Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 925: : Out of the shadows

"I was hit by you." "There is a strange bug in that hole. Isn't it dying?" He said in a soft voice, "I was knocked down by you, and I have no strength."

He said, "Didn’t you just say that the monster in this cave was attacked by poison? It has done it once, thinking it can’t do it anymore, and at that time the monster was hit by Ayun, although He didn't kill him." But let it suffer a heavy blow, and its strength is greatly reduced. With your great respect for the master, I am afraid that it will still not be able to turn that monster into. "

Ake said, "Son, I'm a small man."

"Stop talking nonsense, go in." Before this sentence, the priest suddenly kicked out a series of legs, kicking really accurately and fiercely, only to see the pointed body walk all the way into the dark hole.

Kicked his cold foot to the entrance of the cave, then stopped talking, just glanced at his intently eyes, and walked into the hole in the dark corner. He stopped and looked outside. Those eyes were like snakes. Light, light.

However, he did not know that he looked inside his heart secretly. When a sword smashed strange insects from him in all directions, he said softly to the mouth of the cave: "Give you a pillar, If you don’t help you take it out, I will make your head move." "A strange smile, with a move in my heart, the hole in the neck suddenly tightened, but before he entered the hole, the neck broke. Silk wound.

The person's voice just fell, with a "bang", a loud noise suddenly came from the hole, and some small stones actually flew out of the hole, seeming to be the crushed stone fragments.

However, this close relative did not care. One hand kept swinging the long sword, and a strange bug came on his back, while the other hand suddenly took out a sausage from Shu's hand and took a bite. The taste is actually very good, very good. Hearing that he was going to stay here for a month, he returned to Shenghai, walked into a restaurant, spent thousands of stars, and bought a few large tables of food to Shu.

When I was waiting to eat the sausage, I didn't know how long to wait. I only heard a few strange noises suddenly coming from a few holes, and I saw a person walking out of the shadows.

Just when the man just walked out of the hole, the entire hole suddenly became bright, his eyes shrunk into a line, and he looked back, holding a "cone" in his hand, and it was shining.

Feeling the fluctuation of his natural power as much as his own broken silk, he smiled and said: "Okay, really good, let's go, out of this valley first," he smiled and said, "OK, really Okay, go, get out of this valley first." At the end of the conversation, one hand picked up the surprising hand and quickly walked out of the valley.

He came out of the valley, came under a big tree, threw him down, then smiled, took the French soldier's hand from his hand, put it in his hand, and then he looked at him.

But found that this person is now out of breath, breathing very little, the whole person has reached the time to die, and may die at any time, which makes this person not encourage surprise at all.

At this time, he found six small holes in his chest with some black liquid on it. On the grass blades, it was a kind of fleshy, and then black smoke.

Looking at the six holes, it felt a little familiar. After careful thinking, it was found that the positions of these six holes and the six-star monster were the same. ..


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