Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 30: argue

But he heard Lu Yang hum and laughed: "I know it's great? You are my person tonight, what do you want to tell me? For example, you like to take a bath. You don't need to take a bath. I like it!"

He said happily, and the woman became more chilling.

She got goose bumps all over her body when she thought of being the man's comrade.

Lu Yang felt very happy when he saw him looking scared.

This mother is tossing, his good leather armor is all pressure difference silver.

She was tossed and turned overwhelmingly along the way.

The girl was quiet for a while, and suddenly said in a calm tone: "You won't really have to force me... and me!"

Lu Yang is observing the situation in Dashan.

If possible, he would still fight Huihu.

If he can control the terrain, he can control it early.

From here as a starting point, gradually control the entire area.

Hearing what the woman said, he casually said: "It's hard to say, it depends on your performance! I haven't tasted a woman for a long time!"

The woman turned white when she heard it, and said quickly: "I must be obedient, I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

Lu Yang grinned slightly, and snorted, "What do you do if I ask you to do it? Well, let me be quiet!"

The woman closed her mouth quickly.

Perhaps because I feel that I still dare not complete it, the woman immediately said: "Then if I help you serve tea, pour water, and wash the quilt, would you not violate me?"

Lu Yang curled his lips and said casually: "Well, you just be obedient!"

The woman nodded and said: "I must be obedient, I will listen to what you say..."

"I told you to shut up!"

Lu Ang said without waiting for her to finish.

He has observed the situation of the entire mountain range. It is very inconvenient to attack, he has no manpower now, it is impossible to attack here.

Now the power of the gray beard can only be dismantled from within.

The gray beard out of the cottage is the second master Gouzi and ion.

This person Miouzi is very savvy and can't see any close relationship with Huihu.

Ion is a dull gourd, but he has a good attitude towards himself.

It is easy to recruit them, but it is still a bit difficult if they betray the gray beard.

Lu Yang thought for a while, let's start with Ion.

He admired himself very much, but he didn't know what attitude he had towards Grey Hu.

As he was thinking, he suddenly heard the woman say again: "If I massaged your back, you won't invade me!"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart.

This woman looked very smart, but she did some stupid things.

The laundry stack was served with tea and water, and the back was massaged.

You are forcing me to assault you!

Lu Yang curled his lips and said in a bad mood: "I don't bother to pay attention to you, you just need to be honest!"

Having already turned a corner, Mizuko respectfully confessed to him and left, and went up and down Ion and Lu Yang.

Lu Yang coughed and smiled at Ion: "In the cottage, it's rare for you to have such a powerful force. You and I can discuss it when you have time!"

Hearing what Lu Yang said, the ion expression changed, and he shook his head and said, "I can't beat you!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "The main thing to do is to look at skills, and to fight is to look at ability. You and I will stop at the end, you don't need to do your best!

Ion raised his words and frowned and said: "I only fight, not to discuss!"

Lu Yang listened for a while, and touched his nose in embarrassment.

But listened to the woman at the waist: "Silly big guy, he's getting close to you!"

Ion was stunned after hearing her words, and subconsciously glanced at Lu Yang, with a strange light in his eyes.

Lu Yang was quite angry at first. This girl is crazy. Seeing him like this, he moved in his heart and smiled softly: "I always think that your power in the cottage is the most amazing. And you have a frank temperament, so I like it!"

Ion heard his words, and the light in his eyes became even brighter.

He staggered slightly, arched his hands, and respectfully said to Lu Yang, "I admire you too!"

In a few simple words, Lu Yang already understood what he meant.

This man is not central, he only has absolute power sincerely.

Seeing Ion give such a big gift, he had no intention of going back respectfully.

Instead, he nodded grandiosely and smiled: "You and I are also a confidant, and I have time to talk someday!"

Ion became a little excited when he heard what he said, and he nodded heavily, his expression serious.

Until the place of separation, neither of them said a word.

Lu Yang was taken by someone and walked to his room.

The woman on the road said in a somewhat flattering tone: "Congratulations, you have taken a confidant!"

Her voice was a little frightened, obviously because she was going to enter a room with Lu Yang, and she was a little frightened in her heart.

Lu Yang smiled, and said in a relaxed tone: "He is frank, I like it very much, it is not considered to be subdued!"

The woman immediately praised: "You are expensive but not arrogant. I can see that you are a talent and not suitable for being a bandit. It is better to come to our Wujia..."

Lu Yang smiled and said with no good air: "You are now controlled by me, so naturally, when you are out of my control, what attitude towards me is still unknown!"

As he said, he snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I won't treat you to anything! I still look down on a woman like you!"


The woman's face changed when she heard it, and she said angrily: "It's what you said you don't like. What's wrong with this girl!"

Lu Yang curled his lips impatiently and said, "If you don't like it, you don't.

"No, please tell me clearly, if this girl is not beautiful or has a bad personality, you can tell me clearly!"

Lu Yang said impatiently: "Okay, I like you very much, okay, I want you now!"

The woman snorted: "You men are all like this, one set in your mouth, one set in your heart!"


Lu Yang stayed for a while, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"What's wrong, there's nothing to say, right? It was revealed by me, right?"..


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