Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 647: : The King’s Blessing

The strength of other strong players is not hard to guess. For example, leaders of various camps such as Silvanas estimate that the strength is definitely more than the Terminator. If the Burning Legion commander Sargeras, it is estimated that he will have to fight at least one Terminator team.

After dizziness, Lu Yang did not panic. Since he exposed his dark power with his hands, he did not intend to hide it. This is the main reason why he opened them with Guo Zhihua's anger. In fact, there is a thunderbolt. With the help of the dwarves, Lu Yang planned to swallow the general from the beginning, but Guo Zhihua's nuclear bomb made his plan more convenient.

"Bark surgery!"

"Blessing from the King!"

Lu Yang added two auxiliary skills for the first time. At the same time, four adjutants rushed to Revelal and TongHamLee.

Revelal also faced the druids and troll priests, and other beautiful demon wizards and orc shamans were running around.

You must know that these four adjutants can be high-ranking officers, and their strength is far stronger than the original hoof and black hoof. Revelal became a giant bear for the first time, resisting only two people, but was soon suppressed. However, she was an archdruid, and her strength was not weak, plus an alchemist, drinking a few bottles of potion, it seemed that the problem was not big.

However, Li Gang and the enemy on the other side of the copper hammer just complained and was repeatedly hit by the orc shaman, forcing him to often release his flash healing, and try to dodge and defend, and counterattack effortlessly. After all, TongHamLee is just an elite captain. He could not fight with senior officers.

Lu Yang was attacked by General Frostwolf, and his life continued to decline, forcing Lu Yang to use darkness to walk almost irresistibly. However, he did not use the dark walk to escape, but he did not want to overuse the dark power. The incident that Doffer found gave him a reminder.

What Lu Yang needs to do is to persevere and wait for the support of General Thunder Pike, not to mention the opportunity to fight one-on-one with the strong. This is what he looks forward to most. This is an uphill battle. Although Lu Yang's injuries continued, he was intoxicated. The weapon he used was not a gun and knife. On the contrary, he is a newly bought flame rod. General Frostwolf has never encountered a melee used with employees. But this time he not only met, but also felt bad.

After the initial charge, General Frostwolf continued to attack and was caught off guard by his vitality. But at this moment, Lu Yang waved the flame wand in his hand, blocking most of the attacks.

However, Lu Yang was not very good, and the disadvantage of strength made him feel that the staff was about to get rid of the hand with the opponent's weapon every time, and his arm was numb several times. However, in this short battle, he gradually discovered the fighting characteristics of General Frostwolf.

Everyone has unique fighting habits. Some people are good at fists, some are good at weapons, some are accustomed to avoiding counterattacks, and more people rely on their own strength to crush.

The average Frostwolf is undoubtedly the latter. The difference is that while crushing opponents with his own power, his fighting skills and experience are also very rich.

Unlike the generals in the real world who only need to command from the rear, the generals in "World of Warcraft" themselves are powerful expressions of personal power. This phenomenon is particularly prominent in the tribal camp that advocates power. The Frostwolf generals often hurried to the front. Even though he is currently sitting in Alterac, he occasionally leads the team in charge. ..


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