Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 675: Descendants of Qu Yuan

Seeing that Lu Yang stood up and did not leave, but walked towards submission. It turned out that the woman sitting next to him was drinking boringly, when she suddenly saw him getting up, her face changed slightly. It doesn't matter whether Lu Yang is interested in him or not, if she is waiting for him, Lu Yang should leave early, which is hard to say. They are all struggling women, and if their lives are like ants in the eyes of these Chu countries, Xiaoming will easily disappear!

But seeing that Lu Yang didn't leave, but went down, she was relieved. But immediately her face blushed, and she said in her heart: "He doesn't like me, it's not because he likes men!" Thinking of the charm of her own country, the girl nodded vigorously, and she felt like this, he likes men, eh! Otherwise, the old lady would have already put his clothes in order...

When the officials of the State of Chu saw King Lu Yang succumbing to walking, there was a burst of envy and jealousy in their eyes. Up to now, there has not been a Xicheng guard who attended to these Chu officials, but Lu Yang personally got up to greet them.

However, aware of their envy, the succumbing expression became even colder. He never looked at him until Lu Yang came to him. But after hearing Lu Yang respectfully said, "This lord, in Xia Mazi, he is General Ion..."

He didn't finish a word, and people succumbed to a look of disgust on his face, and said angrily: "Your Excellency, who is not interested in me. I am just a person to accompany the wine, I dare not climb the general!"

This sentence of him will be cursed by everyone, and the arrogant Chu officials suddenly can't bear it. And the one headed is the host of this banquet, the city guard general Li Yun. He is Li Yuan's cousin, although he is a military commander, he is also a solid civil servant.

Hearing the words of obedience, there was a flash of ice on his face, and he gave a stern look at obedience, and hurriedly stood up and smiled at Lu Yang: "This is Qu Yuan's descendants who are obedience. It's my doctor from the State of Chu. He is upright. I don’t know how to work it out, so I’m offended Shangjun!"

Lu Yang's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he looked at surrender and said, "You are a descendant of Qu Yuan!"

His voice was surprisingly high, and the surprise in his tone was obvious. Hearing succumbing to the ears, I felt a little relieved for no reason. Then he said, "That's right! Qu Yuan is in blood relatives!"

Lu Yang sighed slightly, and suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "Fuck Wu Ge..." Everyone was surprised at what he said. They didn't expect that the guard would bend the original verses, and this seemingly rude Wufu was also a little knowledgeable!

After listening to Lu Yang's recitation, he was surprised in his eyes, and turned his head and glanced at him in surprise. Although it was only a sweep, it also showed that his attitude had eased a lot at this time. After all, Qu Yuan is also among his ancestors, and he is also quite temperamental!

After waiting for Lu Yang to finish the recitation, he succumbed to this and said: "Unexpectedly, your Excellency would also recite my ancestor's verse!"

Lu Yang sighed when he heard the words: "It's true that I don't conceal each other, it is because of this verse that I started writing for the military!"

The eyes of succumbing to hearing the words flickered again. The impression of Lu Yang suddenly improved! However, he had just spoken coldly to others, and his impression suddenly improved, which was a bit abrupt. Moreover, in his heart he hated the enemies who accompanied these Chu kingdoms.

Therefore, he was very wise to kill this goodwill and smiled coldly: "Oh? Listening to the general's meaning, there are still some verses! I just don't know if you really have a literary talent!" A sentence suddenly made the surrounding air also When it became cold, the officials of Chu State were all frightened, staring at Lu Yang blankly, with a bit of horror in their eyes.

Seeing that Lu Yang was not angry, General Chengshou was relieved, and he was even more happy when he heard his verses that liked Qu Yuan. However, the words of obedience caused him a sudden panic in his heart, and he hurriedly projected a stern look at submission, he was about to make up for Lu Yang. However, Lu Yang suddenly raised his head and said: "The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, the soldiers are fighting back..." This poem changed Liu Bang, and the desolation in the poem was full of vigor and boldness. Even after succumbing to listening, he couldn't help the dark color move slightly.

Others never thought that such a big soldier would even write poetry. Moreover, the poem contains the vigorous spirit, quite the breath of a generation of kings. After waiting for Lu Yang to finish the recitation, he had no choice but to admire his face: "I can't imagine that a guard under Lu Yang's tent could make such a poem! I am very impressed by my submission!" The scene finally eased a little, and the face of bearing was also relieved. A lot easier.

Lu Yang smiled slightly when he saw that his complexion finally improved, and said the outline. Suddenly a voice said: "If it is about writing poems, I believe that no one can compare to the king of Xicheng, Lu Yang. Qingqingziyin, caress about my heart, but for the sake of the king, I am still pondering! If I am not right, Princess Yanran It must have been after hearing this poem that I fell in love with the king of Xicheng. The couple of two gods and goddesses is enviable!"

This person's name is Malay, and he is also a flatterer. There was no opportunity for performance just now, and there was no Xicheng's answer to him. And when Lu Yang stopped, he had an idea, and the flattery came! However, when talking about Lu Yang, many people suddenly became interested, and the women's eyes were full. In the world, if he could be called the most perfect man, it would be Lu Yang. They have the best martial arts, the best poems, the highest status, the most beautiful wife...

After listening to his words, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes. When Lu Yang saw him dark, his heart moved and he understood what he meant. As soon as Malay finished speaking, he laughed and said, "This gentleman has misunderstood. The poem of my throne is not meant to appeal to women!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. Isn't such a poem of true friendship meant for women? But when Lu Yang raised his head, his eyes were leisurely and said: "Speaking of this poem, I have some impressions. It was just after the time when His Majesty attacked the Huns, and the establishment of the Xicheng Kingdom had just begun. Ma Lingduo, but few people assisted him. His Majesty wrote this poem when he was concerned about the situation in Xicheng, meaning that he was hungry for talents!"

After hearing his words, everyone understood, and they couldn't help but admire Lu Yang.

After hearing this, my eyes flashed!

He nodded lightly, and unexpectedly sighed: "The tactics in the chest of the king of Xicheng are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people! He is now the most powerful monarch in the entire world, but he can still run the six kingdoms and make profits for Xicheng. Alas!"

Listening to his sigh, Lu Yang finally smiled in his heart. He hehe smiled and said, "What the sir said! My majesty..." At this point, he seemed to feel that it was impossible to flatter himself, and this submission may not want to listen to him at this time. He haha ​​he laughed and Feng Yi turned around: "In fact, your Majesty is not as admirable as others say. Everyone has problems. The biggest problem of our majesty is..


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