Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 12 Chapter 43: Ling Luoshi Diving

Thinking of the importance of the garrison of the capital, Fire Phoenix immediately became cautious.

"No! If this envoy Jiang Ying is really a murderer, I'm afraid his defensive camp may not be clean. We have to report to the emperor as soon as possible!"

Does it need you to teach me?

Lu Yang snorted: "Of course we have reported this news a long time ago. Don't worry, the emperor has already sent General Wang and a group of people over."

"By the way, what did you guys talk about just now? Look at the sad and frowning face."

Since that was the case, Fire Phoenix relaxed, and remembering what she had heard outside the door, she asked again.

With a cold-blooded sneer, "Just now a little Envoy Jiang Ying scared you. I'm worried that if we talk too much, it really scared you."

Lu Yang waved his hand and smiled: "Don't be afraid, anyway, the princesses in this palace still lack a bed to accompany."

The fire phoenix said with a serious face: "Don't be kidding! Is it still involving a higher-level figure?"

"I also just learned that our Prime Minister and General Zhenyuan are both involved in this case."

Apparently Ruthless was also very shocked by the news, and didn't say it until then.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard what he said, the fire phoenix got up from the chair with a "jerk".

"What? Are these two big men involved?"

With a look of shock written on the face of the little girl, she looked at Lu Yang incredulously and said, "My lord, you are really a troublemaker. Why did you get both of them in?"

Hey, does this chick blame me?

How come you pour a basin of footwashing water on my easy-to-handle case, Master?

Lu Yang spread his hands together: "It's not that I love to cause troubles, but it's these things that have caused me. Now you turn around and talk about me. Do you say that I am wronged by the young master?"

Fire Phoenix tried to calm down, and said in a deep voice, "Okay! Now that things are like this, we have no choice. Who said we are six doors?"

This little girl seemed to have made a lot of determination: "Say, what are we going to do next?"

This is the correct attitude when handling a case.

Lu Yang was very satisfied with the performance of this chick.

He nodded and said, "I know, whether it is Prime Minister Cai or General Ling, they are all characters who pass the sky. Therefore, we must be extremely careful when we investigate them!"

"In pursuit of your life, you are still fighting in the trap below, and you have done enough superficial effort to perform this good show of arresting Jiang Yingshi."

Hearing Lu Yang's instructions, he hurriedly said, "My lord, don't worry, my ancestors ran an opera garden. I promise to play this play for you!"

This guy took his life and was anxious in his heart, and left the Catch God's Mansion overnight. This was an illusion that he planned to be arrested overnight.

"My lord, shall we go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to investigate?"

Cold-blooded is worthy of being a little pepper, that is, a master who is not afraid of fear.

Lu Yang waved his hand and smiled: "No. I still have a few doubts to analyze with you."

This is about to close the network, why are you here again a few doubts?

Upon hearing Lu Yang's words, the group of people was stunned and looked at his face together.

"My little master, I just said that the smell of spices on my body came from this general's mansion. Why did we see this scent in this prime minister's mansion today?"

The iron hand thought while saying: "Could it be that there are two groups of Western Regions here?"

Do you think you are here to travel, and do you have two batches of Western Regions?

Lu Yang obviously disagrees with this statement.

"This is really puzzling!"

Cold-blooded frowning and said: "Why don't we just divide the troops into two groups and investigate the situation of the prime minister's mansion one way, and then run to the general's mansion to investigate on the other."

Lu Yang couldn't help thinking of the little girl who was taking a shower that he finally met in General Zhenyuan's Mansion.

But he waved his hand and said, "No!"

Seeing that everyone was watching him with doubts, Lu Yang said again: "No matter what the reason, today we have seen people's tight defenses at this prime minister's mansion. Besides, this old man Cai loves flowers like his life. It’s not good that the defense in this courtyard is even more stringent. If we are caught by others, it will be no good."

It doesn't work when I hear it, and it doesn't work either, cold-blooded can't help being a little discouraged.

"Oh, how come the more we know now, the more we are at a loss when we start a case?"

This little girl thought that on the first day, Lu Yang could still take herself to the brothel for a happy life, but now it's better, she can only sleep in this mansion.

"All right, you."

Fire Phoenix rolled his eyes and said, "You can be content! My mother, I will have to spend a day with those little girls tomorrow."

"Didn't you already come out of the palace? Why are you still serving those princesses?"

He gave her a cold-blooded look, wondering why the Phoenix had to catch up with others?

Fire Phoenix said angrily: "Do you think my old lady is willing? It's not that they are going to have a poem meeting."

Speaking of the embarrassment of these princesses, the little girl suddenly became energetic: "Hey, you don't know, these golden branches and jade leaves are frightened by this headless case. Although we caught the real murderer, they still begged me. Be with you, can you say I can refuse?"

Oh, is there anything else?

Lu Yang smiled and said: "It will be good to do poems! Poetry can cultivate sentiment. I will accompany you tomorrow, my little master."

Tie Shou's eyes also brightened: "My lord, I think our brothers are also idle and nothing. It's better to follow you to cultivate and cultivate sentiment."

Seeing the boy's thoughts, Lu Yang sneered: "You want to go too? But this is not possible at this time. I just have a few things you need to do."

He looked around at the few people in front of him and changed his usual joke.

"This time, the people we are going to investigate are not trivial. With the manpower of our six doors alone, I'm afraid it won't be possible..."

With a cold-blooded heart, he blurted out: "My lord, are you planning to integrate this world's fast-catching forces?"

The little girl said again: "As early as when I was patrolling the room, I saw that the adults had to win the accountant from the staff, and it must have a profound meaning, and it seems like that now."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes! Now the situation is extraordinary. I guess the situation will be more complicated in the future. Therefore, we must strengthen ourselves!"..


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