Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 940: : What speed

He flew up and stopped running, because he knew that under normal circumstances, his speed could not be compared with this person. Unless the soul is fully integrated, he cannot frame him anyway. But whether it is the complete fusion of two souls or four powers, it is a great harm to the body. If it is not necessary, he will not use it.

"Ah, why don't you run, run again, I want to see if anyone in the world can match my speed!" Seeing that the zoom stopped, I was relieved with a sigh, stopped five times and laughed stand up.

Facing the cold gibberish, he said indifferently: "I really don't understand. Since you know I haven't left here yet, why do you want to find me with your people for a long time?"

"Oh! If I don't take that fool away, I will be like that fool, and after I take your words away, I will still be like that fool!" "You have only one way to go," he briskly Say, "You have only one way to go, and that is to hand over the French soldiers to me and be killed by me!"

Seeing him farther and farther, there was joy in my heart. Before he was happy, he suddenly changed.

The soul he possessed was actually a golden eagle of a flying variant. If he didn't mistake it for the product of the black phoenix combination, then there would be no time to think about the road ahead, fragments.

A fierce figure was facing the side, and a heavy golden stick was flying in the air, hitting the man in the head with one step.

"What speed is this?" This really couldn't be faster. He has always been proud of the speed, but now when he is faster than him, how can it not shock him.

Hearing these words, he said: "You are such an idiot. Is there such a way to give you a French soldier that is dead, if you don't give it or die, then who will choose the way!"

I didn't laugh, but his eyes were indifferent: "Give me, I can make you die happily, don't give up, I will make you suffer all kinds of torture, and then die!"

"Well, I think I have no choice!" Holding the car, he shook his head: "Let me see how good you are as a bitch!" As he said, the sword in his hand was fiercely tight. On the other side of the shape, step on the stone until the machine that had been killed was exposed and rushed out.

"Well, I want you to regret today's stupid behavior." Staring intently at the man who came with a sharp sword in his hand, he drew out an astonishing faint blue power and quickly condensed In the palm of his hand, he suddenly turned into a golden eagle-like expression, showing a look of expression and a smile. If the invisible ones gather into ten sharp, windy voices, they bite the bullet and grabbed them away.

It was stunned to feel the harsh sound of tearing the air. I didn't expect this guy to make such a powerful blow. It seems that this guy is much stronger than him.

Facing the broken air, without turning his eyes, the left-handed sword violently faced the body in front of him, an invisible force hit the ground, and the driving force of the force would suddenly stop the shape of the body.

The moment the body stopped, the breath of both hands did not stop in the hands, a flash of white light, like a sharp arrow shot from the rope, shot towards his head. ..


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