Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 996: Happy ending

Outside the dungeon, Lu Yang said bitterly: "Bring it back in, you can be more sensational! Don't talk about his brothers, that is, your feelings for him!"

Opposite him, Han Bin blinked with a pair of mung bean eyes, and nodded as if he didn't understand, "Don't worry, general!"

Seeing her appearance, Lu Yang felt a little worried. He is really worried that this person will not work, will he help his pick-up plan work?

But this is not the time to regret. He nodded your head and said: "Don't worry, if you intercede for him like this, maybe she will be moved!"

Han Bin was taken aback when he heard the words, and his bull's eyes widened and said: "Mr Ma is not sure if she will be emotional?"

Lu Yang suddenly cried and laughed when he heard the words: "Am I your wife, I am responsible for getting you a hand if I give you a chance?"

Han Bin Shanshan smiled and blushed, "This general is rude!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, he is just a woman, not a tiger!"

Han Bin touched his nose and said, "Yes! If she is a tiger, I will be a male tiger!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "That's good, you can enter!"

Han Bin nodded when he heard the words and quietly entered the dungeon. The dungeon was dark and damp, and he had just entered, and a rotten breath came. He quietly fumbled inside.

In the darkness, a sound of shackles suddenly sounded. Han Bin's expression shifted, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

Soon, he adjusted to the darkness inside. Taking advantage of his scalp, he looked inside, his face changed. However, a beautiful figure inside was falling on the iron chain on all sides.

Han Bin felt distressed for a while. He had heard Lu Yang say that the girl must have suffered some pain now, otherwise he would not be grateful at all. But how did he know that the girl suffered such a beating!

Han Bin sighed for a while before he whispered, "Sister Rourou?"

Suddenly, a sound of iron chains sounded. He frowned, his voice a little nervous: "Girl?"

There was a sound of iron chains in the room. Soon, a weak voice said: "What did you press?"

Han Bin felt even more distressed when he heard this voice, and a row of thighs said, "Oh my mother! This Wu Tian is really not a thing. Such a beautiful beauty is tossed like this. If it weren't for him, I am now Just go out and beat him!"

At this time, even though she was bound by chains, the girl cried and laughed when she heard this nondescript sentence. She spit on her forehead and coughed: "Wu Tian? You are the person I miss most now!"

Han Bin didn't cry for a moment and couldn't get it: "What do you feel about killing me! I asked you at that time. You can't fight!"

Jing Liang cried and laughed in his heart when he heard the words. You are a bad guy, can't you see it? She gave a cold snort and wanted to scold Han Bin, but at this time she had no energy.

The penalty designed by Lu Yang was first used by Norwegians. It is to tie the limbs to the body and hang the whole person. Because of the weight of a person, the tibial joints will loosen, and over time there will be an unbearable pain.

Although Jing Liang was trained, this kind of pain was not generally endurable. This is how Lu Yang could think of the most appropriate punishment to make the girl suffer without harming his body.

He also didn't want Han Bin to have wounds on his body when he got married, and Han Bin Dongfang would scold himself.

The girl has been hanging here for more than half an hour, and the pain on her body can be imagined.

When Han Bin finished speaking, when he did not speak, he moved his lips and wanted to speak. But with a thousand words, I can't speak at all at this time. He fought helplessly for a while, and had no choice but to squat down to look at the girl and said, "Are you so uncomfortable?"

The girl didn't bother to talk to him, but she still snorted to answer.

Han Bin continued to cry and laugh, "I said you don't want to be so hard-talking. If you really don't like me, you can just give it a shot. Pretend to agree to me. When I let you go, where do you like to go and where to go!"

The girl snorted again, unmoved!

Han Bin did it once, and said in the last row of thighs: "Oh my mother! What is this. I have been a hero for a lifetime. Today is really hard to come. You said no matter how you raise it, give me a sentence. Words. This makes people feel distressed!"

He sounded a little sad. The girl finally moved. He snorted and said in a weak voice: "You are the messenger of the Kingdom of Zhao. My brother is a swordsman from the Kingdom of Yan. Even if I decide to follow you, can you give up your fame and marry me? "

Han Bin was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "You are the remnant of Yan Kingdom!"

Jing Liang smiled coldly when he heard the words: "What do you think!"

Han Bin furrowed his brows, and said a little unwillingly: "Neither did he say anything!"

Jing Liang snorted coldly: "You leave now! It's no use staying here!"

Han Bin shook his head after hearing this, "I will take you away if I want to go! You are now my daughter-in-law! How can I keep you here and suffer reasonably!"

After hearing the words, Jingliang frowned and said: "You didn't hear clearly? If you marry me. Losing control is small. It is likely to be the most Zhao countryman because of this!"

Han Bin said in a row of thighs: "If my queen mother really thinks that way. Han Bin can't help it. That man can watch his woman suffer here. Although I am a big boss, I am a man anyway!"

Jing Liang was all over, and finally stopped talking. Han Bin sighed and sighed: "Oh! Now it seems that I can only send a letter to the queen mother first. If the queen mother blames, I will go back and plead for the crime. But this requires you to agree to my marriage. I am a man of temper. It’s a little bit older, but it’s still very good to my wife...

He talked for a long time, but never saw the girl answer. Only then did Han Bin come back to his senses, frowned and said, "Girl?"

A voice in the dungeon said: "You let me down first!" Han Bin was overjoyed when he heard this, and Li stepped forward to write down the girl. The girl was exhausted in his arms. Han Bin finally moved the girl, excited in his heart, but did not dare to offend the girl too much, and quickly said with concern: "Are you all right!"..


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