Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 1073: Comer

On the way back, Ji Yanran saw Lu Yang's pensive look, and couldn't help but curiously said: "What's the matter? The horse looks thoughtful!"

Lu Yang frowned when he heard the words, and thought about it: "Ben Ma just heard what the princess said. So he thought of one thing. That is whether it is possible to use the Kongming Lantern to hold a festival. People who want to come to Qi have never seen this thing, so Ben If you try Lycra, you must have an extraordinary effect!"

Ji Yanran was taken aback when she heard the words, frowning and said: "What the horse is saying is that this method should have some effect!"

Lu Yang nodded and continued: "Yes! If it is Deng Jie. You can return the people from the shadow of the massacre. At the same time, you can also advocate the Confucian culture... ahem. I heard that Miss Yanran is in the Confucianism Culture!"

Ji Yanran's eyes brightened upon hearing this, and she clapped her hands: "Yes, this kind of festival, if it is the main board of Confucianism. People also have reasons to directly participate in Taoist Confucian activities!"

Lu Yang's idea was so amazing, it made them too excited. If it can be carried out in accordance with Lu Yang's plan, this plan will surely be very successful.

However, his words came too suddenly. Bai Su's face changed slightly after hearing his words, and he almost turned his head to look at Ji Yanran.

The sentence Ji Yanran just now didn't sound like a polite sentence, as a woman. He can clearly feel the intimacy in it.

But Ji Yanran and Lu Yangdou were used to this kind of behavior, so they didn't notice it at first. Seeing Ji Yanran so happy, Lu Ang smiled and said, "Yes, if so. We can smoothly slash this effect!"

The two people were talking in front, Bai Su followed behind, and it could be said that their hearts were extremely agitated.

Is it suitable for Ji Yanran to be so close to Xianggong? Why is she so close to Xiang Gong?

Such a problem could not help but surfaced in Bai Su's heart. The more she thought about it, the more she felt wrong, and the more shocked she felt. Is it possible that a mate and him...

Bai Su raised his head and looked at the two people quietly. He has already felt that there must be something between the two people. No wonder Ji Yanran yells for a single meeting every time she comes. She didn't doubt anything at first, after all, Lu Yang didn't take a concubine, indicating that he was not a lustful blade.

However, Ji Yanran is different. How can a beauty like him have no other thoughts.

But he is the princess of Xicheng, if you let Lu Yang know about this...

The more Bai Su thought about it, the more scared he became. Sales couldn't help but tighten the reins. After a while, he stabbed a bitter smile, feeling that, sir, sir, you want to provoke girl Yanran.

This matter has been entangled in his heart, and finally Bai Su sighed slightly. No matter what, you must tell Lu Yang to clear up the relationship with this woman. This is a big deal, and the Xianggong may be well! Thinking of this, he quickened his horseshoe, interspersed between the two and smiled at Lu Yang: "Msang Gong, discuss Songming with Miss Yanran!"

Lu Yang was talking about what Daoguang was happy about. At this time, he only smiled when he heard what he said: "We are creating a festival for Qi country--day!"

Bai Su was stunned when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "How do you plan to make a festival!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Today you also saw the one who can fly into the sky. Think about it carefully, if we can make a lot of this stuff and distribute it to the people. The people must also be very novel. If such things happen every year. Once, it’s not the end of the day. Moreover, this matter has been advocated by Confucianism. It is what Miss Yanran and I want!"

As he said, he smiled slightly and said: "Although Confucianism is not ambitious now, it also has some ways. If it can be advocated, it will lead other Confucian disciples to gather in our Qi. The rise of Xicheng is the Mohist school. Why are we? Can't rely on Confucianism?"

Bai Su nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words.

On the way, Ji Yanran was in charge, and he left the two and went back. On the way back, Bai Su frowned and said, "Xicheng advocates the Mo School. He also knows the power of the Mo School. Naturally, he also knows the power of Confucianism. How can Girl Yanran help us?"

Lu Yang frowned upon hearing this, and his brows were furrowed. For a long time, he didn't want the accused to participate in this matter. But Bai Su could see one of them. However, Lu Yang had been prepared for a long time, and he smiled after hearing the words: "Xicheng also wants to get closer to Confucianism, but Confucianism wants to be domineering, so he doesn't want to cooperate with them at all."

Bai Su frowned when he heard the words and said, "I think Xicheng may not have a good mind this time. This piece of Ji Yanran ran to our Qi country to let those students scatter every day. He must have tried!"

When Lu Yang heard the words, his heart shook, Bai Su has never been so thick and dark. Why is he so nervous today. He coughed: "Uh...what happened to Susu today? Why do you suddenly start to doubt Girl Yanran?"

Bai Su frowned when he heard the words, "It's not that I suspected him, but his state of mind was too suspicious. It's better to have less contact with him. Besides, he is the princess of Xicheng after all. In case Xicheng lets him come this time, roommate What an inexpensive mind!"

Lu Yang frowned tightly. Seeing him thinking deeply, Bai Su thought his words and prayers worked. Even if Lu Yang likes Ji Yanran's headquarters again, let's go to Xicheng for him. His mind is still on Qi.

However, Lu Yang smiled slightly and said: "Well, Confucian affairs, you don't need Yanran girl. I can do this myself!"

Bai Su was overjoyed when he heard the words, nodded and said, "It's great that Xiang Gong has such thoughts!"

He heard Lu Yang smile and said, "However, you still need your help in this matter!"

When Bai Su heard the words, he frowned and said, "Me? How can I help you?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "This is natural and simple. This is natural, and Ji Yanran is a symbolic princess as well. Since it is a matter of Qi, it is natural that the princess of Qi will do it! You and I, together tonight People who drink Confucianism planned this!"..


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