Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 490: Close

When Lu Yang arrived at Ji Yanran, there was a pleasant piano sound in his ears, as if Ji Yanran should be playing music. He smiled slightly and walked to Ji Yanran's room without any scruples. When he arrived at the door, he casually smiled and said, "Yanran is so sad, but are you missing me?"

He landed on the ground with a word, suddenly cold behind his back, as if a double sharp blade had been inserted. Lu Yang was shocked and turned around abruptly, but saw no one behind him. He frowned and glanced privately, but he was not alone. But the piercing chill did not diminish in the slightest.

Lu Yang felt strange, and then opened the door. When the door opened, he was dumbfounded, but saw that Ji Yanran's room, divided in two rows, was actually the son of the same place...

And his sweet wife Ji Yanran was sitting in the first seat, holding a xylophone in her hands, looking at him dumbfounded.

Lu Yang stunned in his heart and was immediately stunned on the spot. Unexpectedly, Ji Yanran was hosting guests today! She didn't even notify herself in advance. Not only that, why didn't he hear a little movement when he came in just now, didn't these people breathe?

This is not to blame for these guests. Ji Yanran's music sounds like nothing to Lu Yang, but it sounds like a natural sound to them. Fuqin pays attention to strength, accuracy, speed and so on. It must be ingeniously coordinated. Even if the rhythm of a delicate piece is slow, how to drop the fingers and where to drop the fingers must be strictly regulated. One carelessness can ruin the charm of the entire song.

At the same time, Fuqin also needs emotional investment. If you can only play the rhythm of the tune, and cannot express the true feelings, the people who listen to the tune will not feel the true meaning of the tune.

Ji Yanran was a talented woman at the time, and she always strives for perfection in her work. With the attraction of his eyebrows, many younger brothers personally guided her. Every piece of her music is perfectly natural, without a trace of error. This kind of music is like a cow chewing peony in Lu Yang's ears. He is not interested in singing and dancing in this era, but only interested in beauties.

But other people do sound another enjoyment. So every time Ji Yanran plays the piano, no matter who she is listening to, she has to hold her breath, wash her ears and listen. If she can find something wrong in the song and play it on demand, she will still be favored by beauty.

So when Lu Yang came in just now, those people didn't breathe, but they slowed their breathing subconsciously. Some people simply held their breath intermittently...

Lu Yang stared at a room with hatred in his eyes. I also know that what I said just now must have made them alert. In particular, he speaks very presumptuously, with a faintly provocative meaning, which makes these scribes even more disgusted. It is no wonder that these scribes have just felt a fierce murderous intent, which originally came from here...

Lu Yang’s dazed effort here, Ji Yanran has already reflected, and smiled in her mouth: "It turns out that Mr. Dong has arrived! The thing that Mr. promised me has not been done yet. Can Yanran think about it now?"

When she said a word, everyone was not calm that Ji Yanran had bet with others, even taking her love as a bet. What kind of bet is this?

For a time, many scribes look at me and I look at you. Some people simply looked at Lu Yang with murderous eyes, as if they were saying, hurry up and tell Miss Yanran what to do with you. I did it all. Wouldn't it be better for Girl Yanran to marry me!

Lu Yang slowly breathed a sigh of relief, he naturally wouldn't say what this bet was, because he was pretty good at all. Suddenly, he made another move, took out the fox skin of Han Chuang from his arms, smiled slightly and said: "I have done the first thing Miss Yanran said. This is a fox skin given to Zhao Ji by Lu Yang. Now give it to Girl Yanran!"

After hearing his words, everyone's complexion changed again. The main reason for their discoloration was that Dong Kuang's words just now contained the word Lu Yang. In an instant, rumors about Ji Yanran and Lu Yang flashed in their minds.

The bet between Ji Yanran and Dong Kuang must be related to Lu Yang, is it true that she really likes Lu Yang?

For a while, their eyes became curious...

Ji Yanran took advantage of this family's kung fu and smiled slightly: "Mr. Cheating, what Lu Yang gave away in this matter is not something around him, what people want is something around him!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard what he said, and Ji Yanran actually asked for something around Lu Yang. Maybe he didn't fall in love with Lu Yang, it just embarrassed Dong Kuang. What a joke, stealing from Lu Yang, if you have your life, you have to give Ji Yanran your life. I think I can break a stone with one punch and kill a person without playing.

In an instant, many people breathed a sigh of relief, but there were also many people whose eyes became eager. As long as they did these three things, would Ji Yanran like him? The first thing is which thing around Lu Yang is difficult enough, what is the second thing?

After listening to Ji Yanran's words, Lu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart. He wanted to pursue Ji Yanran on the matter, but didn't want this girl to be naughty for herself. He smiled lightly and said, "Although this thing is not something that Lu Yang is close to, it was touched by him. Girl Yanran, don't be shameless, you are clearly asking me to take something from Lu Yang!"

Ji Yanran smiled slightly and nodded slightly, "Okay! Even if you do the first thing. Mr. Dong, can you do the second thing quickly?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I have done the first thing the girl said. Is there no reward for the girl?"

He said in a word, many bachelors have shown indiscriminate eyes, and many people began to regret that they did not bet with Ji Yanran. If they had known that the result of the bet was this, they would desperately want to block it!

Ji Yanran smiled slightly when he heard what he said, and suddenly stood up and smiled at everyone: "You guys, don't be impatient, I have a gamble with Mr. Dong, so I can't accompany you today, please forgive me!"

When those boots heard his words, there was a ray of jealousy in their eyes, but they didn't dare to get angry at Ji Yanran, and could only talk about the anger pouring down on Lu Yang. Lu Yang felt their murderous aura and smiled bitterly in his heart! ..


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