Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 610: Check text

Sure enough, Jun Yang Quan came soon, and the time was much earlier than Lu Yang had estimated.

As soon as the two met, Lu Yang thought that his eyes were a little dark, and he must have not slept well last night. With a faint smile, Lu Yang said, "You have no rest this night?"

Yangquan Jun heard this, his face was ugly. How could he sleep well this night? He has always complained about himself and hated Lu Yang and Lu Buwei. But soon, he suddenly felt that Lu Yang's actions yesterday were a bit puzzling.

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a possibility, which made him happy! In this case, he came to see Lu Yang and abandoned Cheng Jiao directly! If you guessed right, you might not have completely lost your rights!

So early in the morning, he couldn't wait to find Lu Yang just to apply for his own ideas. As soon as he arrived, he found that Lu Yang seemed to have been waiting for him. After hearing Lu Yang's words, Yang Quanjun's hopes grew even stronger.

However, he is a nobleman of the Qin Kingdom. He always feels that he is superior to Lu Yang. After listening to Lu Yang's words, he coldly snorted: "Don't Hou Ye get up and make a move?"

Lu Yang smiled and said casually: "I get up early. It's because I know the Lord is coming!"

Jun Yangquan condensed his eyes, squinted his eyes and said, "Master Hou means..."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Obviously not talking secretly, isn't it because the army came today because of what we thought?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Yangquanjun's mouth: "Master Hou wants to keep me because he wants to use me to counterbalance Lu Buwei!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and nodded, thinking that this guy is not stupid!

Jun Yangquan continued: "I have always felt that His Majesty's death is a bit weird. Now it seems that it is Lu Buwei's deeds. He has broken without letting Ying Zheng ascend to the throne, and just wants to get rid of me in one fell swoop! But he didn't expect, God. It's not as good as people, and there is also a stumbling block like Hou Ye!"

Lu Yang laughed and nodded: "After Zheng'er ascended the throne, Lu Buwei thought that Qin was his! I wanted to prevent him from getting what he wanted. Zheng'er is young now, even after he ascended the throne, he should be No political affairs. If the king is willing to assist Zhenger, hehe..."

When Yangquan Jun heard this, his eyes gradually narrowed, and he coldly snorted, "Master Hou is eager to conquer treacherousness. He has no blood to let Yingzheng ascend to the throne. He has an extra helper to consolidate his rights as soon as possible!"

Lu Yang raised his brows and smiled slightly: "If you think it is inappropriate for me to do this, you can leave Xianyang tomorrow!"

Jun Yangquan felt a little bit in his heart, and quickly said respectfully to Lu Yang: "Don't blame the Lord Hou, I'm not talking about it!"

Lu Yang laughed and then stepped forward and said, "Even though you have lost Wang Jian, you may not have lost everything. As long as you express my sincere heart to Ying Zhengtai in time, I promise you can check and balance Lu Buwei!"

Jun Yangquan nodded and said, "Tomorrow I will elect Yingzheng as King of Qin. Don't worry, Lord Hou!"

Lu Yang nodded, and said: "Tomorrow, I should leave Qin State. Lu Xiangguo wants me to leave Qin State!"

Jun Yangquan was taken aback, and smiled randomly and said, "Master Hou is my guest of Yangquan Jun, what are you doing leaving so early!"

Lu Yang smiled, nodded and said: "You are invited, I am naturally afraid to be polite!"

Jun Yangquan laughed and said, "It's a fun thing to do with Master Hou!"

The two people seemed to laugh, and the treacherous voices filled the whole hall.

Lu Buwei finally arranged the affairs of King Qin's death. As a king, he naturally couldn't let people examine the corpse after digging. Therefore, the cause of death of the emperor is the best to be judged, and the worst is to judge!

After King Qin was buried, Lu Buwei was completely relieved. He knew that Lu Ang had killed King Qin, but he couldn't talk about it. He wants to embrace Yingzheng's throne. If people know that Lu Yang wants Yingzheng to ascend the throne because he killed King Qin, Yingzheng, King Qin, doesn't need to do it!

After finally finishing everything, Lu Buwei returned to Xiang Guofu comfortably and began to have the next sweet dream.

But it didn't take long for his dream to be heard, and someone came to report: "Xiangguo, Lu Yang hasn't left Xianyang!"

Hearing this, Lu Buwei suddenly woke up from his dream, his eyes flickered and said: "What! He didn't promise me to leave Qin State!"

The little Ston paused and said: "Yang Quanjun invited Lu Yang to be a guest in Qin. Moreover, Mrs. Zhao and Prince Yingzheng also hope that he will stay in Qin, so it is difficult for Lu Yang to be kind..."

Damn it! With a crisp voice, a cup broke and then fell on the ground, Lu Buwei furiously said: "It is hard to be kind, what is so good about him! Is it possible that Qin must keep him?"

At this point, his face changed leisurely, and he suddenly said: "Who did you say let him be a guest?"

The little Si raised his head, glanced at him and said, "Jun Yang Quan!"

Lu Buwei was shocked and his eyes widened.

Mr. Yangquan, he dared to confront himself openly. What did he do?

But he heard that Xiaosi said: "Yang Quanjun went to see Mrs. Huayang today. I don't know what the wife said to him. Yang Quanjun, you went to see the prince. You said that you supported the platform and worried about King Qin. Later the prince was very happy to send him out! "

Lu Buwei was shocked again, and his heart was refreshing.

He then realized that his dream was too early!

Jun Yangquan did not fall, Ying Zheng began to help him!

All of a sudden, Lu Buwei's beautiful dreams died out! After a long time he slowly raised his head, feeling that he was several years old. He had always thought that he was the main force of the Qin State, and he had no right to think of Yangquan Jun’s easy move! However, he didn't believe Yangquan Jun had such a wit, and he didn't want to believe that Ying Zheng would suddenly accept Yangquan Jun. There must be a secret in it, there must be!

As he said, he squinted his eyes and said to the little Si: "Check! Check whoever Yangquan Jun has seen recently and who he has had contact with. Give me the details, not even his aggravated servants. Let it go!"

Hearing this, the man hurried away. Lu Buwei's eyes gradually became insidious...


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