Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 239: persuade

Once again, King Wei and King Xinling were drinking and chatting and playing chess. Suddenly someone came and said: "King Zhao has assembled an army and arrived at the border!"

As we all know, the capital of Wei and the capital of Zhao are very close. Handan is basically on the border. Wang Wei was shocked when he heard the news. However, Mr. Xin Ling did not change his complexion and still looked at ease.

King Wei was very surprised, so he asked Mr. Xinling, Mr. Xinling said: "It's okay, King Zhao is just hunting, not invading us!" Sure enough, after a while, another messenger reported that King Zhao was really hunting.

King Wei was surprised, and asked Mr. Xinling how he knew it after thousands of miles. Mr. Xinling smiled slightly and said with confidence: "I have a doorman who is next to King Zhao, acting as my spy. I know everything about Zhao Kingdom!"

Wang Wei was surprised when he heard his words, and said with a thumbs up: "Brother, you are great!"

Since then, Lord Xinling has nothing to do with the government anymore. Not only did King Wei not let him control the military power, he was also very afraid of his participation in matters of interest sacrifices!

It can be seen that although Mr. Xinling is not a character, his brain is not very easy to use. In fact, few of the Four Young Masters in the Warring States Period were easy to use, such as Lord Pingyuan.

Anyone who sits as the younger brother of the monarch knows that you must not cover it up, let alone let the monarch know that you are very smart. Because if you run into a more wise monarch, you will definitely be reused. But if you run into a prudent eye like Wei Wang, you will suffer. Mr. Xinling obviously didn't see through this matter, and he still thought about crushing his brother, which created his tragedy.

Especially the incident of him stealing tiger charms further deepened the fear of King Wei towards him. Brotherhood no longer exists, and the partition sleeves are each other's enemies!

So, in terms of being a human being, this person is a courteous and virtuous corporal, but it does not mean that he will indeed be a human. However, his reputation as a courteous corporal was not in vain, at least he respected Hou Ying and Zhu Hai.

Therefore, faced with Lu Yang, who was so embarrassed, he also looked respectful.

After hearing what Lu Yang said, Mr. Xinling laughed, but did not speak. Instead, he stepped in and closed the door for Lu Yang himself. Then I came to Lu Yang, picked it up, got a glass of wine for him, and said, "Wuji's class is rude. I offended Mr. Wuji. Wuji is here to make amends!"

As Lu Yang watched his series of actions, he had to admire this man in his heart. Although he was a little hypocritical, he was hypocritical in people's hearts. This is the same as flattering, even if you know that others are telling lies, people are still happy.

For a person who has just met, if there is no request, it is impossible to be so respectful. To respect you three points now is to get eight points from you in the future.

Facing Mr. Xinling's respect, Lu Yang's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at him quietly for a while. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he looked at Mr. Xinling with stern expression and sneer, and said with a sneer: "You know who I am, and dare to be so close to me. You know, within ten steps, I can take your first level, and then easily Leave the beam and go to any one of the six countries to flatter!"

In the face of Lu Yang's rudeness, Mr. Xinling only smiled slightly, his face remained respectful, and his mouth became more respectful: "Mr. Xinling has this martial arts, and Mr. Xinling is very respectful!"

Only then did Lu Yang slowly retract the cold light in his eyes, and his face eased. With a cold snort, he said in a cold tone: "Ai Ping has come here to do things casually, not willing to be a wealthy eagle dog! Go back!"

Mr. Xinling smiled slightly, but did not leave. Instead, he sat down in front of Lu Yang and said: "Wuji does not ask Mr. to be my doorstep. Today's matter is to be a friend with Mr.!"

"Oh?" Without raising his eyelids, Lu Yang sneered at Xinling Jundao: "Be friends with me, do you have the qualifications?"

Mr. Xinling didn't change his face and smiled slightly: "I heard my sister tell me what you did along the way, and I was immediately impressed by the wisdom of my husband, who is so talented and admired by Wuji's new life!"

Lu Yang snorted and said with a look of disdain: "Don't flatter, you lose if you lose! I am not as good as Zhao Ya this time, and I may not lose to him in the future!"

Mr. Xinling laughed at what he said, and said with a thumbs up: "Mr. is really bold and dare to do it! Ordinary people will find reasons for themselves when they encounter this kind of thing, but Mr. does not mean it!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly, "If you come to comfort me, then you don't have to!"

Mr. Xinling smiled and said, "Mr. has such a mind, how can I comfort me. Wuji said this, just showing his admiration!"

Lu Yang smiled and snorted coldly: "You don't know, the more you are like this, the more annoying I am in my heart. Everyone knows about you, corporal, but I think you are extremely hypocritical. You will only pretend!"

Mr. Xinling was stunned when he heard what he said, and he was a little lost and said: "Why did you say that, but is there anything wrong with Mr. Xinling?"

Lu Yang said coldly: "Most wise corporals must ask for something. You have three thousand courses, but you don't have a trace of support. They are just a group of idlers. I will follow you, what can I do!"

Mr. Xinling's expression changed after hearing his words. After a long time, he sighed heavily and said, "Mr. only knows that I have many courses, but I don't know my helplessness!"

Lu Yang sneered and said: "It was just your words in the past that made King Wei jealous. Since then, you have done nothing. Except for stealing the talismans, you are simply a useless person! What are the things in the minds of people who work hard when they are helpless. You have nothing to do!"

Mr. Xinling was so damaged by him, but there was not a trace of unhappiness in his heart, but rather relieved. Lv Yang's unification of scolding has caught his mind. He sighed and said: "Sir, I don't know anything, Wang Wei was very jealous of me back then. Now, except for necessary things such as sacrifices, he doesn't let me participate in anything. Lord Xinling is also helpless!"

Lu Yang listened to his words and Yang Tian smiled and said: "Heroes are never confined to reality. The more King Wei confines you, the more he is afraid. And you don't know why King Wei fears you, just thinking that you are self-satisfied. What is the reason!"..


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