Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 176: feast

The palace banquet of the Kingdom of Zhao was in the side hall, and the main hall was used to handle official affairs. After the Battle of Zhao State and Changping, the partial hall of Zhao State became lively. Since then, Wang Zhao has particularly enjoyed banquets.

At an open-air banquet, on a relatively high platform at the front, King Zhao sat facing north. Sitting with a smile on his face, the two sides in front of him, slightly lower, are two rows of seats. In this era, the way of sitting on the floor is still used in Japan. On the ground, whole stones were cut into square stones, and the stones were on a wooden mat. There is a small table for one person on the mat, on which a variety of delicacies are lined up.

King Zhao's seat was much wider, besides him, there were also two beauties sitting and waiting. On both sides of his seat were Zhao Mu and Princess Zhao Ya.

The banquet on this matter has already begun, and the host and the host are enjoying themselves, watching the singing and dancing singers. The guests kept coming, and after greeting everyone, they took their seats. When Lu Yang's frame arrived, there happened to be a frame that drove alongside him. Lu Yang turned his head and saw that it was indeed the Wujia frame that even Jin was driving in the car.

Now Lian Jin is still a swordsman of the Wu family, it is impossible to drive a car in his capacity, so he can only take the task of driving a car. Lu Yang saw Lian Jin driving the car through the gap in the curtain. Unable to lift the curtain, he smiled triumphantly at Lian Jin.

Lian Jin also knew that the car was next to Lu Yang. He deliberately drove the car so close to Lu Yang, so he deliberately angered him. I don't want Lu Yang to be more irritating than him. He directly looked at himself proudly, meaning, what are you awesome, do you have a car and ride?

Lian Jin's face was cold, he turned his head and pretended not to squint, sneered in his heart, and made you proud, I see when you are proud!

Lu Yang put down the curtain, his mouth also sneered. Today's martial arts competition originally promoted Zhao Guoguo's prestige, but Zhao Wangshengsheng made Lianjin victory. He is a foreign prince who wants to fight for him Zhao Wang, but he wants to push it to others. Forget about the greedy minister like Zhao Mu, he even destroyed the Great Wall. Such a king, how can he look like his ancestor.

Today's contest has already been planned, and he no longer thinks about it, but closes his eyes and calms his mind. Suddenly the car shook slightly, but Lian Jin's car shed reached his car. Lu Yang didn't speak, but a voice from Wushi suddenly came next to him, saying, "Master Hou?"

Lv Yang opened the curtains, and Wushi was opening the coach, smiling at him. Lu Yang smiled and said, "What's the matter with Patriarch?"

Uzbekistan laughed and didn't speak yet, but what happened? A smiling face was squeezed from the side of Uzbekistan. He grabbed the money in Urumqi and smiled at Lu Yang: "The emperor's canonization has arrived. He has been named the princess of Turin! Lu Lang is so capable, and my grandfather is happy!"

As soon as she finished her words, a flower immediately appeared on Wushi's dissatisfied pleated face.

Lu Yang smiled slightly, but he was strange in his heart, Princess Turin, this was the name the emperor gave her. Probably the emperor also thinks that his name is too nondescript.

After Wu Tingfang finished speaking, Wu Shi laughed and said, "My grandson was named Wei Yuanbo, and he is also a hereditary uncle!"

A strange light flashed in Lu Yang's eyes after hearing what he said. He didn't expect him to ask the emperor for a baron, and the emperor gave him an earl. The earl is one grade lower than the marquis. He gave more gold and silver than the Marquis gave. It seems that the emperor has tasted the benefits.

Thinking of this, he chuckled and said in his heart, it seemed that he would send something to the emperor every once in a while. In this era, there is no such thing as holding the emperor to make the princes. But she doesn't mind being the first one.

After Wushi finished speaking, a thick smile immediately appeared on his face. Lu Yang smiled lightly: "It's just a few things. Patriarch don't mind. There are many things that Lu Yang will rely on Patriarch in the future!"

Wu Shi Fuzhang smiled and said, "Master Hou is kind to my Wu family, and we are a family, but Master Hou has requirements, Wu family will definitely try to help!"

Lu Yang laughed, thinking that Wushi is an old man anyway, and his eyes are not as far-reaching as Wu Yingyuan. A title made him so excited, if Wu Yingyuan would definitely not agree to it so thoroughly.

He smiled and arched his hands in the car, and respectfully said: "So much work!"

There was joy on Wushi's face and flowers bloomed immediately, and he quickly said: "Where is it!" After that, he said, "The little one will not disturb Master Hou!!!"

Lu Yang smiled, nodded, then lowered the curtain. Back in his seat, Lu Yang was shocked and amused. This time, Urumqi seemed to be really happy, otherwise, he wouldn't be so impatient to thank himself.

After sitting in the car for a while, Lu Yang finally felt the car stop.

Then, a servant ran to the side of the car, whispered a few words to the driver of the car, and heard a yelling from the main gate of the Piandian: "Hou Luyang from Xicheng is here!"

Like a beacon spreading a letter, this message was quickly spread to the banquet. In an instant, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down. Wang Zhao, who was chatting with Zhao Mu happily, snapped his voice. He raised his head and looked in the direction of Andingmen, a strange light shining in his eyes.

A kind of guest has a different look on his face, looking at the direction of the door. For a while, Lu Yang's name was too loud. A thousand people in black rioted in Handan and captured King Zhao. Later Zhao Wang explained that that time was a training for the ban. But many princes and nobles naturally do not believe this. Until the Yanzhao battle, Lu Yang made Handan a sensation.

I heard that the slaves of the Yan Kingdom who came to the Zhao Kingdom feared Lu Yang like a ghost, and their faces were pale when they talked about him.

In fact, it is not that the group of Yan people that Zhao Mu has found is exaggerating. Now inside Yan, talking about Lu Yang is really like a ghost. Some people say that he has three heads and six arms, and some people say he has blue faces and fangs. Even when children cry at night, adults will say: "If you make trouble again, the cannibal demon Lu Yang will come and take you away!"

Under the anticipation of everyone, the cannibal demon Lu Yang walked to the banquet with a smile. In an instant, the air at the banquet seemed to freeze. Even the singing and dancing singers stopped one by one, and looked at the young man with curious eyes. ..


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