Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 446: Tian Dan's visit

Among the envoys, Tian Dan received the highest treatment. Wang Zhao went to Handan to meet him in person. The reason is that in addition to Qin, the most powerful countries are Qi and Chu. Because of the traitorous ministers in power, Chu State has been weakened by years of war and is now far less powerful than before. Qi State is located in the Bohai Sea with a well-developed fish salt industry. Wealth ranks first in Qi.

Lu Yang's current caravan's biggest competitor in terms of fish salt is Qi Guo. Recently, his city was built near a saltwater lake. Because of the dispute between the Yueshi and the Xiongnu, the lake became an intermediate place, and neither side dared to occupy it. Although the lake is relatively close to the Yue clan, the Yue clan was afraid of the Huns and did not occupy it. Although the Huns could seize this lake at any time, they didn't understand the skill of refining salt, so they could only watch it and couldn't use it. Moreover, the lake water is not suitable for raising livestock at all.

This lake was occupied by Lu Yang. He reached an agreement with the Xiongnu and the Yue clan to tax the two parties a certain amount of gold and silver every year. As a result, the cost of salt is high. In addition, transportation to and from the Central Plains is not convenient at all. The caravan needs a lot of manpower to escort, and the expenditure is very expensive, so its cost is high. Fortunately, his method of refining was very clever, Qi Guo was not his opponent at all, and only then got the game back. There is no conflict between the two parties on the supply of salt. Lu Yang’s salt is mainly sold to the nobles, while Qi’s salt has a wider range of sales.

But the contradiction between the two parties at the intermediate level is very big. Some wealthy merchants who were not aristocrats also liked Lu Yang's salt, so Qi Guo became Lu Yang's competitors in this regard. Qi Guo had repeatedly negotiated with Lu Yang's caravan, but Lu Yang didn't negotiate with them at all, and the two parties could only stalemate in this regard.

Fortunately, Qi Guo was tens of thousands of miles away from Lu Yang's West City, and they couldn't help it if they were not happy. Moreover, the senior officials of Qi State did not want this trivial matter to affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries, so they did not put it on the table at all. Lu Yang was so happy that they wouldn't mention it, and he didn't want to tell the matter.

King Zhao, Queen Jing, Zhao Ya, Zhao Mu and so on, Zhao Guo's clan, plus Manchu civil and military and six envoys all greeted Tian Dan at the gate. The guard of honor went from the gate to a few hundred meters away. It can be seen that Zhao Guo this time It is grand to welcome Tian Dan. Lu Yang was in an inconspicuous position among the crowd. Wang Zhao knew that he would not reveal his identity, so he specially arranged him in a corner.

He is also happy and free, saving the trouble of intrigue with those people. A person in the corner quietly looked at the ground in a trance. Not for a while, from ancient legends to his crazy Ji Yanran last night, from world events to noon eating beef noodles or mutton noodles. After thinking wildly, he suddenly heard a slight commotion in the crowd, Lu Yang looked up and saw a car coming from a distance.

Qi is indeed rich, and Tian Dan's reliance is even greater than that of the other four countries. A six-horse horse-drawn car, on both sides are warriors in gleaming silver armor, tall, mighty and heroic, and they are brave from a distance. And Tian Dan's guard of honor is even more holding colorful flags, and the big Tianzi flags are fluttering in the wind.

When he got closer, Lu Yang saw that his team was in unison, and the sergeants were solemn and mighty, and he was filled with admiration. The car slowly came to a stop in front of Handan Gate. As soon as the door opened, Tian Dan walked out of it.

A seat of white clothes is like snow, a splendid robe with golden embroidered borders, and a pair of blue cloth shoes. The nobleness also shows its extraordinary tolerance. The figure is slightly short and looks a little thin. The two long beards under the nose are slightly white, and the triangular eyes are slightly narrowed, giving a shrewd and cold feeling. This person is Tian Dan, the prime minister of Qi.

Lu Yang stood in the crowd, looking at the man who had defeated Yan Guo and skillfully used Huo Niu Town. At the beginning, he wiped out the thieves of the vast sea in one fell swoop, using this method. It's just that his name is not as loud as Tian Dan, so not many people know it. However, Tian Dan used the Fire Bull Array to have an extraordinary effect, defeating Yan's army and regaining Qi's territory.

Although it was very far away from him, Lu Yang could still feel the compelling aura of this person. Even King Zhao is beyond reach. Xindao, this person is worthy of being the premier talent general among the ministers of the six countries. From a city official to one of the most powerful people today.

Tian Dan's face was neither humble nor overbearing, and he chuckled until he was in front of King Zhao: "Foreign Minister Tian Dan, I have seen His Majesty King Zhao!"

Wang Zhao laughed, and then he stepped forward and grasped his hand: "Tian Xiangguo has come from afar, and he has worked hard along the way..."

Among the crowd, Han Chuang looked at King Zhao’s gracious appearance and couldn’t help but curl his lips. He was a little unwilling to face Longyang Jundao beside him: “Where is King Zhao humbly and bowed to a foreign envoy? !"

Long Yangjun glanced at Han Chuang, whose face was slightly sour, and couldn't help being amused. When Han Chuang saw him smiling, his face was in a trance, and his heart was shaken. Long Yangjun was keen, and he immediately noticed that he had no good intentions, so he snorted softly and simply ignored him. This mood made Han Chuang's eyes even more violent.

At this time, Zhao Wang and Tian Dan had already greeted the two people and walked into the city hand in hand, and the team that greeted Tian Dan began to return in an orderly manner. Lu Yang followed the team into the city, and secretly stayed out of the team while others were not paying attention. After leaving the team, he turned back to his racecourse. All the way to the racecourse, someone greeted me as soon as I got started and said: "City Lord, girl Yanran is here!"

Lu Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth. He was bored all morning, and now it was the time when he needed a beauty to relieve his boredom. He didn't want Girl Ji Yanran to come. This woman seemed to be calm and academic, but in fact she was passionate about the love between men and women. After the two expressed their love, her feelings burned fiercely.

Xiao Nizi can't wait to get bored with herself every day, and come to him as long as she is okay. The beauty is so passionate, Han Xuan naturally cannot ask for it. ..


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