Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 706: Insight

As Lu Yang said, he took out a pamphlet from his arms and handed it to her: "I gave you some relevant information about these things. When you blame him, King Chu will definitely ask. You follow the instructions above. The content should be answered! Of course, if Chu really starts to get closer to you. He will also title some related questions, so you can answer them accordingly!"

Mrs. Li is not good at fighting for power, not because she is stupid, but because of her low-mindedness. Lu Yang believed that he would be able to remember the contents of the booklet. These things are some of his criticisms based on Chu's internal affairs, and the explanations are quite detailed. In the future, the government of Chu will also carry out reforms in this area, so this is also equivalent to a notebook!

After receiving the pamphlet, Mrs. Li smiled and said, "How can you thank you for helping others like this?"

Lu Yang knew that he didn't see him for a few days, how could he not think about it at this time. He smiled slightly, and fumbled with his big hand in her miss. Soon the girl gets emotional...

When Lu Yang left the Chu State Project, he was thinking about how to approach this talent. Suddenly on the way, someone stopped his carriage. Lu Yang was strange for a while. He came in secret this time, and no one should know.

But someone outside said: "This lord, but the messenger of the West City?"

Lu Yang frowned and snorted coldly, "What messenger from Xicheng!"

The man outside the door smiled and said, "Under the commander of the Guards, Lu Chuan, my son, asked me to meet with you!"

Lu Yang's brows became tighter when he heard this, and he didn't think it was from Lu Chuan. How did he know that he came, and most importantly, how much did he know?

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the carriage to follow the man. At the gate of the siege, in front of an arrow tower next to the gate. The carriage stopped now. Lu Yang got out of the carriage and let the general take it up the arrow tower. Above the arrow tower, Lu Chuan stood in front of the window in a uniform. Seeing Lu Yang coming, he waved his hands with a strange expression, and asked his men to step back.

When everyone was gone, Lu Chuan looked at Lu Yang with an angry look in his eyes and said, "Your Excellency is so bold!"

His voice was extremely harsh, and Lu Yang didn't need to think about it to know why. He squinted slightly and looked at Lu Chuan coldly and said, "Oh? What do you mean, sir!"

Lu Chuan snorted coldly: "You are the messenger of Xicheng, my guest of Chu State, dare to commit adultery in my harem. But if it is leaked at this time, whether it is you or Mrs. Li...huh!"

When Lu Yang heard this, there was no fear on his face, and he smiled: "I'm still careful about this. How did you know? How much I hide before going out. How do you know that I entered your Chu country Siege?"

Lu Chuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and the stern look on his face disappeared instantly.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Your Excellency has sent someone to follow me. But the project is your world, so you monitor me more closely! What is the purpose of paying attention to me like this? Is it just to monitor one? Is it the messenger of Chu?"

Lu Chuan blushed when he heard the words, and his face became a little flustered.

Lu Yang looked at her coldly. After a long time, Lu Chuan felt helpless, and Xinyue said sincerely: "My father is right, you are really difficult to deal with!"

Lu Yang smiled, holding his arms and said: "Let's talk! Your Excellency is paying attention to me like this, what is the reason?"

Lu Chuan sighed slightly and said with a wry smile: "This incident starts with the kidnapping of Chufang on that day. Actually, you and Lingyu were not the only ones in the dense forest that day. I was there too!"

Lu Yang's face moved slightly when he heard this. At that time, he only took revenge on Zi Ruanlang Ling Yu, but didn't pay attention to other people. Think about it carefully, how could he not let people pay close attention to Chu Fang so much. Presumably those who monitor themselves, in fact, used to monitor Chu Fang! Chu Fang was in danger that day, even if he rushed there, that was the reason.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Even so, you shouldn't conclude that I am suspicious!"

Lu Chuan snorted coldly: "Of course, you saved Young Master Chu Fang. I should thank you. That's why I didn't intervene when you violently humiliated Young Master Ling Yu. After you left, I also left the dense forest. , But before I left, I found that there were other people in the dense forest!"

Lu Yang's eyes condensed, two cold beams shot out more seriously! Lu Chuan was clever, with a trace of fear on his face, but he still insisted: "One of those people is familiar to me. You know, I have been to Xicheng, although I have not met Lu himself. I was fortunate enough to meet him. The secret guards beside me!"

Lu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Lu Chuan swallowed, and continued: "And those people are obviously from the dark guards. But the dark guards are Lu Yang's guards! Why did they come to Chu? Why did they appear in the dense forest!"

As he said, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yang with blinking eyes: "So I concluded that you are Lu Yang! How could Xicheng King Lu Yang not come to Chu Kingdom! It's a pity that no one has ever been aware of this!"

Lu Yang finally showed a big smile, his face lightened a lot. He smiled leisurely and looked at other Fangs: "Since you know my identity, you dare to threaten me?"

Hearing this, Lu Chuan felt nervous for a while, and swallowed slightly.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Your plan is to pretend not to know my identity and use the matter between me and Mrs. Li to threaten me. Because you know, if I know you know my identity, I will definitely take action against you. And threaten A Xicheng King is in danger, and if you threaten a guard, there will be no Vinyl. But you are still small, Lu Yang!"

Lu Chuan swallowed, nodded and said, "Yes, I'm still a small majesty!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Yes, with this kind of observation and insight, it shows that you are not an ordinary person." He opened his hands and said, "You already know my identity, now you decide what to do?"

Lu Chuan was taken aback, Lu Yang completely broke his plan, and for a while he didn't know what to say! ..


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