to get angry.

They looked at Lu Yang with fear or resentment, not knowing what Lu Yang was going to do when he got off the horse.

Lu Yang laughed and became gentle.

He smiled and said, "It's nothing important to let you come. You also know that the World Club has recently produced two traitors, one is Bu Jingyun, the other is Nie Feng!"

The two new hall masters listened and couldn't help but glance at each other.

They were all promoted by Xiongba because of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, and they were all Xiongba's confidantes. What does Lu Yang mean?

Does he want to take advantage of the Xiongba to retreat and abolish them.

Thinking of this, their expressions are hard to look.

Lu Yang seemed to see through their thoughts, hehe smiled and said, "Although the two traitors Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun have left, the remnants are still there. Since the gang master is in retreat, the responsibility of steering is given to me, and this hall master can't help but be dedicated. Do your best! Therefore, the helper dare not do the things of the remnants, so I can only do it for you!"

The two people were overjoyed. In fact, they also wanted to cleanse their own branch, but it was impossible to know those who are intricately rooted in the forces. They have limited power and can do very little.

The key is that they are the airborne hall masters. Like Lu Ang back then, many people stopped and kept choosing, and their abilities were not as powerful as the Fengyun two, so they couldn't control the scene at all.

Unlike Lu Yang, he was one of the four hall masters, and his martial arts were not low.

The key is that she is now the agent of the World Association, so she should be more convenient. If Lu Yang wants to help himself, he must get twice the result with half the effort!

Thinking of this, the two people were overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Hall Master Lu, for your assistance!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "In this case, tomorrow morning, I will help you find traitors and make an exhaustive list! The people from Qingmutang will also help!"

The two of them were even more overjoyed, and immediately nodded respectfully.

Lu Yang nodded and continued: "This matter is confidential. For those rebels who suddenly resisted, after you go back, they must be kept secret. When the people in Qingmutang suddenly attack, they will be caught off guard. Otherwise, it will be easy for them to resist. Caused internal strife in the gang, if the gang leader knows &"

These people are smart people, at least they think they are smart people. After hearing Lu Yang's words, they naturally nodded their heads lifelessly.

Lu Yang told them some details before letting them leave, and the crowd left with great gratitude.

All the people thought that Lu Yang was looking for trouble, but they didn't expect that he was here to help, so naturally they were very happy.

When Lu Shuang saw them leaving, he sighed slightly and said to Lu Yang: "You are so insidious, and you will deal with it!"

Lu Yang listened to his words, and then his eyes fell on her.

Lu Shuang was a little hairy when he saw him, and couldn't help but said, "Look at what I am doing!"

Lu Yang stood up, took a piece of fruit in his hand, took a bite and said, "Unexpectedly, your martial arts are so high!"

As soon as his voice fell, the guard who had been guarding the side also said: "Yes! Unexpectedly..."

Without finishing a word, Lu Shuang glared at him with a stern look.

The guard felt a bit in his heart. Although he was not afraid of Lu Shuang now, he still couldn't say the second half.

Lu Shuang snorted coldly, and said to Lu Yang with a look of anger: "My Palace of Xia is not all waste, it is still possible to deal with these people!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "I didn't mean you shouldn't be so good at martial arts! What are you doing so angry!" Then, he picked up an apple and handed it to Lu Shuang, "Come on, eat an apple to quench the fire!"

Lu Shuang snorted coldly, not giving him any face.

She curled her lips and said, "I'm not a child, I can coax you with something to eat!"

After hearing this, Lu Yang laughed and said, "That's good! Since you are not a child, I will give you an important task!"

Lu Shuang listened for a moment, then hesitated for a moment, and something immediately rang.

She looked at Lu Yang in surprise, and blurted out: "Did you let me..."

Lu Yang laughed and nodded.

Lu Shuang was even more surprised, and he said, "The captain of the bodyguard that you asked me to be when I came, and gave me such an important task. People really can't see through you!"

Lu Yang laughed and said casually: "It's very simple. I took advantage of the opportunity of clearing Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng's relics to plant my own forces in Shenfeng Hall and Feiyun Hall, and overhead those two wastes. Although I did the thing, you are the person who executes it. Nominally, I am the identity of eliminating the remnants. If the tyrant notices it, then you can convict it!"

Lu Shuang's expression changed when he heard it, and a pair of willow eyebrows were erected instantly.

She angrily said: "Xiong Ba is not a fool, even if you talk back, he will not spare you!"..


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