Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Lian Jin was beaten

The visitor was the young girl Yanfang. Since she had an agreement with Lu Yang, she went home and discussed with the Wu family.

I thought that the people of the Wu family would inevitably oppose Lu Yang's terms after hearing Lu Yang's terms. People from the Wu family were overjoyed and asked excitedly about this and that. She didn't know much in the first place, and she didn't even ask three questions.

Wu's parents couldn't help but get a little angry. They didn't even ask He Shi Bi and asked him to come to Lu Yang to ask about cooperation. The dignified Miss Wu from the family still didn't understand why his father didn't care about He Shi Bi, so he valued the cooperation with Lu Yang. .

But she didn't know that the Wu family had long seen that Lu Yang was doing things in Hanhai for other purposes. The lofty king, and even the ministers, did not know the purpose of Lu Yang. What they consider is military affairs. But the merchants understood Lu Yang's purpose and couldn't help being shocked by his bold ideas. This is a new type of city that has surpassed this era for more than two thousand years and has gathered entertainment, commerce, and academics. He cast aside the shortcomings of the original farming cities and established a new mode of survival.

This model can have a good effect in prevention in the four seas, but there is no such "old people" as Hanhai in any place. It can be said that Lu Yang used the memory of his later generations to create a new era.

They immediately saw the future of this city and the tremendous energy it could generate. So how could they not be excited when they heard Lu Yang said to cooperate.

If they cooperate with Lu Yang, they will not only do business with Qin Guo, but do business with the entire world. Because they knew that the reason why Lu Yang set up a guard was not a caravan that wanted to guard Hanhai.

He is the bandit leader of Hanhai, and Hanhai's caravan doesn't need a guard at all. So his purpose is not in the vast sea, but in the entire world.

It is conceivable that once this **** has matured, it can **** in the seven countries. This is just the beginning. Because Lu Yang himself also does business, that is to say, he has the power to sell goods to merchants, and then he is responsible for guarding.

If such a **** has trading points in the seven countries. Lu Yang's guarding forces can extend to any corner of the Seven Kingdoms, forming a huge system.

The high-ranking princesses and ministers would not think of this, because in their eyes, military and political matters are of the utmost importance. Even if they see this, they can't stop it, because commerce is what the people want, and if it is for future generations, it may be banned, but now the monarch does not have such courage to prohibit people from doing business.

The caravan is just one of the many initiatives taken by Xicheng, and it already has such a strong potential. Not to mention other powers.

When Lu Yang established Xicheng, he established a new type of trade. Not to mention that Xicheng does not know when it will start selling amazing new products. Such as paper, such as salt extracted from sand...

Therefore, if they fail to see the potential of Xicheng, it will be sand. These days, the Wu family is also looking for ways to settle in Xicheng. However, since Mohist school successfully settled in, hundreds of scholars flocked to it. Business travelers from all over the world also rushed into Xicheng. Fortunately, the big caravans, the small caravans even formed a caravan, squeezing crazily to the west.

Lu Yang decisively cut off the entry of the caravan, and now Xicheng is basically saturated. They are thinking about moving into Xicheng, it is even more difficult than climbing!

Therefore, the people of the Wu family are worried and do not ask Lu Yang to cooperate personally.

Lu Yang stopped the entry of Xicheng early, because the people who started to settle in Xicheng were business travelers that had nothing to do with the political arena of the Seven Kingdoms. These business travelers had less fetters. Once they established a foothold in Xicheng, they could quickly integrate themselves without the imperial court of the Seven Kingdoms. Constraints.

And the big family like the Wu family has a close relationship with the imperial court. Once settled in Xicheng, it is inevitable that the general affairs will be involved and it is difficult to control. Moreover, his own plasticity is low, even if he develops later, he has no sense of belonging to Xicheng.

What Lu Yang wanted was to use Xicheng to attract people, and over time, let these people become Xicheng people. Once they have a foothold here, after they take root, they must have a sense of belonging here. Lu Yang wanted this sense of belonging.

The cooperation with Wujia this time is also because Xicheng is now saturated and he has not much to do. But his future enemies are still extremely powerful, and he now has a plan to let the Qin Dynasty decline. But to implement this plan, a relationship must be established with a commercial family in the Qin Dynasty.

This move of the Wu family is the best move, because he himself is closely related to King Qin. If his plan is executed in the future, if there is pressure, Wu family will be more able to bear it than other families.

Moreover, the Wu family now wants to work with Choi, he holds He Choi in his hand, although it is not justified to rely on the people who persecute Wu's to cooperate. But if they cooperate successfully, they can rely on the strength of Xicheng to gradually win over the Wu family, and then let their forces look at Qin State.

Once he has a foothold in Qin, he can use Xicheng's unique business model to image Xicheng.

This is a dangerous move, but Lu Yang has never tried a safe way to do things. Every step he hides in the thrills, because the more thrills, the less people can associate.

Wu Jia ordered that Miss Wu Jia could only return to Lu Yang with a grievance.

Suddenly hearing this voice, Ting Fang was stunned for a while, her eyes flushed suddenly, and she leaped forward to hold on to the person and said, "Brother Lian Jin, this is you!"

Even when Jin saw that he recognized himself, tears suddenly came down. Originally arrogantly came to Lv Yang for trouble, but he didn't expect it to fall to the point where she wanted a woman to protect herself.

However, he didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, he hid behind Ting Fang and said in horror: "Ting Fang, save me, they are going to kill me!"

Ting Fang was shocked when he heard it, and immediately stood in front of him, and said to the guard who was chasing him: "Who are you! Don't you know that he is the first swordsman Lien Jin's hero?"

"Heroes? I know lobsters!"

One of the guards listened, cursed, pushed Ting Fang away, and kicked Lian Jin again. ..


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