Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 713: Chance encounter

Zi Rou lowered her head and muttered, "Think about it, there are also a lot of officials in Xicheng. What if they use power for personal gain?"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Whoever uses power for personal gain, who does not use power for personal gain. When the actual rights far exceed their income, they will use power for personal gain. Now among the nations, the one who does not use power for personal gain!"

Upon hearing this, Zi Rou nodded thoughtfully. Lu Yang continued: "Xicheng never stops the use of power for personal gain. But we also have regulations. This regulation is the law, it is a limit. While obtaining so many benefits, officials cannot violate this law and threaten their own control. This is how it is. Reasonable management methods. At the same time, Xicheng also advocates clean officials! In short, do we feel that it is not worthwhile to violate the law for a little profit. Such officials have not seen the ability to serve in Xicheng!"

Zi Rou nodded when she heard the words. Suddenly he was a little dissatisfied and said: "Listening to what you said, you Xicheng looks very good."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Didn't everyone see the power of Xicheng?"

Zi Rou snorted, "Okay, you're great! It's awkward!"

Lu Yang chuckled, and at this time he had reached the gate of Zi Rou's mansion. Lu Yang told him to dismount and then said: "You must remember, never steal things from Xicheng in the future. Especially don't provoke the secret guards. This time I have me, but you are not. Next time you vote for secret guards, even if it is. If you escape, the dark guards will chase you endlessly! This group of people didn't know what failure was from the beginning! Death is the only ending!"

After hearing this, Zi Rou snorted coldly, "I have guards to protect me, and I belong to the great clan of Chu Kingdom. No matter how great your comfort, you may not kill me!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "What do the face emperors of the dark guard do, not to mention you!" After that, he didn't bother to explain to the girl, and said directly: "I won't tell you, I have other things. I'm leaving!"

Zi Rou glanced at her mouth, although her face didn't pay much attention to it. But in my heart, what Lu Yang said clearly!

Lu Yang returned to the administration, early the next morning. Submission came again. This time the news from Tianya was even worse.

"Jun Chunshen lied about a person's name. He said that the Chu State Inn had a power of 1.6 million, so that the decision of the King of Chu and Xicheng for a while. He also urged the King of Chu. Once he wins Xicheng, Chu will be the best in the world. powerful country!"

Lv Yang cried and laughed with dignity: "Duke Chu believes it?"

Suffering cried and laughed and said, "You have to believe in their persuasion ability. The current minister of Chu State has already begun to mobilize. Chun Shenjun contacted all the officials and has decided to stand with Xicheng!"

Lu Yang opened his hands helplessly: "In other words, they have to stop anyway?"

Suffering nodded, and then sighed a little disappointed: "Brother, I can't help you, let you down!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Brother don't have to say that! You have done your best. If Chu Kingdom fights to the death, we Xicheng won't mind a stop!"

Submissive nodded helplessly and said: "No matter, if I forget the truth and decide to stop, I can only participate in it. I hope our relationship will not be affected!"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "Brother, don't mind. It is impossible for us to be affected in any way!"

After succumbing to this, he nodded, chatted for a few words, and he quickly left.

Lu Yang thought for a while and decided to go to the palace first. He is about to leave the Chu country soon, and once it starts, the king of Chu may act on them. Now I can only tell Mrs. Li to explain what might happen. In the palace, Mrs. Li was still reading his pamphlet. Seeing Lu Yang coming, he smiled slightly and said, "Look carefully, I found that your thoughts are sometimes really shocking!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I thought you knew how good I was!"

Mrs. Li's face blushed, and said strangely: "Someone has teased!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "By the way, I'm here to remind you one thing!"

Madam Li put a hand into his arms, looked at him longingly and said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I am leaving Chu country!"

Mrs. Li's body was all over, and her face instantly became cold! He retracted his hand, turned and lowered his head without looking at Lu Yang. Lu Yang smiled and said, "What's the matter, I'm not happy to leave you?"

Mrs. Li sighed again: "When he left, there was evil saying that he was only away for a while! But what happened later? I don't seem to be losing anyone!"

Lu Yang hugged her tightly and said in Chinese, "Don't worry, I won't let you lose me!"

Madam Li sighed slightly, turned around and hugged him tightly and said, "Don't leave me, definitely don't!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you!"

Mrs. Li just smiled and looked at him with a smirk: "Before I leave, I'm going to hollow you out. You have the strength to leave to other monsters!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, then grinned the most...

The carriage was walking in the busy city of Chu State, while Lu Yang lay lazily in the carriage. This Mrs. Li promised to hollow out people. In the end, it wasn't because of his methods that weird ups and downs.

Lu Yang sighed in his heart. Now that he has just risen, he hasn't done anything at all. When she was facing, she said that she was going back to find Chu Fang, this girl. Suddenly a voice said: "Sister Zirou, how long will it take us to arrive!"

Lu Yang was taken aback. He just thought of Chu Fang and heard her voice. He was taken aback for a moment, but listened to Zi Rou's voice and said: "Sister, don't worry, I will be here soon!"

Chu Fang was helpless when he heard the words, glanced at his lips, and suddenly said: "Brother Lu Chuan, don't lie to others, do you know how to cook?"

She is the same as the elf, and can only keep asking questions when she is impatient!

Lu Chuan laughed and said, "You don't have to worry about this. My cooking skills were learned from the accident in Xicheng!"

Chu Fang smiled and said, "Everyone is the best, I believe brother!"

Lu Chuan couldn't help feeling a burst of joy when he heard this. ..


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