Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 523: : The trough

Although Somado is still able to free up so many missiles, it is now in the city with various obstacles, and roads must be considered to prevent missile collisions, which will invisibly accelerate the consumption of his mental power.

Somado gritted his teeth and controlled the missile again. This time he forcibly controlled three.

"The soul is not scattered!" Lu Yang saw the three missiles behind him accelerate, and under the airship, up to 91 was advancing at the same speed, possibly rising at any time.

No one spoke in the control room. Everyone knows that Lu Yang cannot be disturbed at this critical moment, but everyone's complexion is not very good, including Xueyi.

I just used the contraction of the wings to escape the two missiles, but now three of them are in the same position and are faster than the previous one. The energy of the airship is almost exhausted and the speed is extremely slow. Next, it is very difficult to escape again.

Fortunately, in complex cities, if they are in the open air, they may be shot down by missiles.

Lu Yang frowned. He was not sure this time. After all, the energy of the airship is not much, and the indicator light that represents the energy keeps flashing. "We don't have much energy, we are ready to make an emergency landing!"

This sentence made everyone feel a little flustered, especially, this guy just woke up from a coma, listened to Lu Yang's words, looked at the situation outside the window, directly said the words of my God, and fainted again.

Scoul unfastened his seat belt, then stood up and said, "Open the deck, we will be hit when we die, and I will knock it down."

"Be careful! I will try my best to get you back and make an emergency landing!" Lu Yang reminded him that he knew the protagonist's abilities.

Without a word, he walked out of the control room.

It must be said that at this speed, standing on the deck and attacking the enemy is very dangerous, and a careless person will fall. But now there is no way. The consequences of being hit by a missile are unimaginable.

Lu Yang tried to maintain the airship at an average speed and turned on surveillance on the deck. And appeared on the deck. I saw Skal take out his gun knife and stared at the missile group behind the airship. He shouted "Ha" and raised his hands. A huge beam of light was formed directly above the barrel, and it went directly into the sky. In the spring, they are still on the space station, and they will be surprised to find that the beam of light actually rushed out of the earth.

"Break through the restricted area!" Skaul whispered, his hand flew forward, and the barrel was a huge appearance on the side of the beam of light.

When Skoll attacks, try to avoid attacking the building, but this will inevitably lead to accidental damage.

Ward was sitting in the bar drinking. There were not many guests in the bar at this time. There were a few people. Ward was a little bored watching the TV report above the counter. There is a fierce air battle in the picture. A warship and robot that have never been seen before are chasing an airship like a dragon. Behind the end of the airship are dozens of missiles.

"Is this a movie? How does the airship look like the dusk of the gods?" Ward, who didn't realize that the news was on the scene, said freely, and poured another glass of wine.

"Huh? This place is very familiar, it seems..." The photo flashed across a bar, and then I saw a magnificent pillar above the bar fall quickly...

"Huh? This is... the trough, it's here, it's not good, everyone is running!" Ward shouted, and the powerful energy fluctuations outside made Ward slam back subconsciously, causing The split of the bar. Secondly, there is a break of about three meters in the middle, like being cut off by a huge knife. Fortunately, Ward reminded that the number was small but there were no casualties. ..


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