Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 933: : That's too much

"It's just that this person attacked Lu Yang and beat Lu Yang!" Suddenly, an intermittent voice sounded, but among the six people who had just arrived, one refers to a biracial child pointing to that biracial child.

Seeing this man, his face immediately turned pale. This person is one of the people who survived the battle just now. At that time, he wanted to give up everything again, but at first the time was a bit slow. On the other hand, he was not a person who was born easy to be killed. It is that these people are not dangerous to themselves, will not start, but do not want to, but now they have brought themselves a fatal crisis.

He looked at the man, then smiled at the twelve people around him, and said, "It seems that what I said today, are you going to kill me?"

"This is a very important question, you will die." The leader said bluntly.

Hearing these words, he smiled calmly and said: "My life is here, if you have the ability!" The voice was unpredictable, and his people were wrapped in silver light before they fell. , Immediately tore the air into pieces, into the fire outside the envelope. applaud-.

"Bang!" There was thunder and thunder, black, gray, red and silver echoed each other. Suddenly, 12 people came up with a bunch of things of different colors. They were completely connected together to form a strange cross shape.

After a while, the quality of the light became heavier, and the division of the air gradually decreased. In the sound of almost no explosion, everything returned to its original state. The flash, lightning, and air impact between them seemed to have never happened. The same.

The half-cooked fell and fell to the ground, forcing the throat to flow down from the smell of blood, but the twelve people still trapped in the siege.

"Well, that's too much!" Suddenly, a melancholy voice came from a distance, "On the ten-side line, even the strong will be killed, not to mention your small potato."

The ten-sided strike is not a dangerous and vicious strike, but a joint strike. It will not only go through various efforts, but also be suppressed to a certain extent.

"It's really difficult this time." In the dark, his eyes slowly swept over the people present. Ten strong people gathered here and could have their own lives. Now they put down their French siege and became desperate. soil of.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the shocked doctor’s general sense of crisis, and said faintly: “We share the joys and sorrows with ten masters, and we have also laid down the formation method. You can really look up to me!”

Suddenly, a person went to heaven and smiled and said, "How can Lu Yang not notice that you have turned these two powerful forces into one's power?"

"If Lu Yang has nothing to do with him, Lu Yang will kill him as soon as possible, and then Lu Yang will kill him, and then leave. Lu Yang does not just hear the sound of a war. If other troops come in, it is too That's awful." A man said, staring closely into his eyes.

"Then send him on the road!" As soon as the man said, the surrounding aperture became very sharp, and twelve people flew towards him at the same time, each holding a slender sword in his hand.

Nowhere to hide!

"Damn, spell it out." He was also in a hurry, and the space had just shrunk to half. At that moment, the two powers were completely fused. He attacked the strongman on the right, only to find that he was not at all, on the contrary, the corners of his mouth were also It's a bit uncomfortable. With a faint smile, suddenly a tight heart suddenly realized that it was not good. ..


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