Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 516: General Chengxu

Lu Yang had dinner and visited the barracks. At first he didn't hope that Zhao Jun could play a big role. But after meeting Zhao Chengxiong, he began to have some hope for Zhao Jun. But after seeing Zhao Chengxiong, he found that there were still many people available in Zhao Jun.

It is normal if an army is completely corrupt. But if there are several incorrupt and just people in the corruption, this is rare. It's easy to be a hero along the big stream, but it's hard to get out of the mud without getting infected!

Zhao Chengxiong is such a person. He can be firm enough to prove himself when Zhao Jun is so distracted. This person is still brilliant. Lu Yang also began to have confidence in Zhao Jun. Therefore, it has been a long time to patrol the barracks these days.

With the lessons from last time, the people in the barracks dare not slacken in the slightest. Several officers were dismissed by Lu Yang last time. Because this incident is not trivial, even Zhao Mu can't openly persuade him to resume a few posts.

After a round of inspections, when he returned to his home, a servant hurriedly reported: "Master of the city, there is someone who is asking to see you!"

Lu Yang nodded and stepped into the room. In the living room, a man with his head covered and his face hidden in the shadows sat upright. Lu Yang saw him at a glance, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Master Hou!"

The man uncovered his cloak, revealing Zhao Mu's smiling face. Zhao Mu seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. As soon as he saw him, he said: "Dong Kuang is really a clever plan. Since you gave me the tactics, those people have done things a lot!"

Lu Yang laughed, not in a hurry to ask him for a letter of fame, but chuckled lightly: "Hou Ye finally determined who can be loyal and who can't?"

Zhao Mu laughed and nodded happily.

Lu Yang sat down beside him, thinking about how to ask for this application note. But after listening to Zhao Mu's smile, his face was full of enthusiasm and said: "According to your tactics, Benhou finally thought of another tactic. That is to create a fake letter of effect and give it to King Zhao on purpose. Let him move us. Before, let out some of my people first!"

Lu Yang was stunned when he heard what he said, this Zhao Mu was too wise to learn from other things. The last time I failed, I didn't expect to have such enthusiasm. But his hand did catch Lu Yang off guard.

Zhao Mu's fake application letter must be handed to King Zhao. If he does not send it, Zhao Mu will be able to see his thoughts. If he gave it away and Zhao Wang didn't do anything, Zhao Mu would still be suspicious of him.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang's mind turned around and began to think about strategies. Zhao Mu was proud for a moment. He did not see his abnormality and continued: "Now that Wang Zhao and I are at odds with each other, he never thought that you would give me such a clever strategy. As long as we reveal the news, then we will fake it. The effect book is sent to King Zhao. Hehe! Before he does it to me, he will definitely take action on the fake casters on the list! Do you think it is a trick?"

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at Lu Yang. At this time, Lu Yang had already had an idea. Seeing him look over, he immediately smiled cheerfully and sighed, "Master Hou is really a smart plan!" Zhao Mu haha ​​smiled, and said with pride: "Thanks to your help, otherwise I would not think of such a trick!"

Lu Yang laughed, did not say much, but broke the topic: "I don't know if Hou Ye intends to put the names of those people on this list?"

Zhao Mu was taken aback for a moment, frowned and said, "Naturally he is the one who became the king of filial piety!"

Lu Yang shook his head, frowned slightly, and thought a little bit in his eyes: "No! If all of them are from the King Xiaocheng. He knew it was fake by looking at the list!"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Mu's eyes, and he clapped his hands and said, "Yes! If it's all his people, he must be suspicious! This way, the effect book will have no effect!" He said, he looked at Lu Yang with a sigh: "Fortunately, I asked you, otherwise I made a big mistake!"

Lu Yang smiled, nodded noncommittal, and then said: "So some irrelevant people must be added to this list. It's better to include a few people from Lord Hou himself!"

After hearing what he said, Zhao Mu suddenly nodded and said: "You are right! Even though they submitted the application form to me, there are a few people who are not pleasing to my eyes!"

Lu Yang chuckled in his heart and touched his nose subconsciously. You don't look pleasing to your own people. If you say you betray you, you betray them. How can others betray you. What's more, I am also your subordinate, will you not be afraid of chilling my heart by doing this?

Zhao Muzheng thought he was smart and spoke, without even realizing his embarrassment.

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yang questioningly: "But whose name should I put on it? I can't be a person with too high an official position. I'm afraid King Xiaocheng doesn't believe it if his official position is too low..." Suddenly, he looked at him. The light flashed, and he slapped his forehead and said, "By the way, I think of someone. If you put him on Wang Xiaocheng, you will believe it. He always thought that this person was my subordinate, but in fact, he has been half-hearted with me! Book, he did not agree!"

Lu Yang was thinking about how to obtain the effect book, and after hearing his words, he just nodded at will. But he heard Zhao Mu say: "The commander of the Forbidden Army is Cheng Xu!" He gritted his teeth and said: "I wonder how he would have been in the commander of the Forbidden Army if it weren't for me. Now that the senior officials are sitting, they are starting to be half-hearted with me!"

Lu Yang's eyes lit up when he heard Cheng Xu's name. He always thought that Cheng Xu was Zhao Mu's person!

Seeing the confusion in Lu Yang's eyes, Zhao Mu sighed, nodded and said: "Yes! Cheng Xu is indeed not my person. This person is very cunning and never loyal to anyone. Especially after he became the commander of the Forbidden Army, even more I won't be loyal to others easily. I have recruited him many times, but he is not tempted!"

A gleam of light flickered in Lu Yang's heart, and he didn't expect Cheng Xu to be completely different from what he thought. A smile gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth, and he nodded and said, "Yes, Cheng Xu should be placed on the top of his head... Master Hou and those who think you are you, but have never been loyal to you. Give me the list. can!"..


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