Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 881: Sneak attack

Inside the Zhao State Pavilion, it is now heavily guarded. After seeing Lu Yang's strength one day, the people of Zhao Guo never dared to be rampant anymore.

Compared with Zhao people, Qi people actually have more swordsmen. But if you want to say that it is tougher than the people of Zhao, they fight with the Huns all the year round, and the population of Zhao is small, almost every citizen is a soldier. So Zhao Guo somehow rushed to material resources.

Compared with the people of Zhao, the people of Yan also advocate force, but the people of Yan are not very good at their brains, and their teachers like to pick what they can't beat.

Every time Yan Guo took advantage of his position, he ended up in failure. Later, Zhao Guo directly destroyed Yan Guo in a rage.

Nowadays, there are still many people who are not convinced by Zhao Guo's notice of Yan's land IQ. But Han Jing was very smart and adopted a completely different notification method. He continued the reforms of the Zhao Wuling era, and at the same time borrowed from the reforms of Xicheng.

To put it bluntly, his reform was even more successful than Lu Yang's. The reason why Lu Yang reforms are better than him is because the place where Lu Yang reforms is in Xiheng. The people of Xicheng mainly come from refugees and Huns from various countries. These people are more receptive to new ideas!

So if you want to talk about the specifications that best suit the people of this era, you also need to talk about Han Jing's reforms. If Zhao Wang is the same again, this reform will be even better. But Zhao Wang was unlucky. Lu Yang managed to cheer him up again, this guy died unexpectedly.

It was easy for Zhao Guo to get rid of the traitorous ministers, and the upper and lower sides were clear, but Zhao Wang had already died soon. If King Zhao was still alive, Lu Yang's biggest enemy now would probably be him.

But even so, after the burden of the three-sided war, the State of Zhao can still have enough energy to recuperate. Lu Yang can also conquer the State of Zhao when he goes south. But it was difficult for him to ensure that things like Qin Shihuang would not be posted. Therefore, Lu Yang could only watch Zhao Guo develop.

But even so, Lu Yang still has the ally of Qin. As long as Qin Guo stood on his side and relied on Qi Guo and Xicheng's help, he could clamp and store this budding seed with his grandmother.

The soldiers of the Zhao State thought that they were the ones who looked down on the Qi people and he couldn't help being weak. In fact, Qi has the most rangers and the most secret agents. But ordinary people tend to be weaker.

But that day they saw Lu Yang's ability, and the soldiers of the Zhao State no longer dared to look down on the soldiers of the Qi State.

Lu Yang's threat made the people of Zhao Guobe cautious, so their guards became stricter.

As night fell, the bully street fell into silence, and the management gradually became quiet.

The soldiers guarding and taking care of the service did not dare to slacken their eyes, staring at the dark outside of the station, as if there were bear two beasts waiting in the darkness.

Suddenly, a soldier of Zhao Jun seemed to have discovered something, there was no slight cycle. But I saw another figure moving in the dark night.

"What are you doing!" Zhao Jun shouted. He didn't ask if anyone was there, but directly asked what you were doing. If there is no one, of course it is okay, if someone immediately drinks and thinks they have found him.

However, he said a word, and there was no answer in the dark. Zhao Jun breathed a sigh of relief and continued to stare outside.

In the dark eyes, a house IQ, a person tightly covered the mouth of another person. Seeing the relaxed Zhao Jun slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zhao Jun is so tightly guarded, he must be guarding against him!"

Suddenly a voice rang from behind, and the man nodded, letting go of the human who was gagged by him: "Yes! It seems that Zhao Guoren must be guarded against it!"

The voice nodded and said: "We may not succeed in the sneak attack now, do we need to report back to the prince?"

The figure shook his head and said, "No! The assassination must be successful tonight. Otherwise, the people of Zhao will never be able to start with the people of Qi!"

The figure behind him nodded and said, "But now the raid is impossible to succeed!"

The figure smiled coldly, and he said: "It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not, as long as you can kill a few people. Isn't Zhao Guoren the same as Qi Guoren?"

Hearing what he said, the eyes of the figure behind him flashed, and he nodded and said, "Mr.'s right. Shall we do it now?"

The man nodded and said, "Yes, let the archer get ready!"

The man hurried down upon hearing this. After a while, countless archers on the houses around Zhao Guoxing in the dark were ready!

Zhao Jun's guard state arrived at midnight, and he was tired. His eyelids are beginning to heavier, and he has the meaning of going to sleep. Suddenly there was a flash of light in the sky, and a rocket volleyed away!

The Zhao Jun guard suddenly shrank his pupils, showing a surprised look.

"Sneak attack..." He yelled before he could vent, flying arrows into his chest, and the man was shocked and closed his eyes forever.

But without his big box, all the guards saw the rocket, and suddenly many people shouted. However, they hadn't yelled out yet, and Feishi's eyes penetrated their throats.

Then, countless shadows walked from the roof to Zhao Guoxing.

People in black rushed in. However, they did not encounter the expected resistance, and there was no sound at all in Zhao Guo's house, as if Zhao Guo soldiers hadn't woken up.

A pair of cold eyes looked at the quiet Zhao Guoxing, and said, they should have been awakened at this time, is it that Zhao Guoren sleeps so heavily. Thinking of this, he waved to the people in black and asked them to look at the house. He quietly pried open the door of a house.

Inside the house, there was a huge prototype table. Several heavy breathing sounds came from the table. It should be Zhao Jun who was already asleep. Those who have lost a lot of money are overjoyed, that's why! None of the Zhao people fell asleep. An icy dagger appeared in his hands, and the man quietly approached a Zhao Guoren, and the dagger sneaked over that man's neck. Knowing that with one stroke, this person will lose his name. But this is just one or two of his many characters, so he didn't care about it.

However, when his Biman Ang just reached the opponent's throat, a voice suddenly came out: "Brother, do you come to me for tea when you stay up most of the night?"..


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