Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 587: Explore the Six Nations

At noon, Lu Yang just finished his meal. A carriage entered the barracks, but Lu Buwei came.

Lu Yang was slightly surprised when he saw him coming. Lu Buwei has never liked participating in military affairs. Especially after the alliance with him, the barracks came even rarer. He deliberately avoids suspicion, Lu Yang is naturally happy, and his teacher is the province who blames the trouble!

Lu Buwei did not squint all the way, apparently the thought of avoidance in his heart was too strong. Lu Yang didn't bother to tell him more about the things here. Just take Lu Buwei to the barracks.

As soon as the two of them were seated, Lu Buwei looked serious and said: "This time, making an exception to come here to find Master Hou, it is really urgent! Don't mind Master Hou!"

Lu Yang smiled and waved his hand: "Xiangguo doesn't like martial arts recklessness, Lu Yang is naturally clear in his heart!"

Lu Buwei nodded, and said in no verbose way: "This time I came to see you, except for one big thing for the ruling and the opposition. Lord Hou is taboo and unable to enter or leave the ruling and the opposition, so it is normal if the information is not well informed." Hang Guang's tone also turned cold: "But Master Hou is so cautious, there are still people who want to trouble Master Hou! This morning Yang Quanjun suggested that since passing by the alliance has collapsed. I, Qin State, should prevent this from happening again. It’s better to have a closer relationship with the Six Nations. That’s why Yang Quanjun suggested that Qin State be a messenger to make friends with the Six Nations!"

Lu Yang nodded softly when he heard the words. He collapsed the Six Nations League. But Qin Guo still couldn't rest assured. The tone is waiting for them to come, it is better to take the initiative and bury some nails in the Six Nations. In this way, prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Therefore, Yang Quanjun's proposal is of great benefit to Qin.

But since Lu Buwei is in such an atmosphere, it is natural that this proposal is harmful to Lu Buwei's interests. Sure enough, Lu Buwei said with a cold snorted: "Originally, the original state did not place him in this matter. After I didn't want him to raise this matter, he suddenly proposed to let Hou Ye be a person who traveled quickly to the Six Nations this time!"

Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and instantly revealed a dazed expression. From a personal perspective, Lu Yang is indeed the most suitable person to patrol the Six Nations. Because of his aloof position, even though he represents the Qin State, he is the lord of Xicheng, so the princes are much less wary. On the other hand, he is familiar with people from the Six Nations, and some of them have a good relationship! It is also easier for people from the six countries to accept.

And Yang Quanjun would have this proposal, naturally, once King Qin agreed, Lu Yang was bound to leave the State of Qin. This appearance facilitated him to act in Qin.

Lu Yang groaned briefly, and he also guessed what Yang Quanjun meant, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Lu Buwei snorted angrily and looked at Lu Yang and said, "The king asked me to persuade Lord Hou to patrol the Six Nations. I am helpless, so I can only persuade Lord Hou!"

Lu Yang was majestic, frowning for a while, but he quickly relaxed. No wonder Lu Buwei is so anxious because of this incident.

But this matter is very much in line with his ideas. Lu Buwei once used him as a knife, but he cleverly avoided it. But he knew that Lu Buwei would not leave him unused, he must have a way. Lu Yang had already thought about avoiding him, and now there were just ten opportunities.

However, he could only helpless for a while on his face, and his face was gloomy for a while before gritting his teeth: "If I realize this matter, there may be a way to solve it. But now your Majesty has ordered it. If we refuse again, it will be a bit unreasonable. !" Lu Buwei nodded, and said with approval: "I think so too. So come to Zhao Ni in a hurry to see if you have any way to crack it!"

Lu Yang frowned and said: "If I want to refuse, it will naturally be easy. Your Majesty should not embarrass me. But once I refuse this matter, Your Majesty will definitely not define it to me in the future. This way. , I am even further away from the rights center!"

Hearing this, Lu Buwei felt helpless. Lu Yang was right. If Lu Yang rejects this proposal, he will be farther away from the right center!

He shook his head and sighed, "If Lord Hou can't do anything about it, this can only be done!"

Lu Yang's face was also sad for a while, but he was very happy in his heart.

King Qin asked him to travel quickly to the Six Kingdoms, but he actually hit the ground of Lu Yang. Lu Buwei had already wanted to use Lu Yang as a gun before. But after being cleverly avoided by him, Lu Yang knew that he must have a way to recite.

But once he goes on a mission, he will not be a prince, this matter is not a problem.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Since this matter is already a fact, I dare not easily refuse it! But Xiangguo don’t worry, Lu Yang will be back soon. Moreover, Yang Quanjun must be very proud of Cimou, as long as we If you handle it properly, you can be taken lightly!"

Hearing the words, Lu Buwei stole, his expression relaxed for a while, and he snorted coldly: "Yes! Let him think that he is good. Although Grandpa Hou is not there, the real state country may not be unable to deal with him!"

As he said, he stood up and said, "If this is the case, I will go back to life first. Lord Hou also make good preparations and try to get back early!"

Lu Yang nodded, and Lu Buwei left by car. As soon as he left, Teng Yi hurriedly said: "City Lord, something important has happened!"

Lu Yang told him what Lu Buwei had come to tell him! Teng Yi was shocked when he heard the reality, and immediately worried: "Master Hou was a little unhappy with the princes in Handan. Wouldn't it be dangerous to go to other princes like this?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "No, the Six Nations Alliance is a ghost. People of the Six Nations are enlightened, and they know it clearly. Therefore, Vaga of the Six Nations Alliance says it’s my fault rather than their own. Wrong. Even if I go, they may not blame me for the mistake. Besides, I am going on behalf of Qin State. If I get hurt, Qin’s face will first lose its brilliance. The Six Nations is afraid of it, so naturally I dare not easily. Move me!"

After listening to his words, Teng Yi nodded in relief. Although Lu Yang comforted him so much, he still had no clue in his heart! ..


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