Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 12 Chapter 77: Two old guys do the game

It turned out to be so.

Lu Yang pondered for a while, thinking about the ins and outs of this matter.

Cold-blooded has long been so angry.

How else should she be called Little Pepper?

"Mother, my lord, isn't this easy?"

The little girl said angrily: "First, investigate whether the officer who invaded the fertile land has any reasonable procedures? Then, shouldn't they be held accountable for killing and wounding the villagers?"

Master Sansi waited for her to rush upwards, and immediately slapped her thigh and shouted: "Well, that's it! Didn't my old man just talk about it? This matter is not complicated, it is simple That's awesome!"

"grown ups,"

Cold-blooded didn't know that he had already gotten into trouble, and he felt triumphant after receiving such a hot yam.

"My lord, please allow me and Xiaofeng to come to the south of the Yangtze River, and the two of us will take care of this matter."

What do you do? If you really did that, your teacher would save this trouble until today?

Lu Yang gave the little girl a glance, and ignored her.

"Sansi...old man,"

At the critical moment, he finally changed the three words "old man" back: "You said that this matter was mentioned to my senior. How long has it been?"

"How long will it take?"

This person is old and confused after all.

The old man Sansi raised his head for a moment, and showed a questioning look at the Queen Mother.

He is getting older, so the age of the queen dowager is even older.

The old couple thought about it for a long time and couldn’t figure it out, but Su'e, who had not spoken, said timidly, “It’s been five months since I got back to my lord. Today, the slave and maid received a letter from home. The place marks the day."

More than five months have passed since I heard that the murderer is still at large.

The victim was still being held in a prison, which made these two chicks angry.

"My lord! What are we waiting for?"

Fire Phoenix also got anxious eyes: "I think cold-blooded and I will rush to Jiangnan today to see who is so brave and doing such arrogant things?"

Lord, what am I waiting for? I am dumbfounded at you two silly girls!

Lu Yang was so miserable by these two chicks this time. Before he could speak, the empress dowager spoke.

"Yes, yes, yes! Xiaofeng and cold blood are right!"

This old lady wants to put a rope on Lu Yang, and it is easy to do this.

"The Aijia also thinks that you should rush to the south of the Yangtze River immediately and give the people justice, so that is what we should do in the patrol house and the six doors!"

Now that everything was said to be the case, Lu Yang could only watch as he slipped into the "big trap" created by others.

"Since the Queen Mother has spoken, Xiaoye, let's start now."

He said to start, but his feet stood still on the spot.

He pondered for a moment, then blinked his eyes and asked, "Queen dowager, do you think we are acting on orders?"

You have to find out about this matter. You must know that there are many benefits in the four characters of "doing on purpose".

"Hehe, this matter, after all, is Su'e's family affair, if the Ai's family participates too much, I am afraid it will be bad."

Upon hearing Lu Yang's words, the old lady began to play Tai Chi.

I’ve long expected that you won’t give Lao Tzu a "Shang Fang Sword"!

If you really do things on an order, I'm afraid that old man Zhuge will not delay this matter until now.

It wasn't until this time that the two cold-blooded little bewildered ponders came over. It seemed that this matter was not as simple as the old fox said by Master Sansi.

There is a famous hall in it!

On the way back, these two chicks seemed to be children in trouble, and they didn't dare to show their teeth and claws.

Lord Sansi was very particular, not only agreed to Lu Yang's request, but also arranged two old accountants to help Wang Yiqing complete the handover of the accounts of the patrol house.

Even if Wang Yiqing is clever, this property is not his specialty after all, and it is impossible for every teacher to guide him.

Returning to the mansion, he hesitated for a long time and finally said, "My lord, don't be angry with the two of us. You also know that the two of us are the temper of the donkey. Once we get stronger, we won't be able to pull the eight cows back."

You still know that you are a donkey temper!

Lu Yang gave the two chicks amusedly, and to their surprise, the storm did not come.

"It's okay, I don't know you two, Master?"

Lu Yang waved his hand and said: "Since these three old men and empress dowagers are old, the old people work together to design us, even if you don't agree to it, it won't work."

Now the two cold-blooded people can be considered to have seen what this old ghost is.

The fire phoenix curled his lips and said, "Hmph, these three old men look good-looking, they didn't think about the bad water!"

Speaking of this, cold-blooded suddenly said: "Hey, you said our teacher, what way did you figure out at that time to block this matter?"

"What block? Isn't it a drag trick?"

Lu Yang explained the truth in a single word: "All things are afraid of dragging. If you drag the cooked duck for a long time, it may not fly away, but it must smell bad."

He also remembered something, and asked the two chicks intently: "At that time, my senior didn't really mention this to your disciples?"

The fire phoenix’s mouth is more exaggerated than the crab hole: "Our teacher didn’t mention a word. Are you really a fool? If we knew it was not easy, when we were in the palace, we would not I promised it."

This is also true!

When thinking about these two chicks trying to torture themselves, they said that they showed the clever energy, which also made Lu Yang shook his head.

"Well, don't think about it."

In the end he finally decided: "Since this matter has fallen on us, let's not shirk it. I always feel that my unlucky brother suddenly lives in seclusion, and has some connection with this matter."

"My lord, don't you suspect that our teacher was also imprisoned by these people?"

Lengxue's eyes widened suddenly, showing an expression of seeing a ghost.

"You really dare to think about it when you are detained!"

Lu Yang raised his hand and clicked on the chick's forehead a few times, and suddenly patted his own head, as if he had suffered a lot.

"Oh, it's broken, it's broken! This is a big deal, my lord!"

Seeing him like this, the cold-blooded two immediately became nervous: "What's wrong with your lord? What's the matter?"

Hey! I also asked, it doesn’t matter if I go out, Xiaoye, these two chicks are completely pornographic! ..


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