Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 476: Persuade

Jun Long Yang listened to Lu Yang's explanation suspiciously, waiting for Lu Yang to finish, he also showed deep thought. He didn't want to believe Lu Yang's words, but Lu Yang's organization was too clear. Let him not believe it. And he was also very surprised about Lu Yang's acceptance of Le Cheng.

There is never absolute enmity between great nations. Even if the other party wants to put you to death, when he uses you, he still treats you as a relative. So Long Yang Jun had a deep understanding of this, he did not completely hate Leyi. Besides, Le Yi was also instructed to do this, and he wanted to be very happy with the people behind Le Yi. And now that Le Yi has followed Lu Yang, he is even less happy.

After holding his chin and pondering for a while, Jun Long Yang frowned and said, "You mean, Le Yi has since returned to your Xicheng?"

Lu Yang smiled and opened his hands: "I didn't expect this. So I can only say it was an accident. As for the joy or the sadness. I can hardly say, I can only say that everything is resigned to fate!"

Long Yangjun didn't know whether to congratulate him or be jealous of him. Le Cheng is a good general, he knows. This good general returned to Lu Yang, and he was naturally jealous. But this person has assassinated himself, and if he wants to use this person without hesitation, he can't do it.

The best result is that he kills this person. But now they are Lu Yang's subordinates, and he has to weigh them if he wants to do it. He snorted and concealed his complicated emotions. Only then did he ponder: "Then you say, who is the chief messenger of this matter?"

Lu Yang smiled, spread his hand and said, "Surely you must let me tell the identity of that person?"

Long Yang Jun suddenly understood for a while, Le Cheng was Zhao Mu's subordinate, who would want to kill him, wouldn't it be clear?

Thinking of this, he frowned. Why did Zhao Mu kill him? Why did you choose to kill him now? Waiting for these questions all need to think about and investigate, before there is no definite news, he dare not take it lightly.

This is different from the assassination of Le Cheng, he assassinated Le Cheng mainly to intimidate him to handle the case quickly. Tell Le Cheng that he can also put him to death. If he knew that Le Cheng was the main messenger behind the assassins, he would not act rashly. Sometimes a thing is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and a clear answer can only be obtained after analyzing it layer by layer.

Seeing him lost in thought, Lu Yang didn't know whether to disturb him. He stood awkwardly for a while before coughing lightly. Jun Long Yang suddenly recovered, his charming eyes swept across him, and he coldly snorted, "What are you doing!"

Lu Yang glanced at the messy room, touched his nose and said, "This...Can you leave the room, let you clean up the room?"

Jun Long Yang also thought that the room no longer looked like a room, and all this was given by him. His face flushed slightly, and he was suddenly embarrassed. He has always been a relatively high-quality person, never getting angry easily, that is, he can still maintain an indifferent attitude in the face of being the most despicable means.

But this time Lu Yang did something that he thought was appropriate with his back tightly behind his back, so he was furious and it was a bit inappropriate. And he was even more embarrassed to get angry with this situation. But he didn't want to think about the reason for his own shipment. I just think that others can lie to him, but Lu Yang can't.

He snorted, concealed his embarrassment, and snorted coldly: "If Master Hou thinks that only me will be heard, no matter where I will send such goods, I always say that Master Hou is cautious, I don't think it is necessary!" Lv Yang smiled, and said with a funny heart, who do you hear that I am cautious in doing things. My spontaneous temper is well known in the world, I can save you by saying that I'm cautious in doing things. But he didn't dare to argue with Long Yangjun, and made a please gesture and said: "Lord, go slowly!"

Long Yangjun snorted coldly, his neck raised, listening to the proud two opened. He walked on the front foot, and then Ji Yan came. As soon as he entered the door and saw this scene, he couldn't help but change his face. He looked at Lu Yang who was sitting on the chair and crying without knowing that his face was smiling: "What happened! "

At this time, in Lu Yang's mind, he conquered Yuecheng and Long Yangjun's anger and wandered about. He was depressed and proud, so his face would smirk and sad. After hearing what Ji Yanran said, he came back to his senses and said casually: "Long Yang Jun came just now, Zhao Ren just cleaned up!"

Ji Yanran was stunned when he heard what he said. Is there any inevitable connection between Long Yang Jun's arrival and finding someone to clean up the room? Could it be that Long Yang Jun did it?

Thinking of this, she was slightly surprised and said, "He knows you are pretending to be sick?"

Lu Ang was taken aback again, shook his head and said: "No! I rescued Le Cheng last night, he was angry just now!"

Ji Yanran was taken aback again, even more unclear. Why does he want to be happy, and why does Lord Longyang get angry?

Seeing his confused look, Lu Yang curled his lips and said, "You don't need to worry, just let someone clean up the room!"

Ji Yanran also pouted her lips and said in her heart, you don't care if you don't let me control this girl. See how far you two can make trouble. She turned around and asked someone to clean up the room. He went back to the room and sat with Lu Yang.

It took a long time for Lu Yang to recover from his joy and sorrow, and stood up and said, "I'm going to Zhao Mu's mansion for people to use the sedan chair!"

Ji Yanran looked at him for a while, and sighed slightly in her heart. This man is getting more and more worrying...

When Lu Yang arrived at Zhao Mu's house, he still entered through the back door. Zhao Mu met him in the front hall. As soon as I met Zhao Mu, he said with a full face: "I heard that you were injured, and I have never had the opportunity to see you. Why did you come in person!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Dare to work with Master Hou, my little injury is nothing! There is a major issue to discuss with Master Hou!"

Zhao Mu's expression moved slightly, and he chuckled, "What makes you feel so tired that you come here in person. Just let me know that I'll go directly to see you!"

Lu Yang smiled, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked at Zhao Mu directly, saying, "Does Lord Hou let someone assassinate Longyang Jun!"...


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