Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 984: :agent

After sawing it, I didn’t know that the little girl moved, and deliberately shook it in front of her. The thief smiled and said, "Lv Yang wants to make this little exquisite spiritual instrument before doing it again. It will be quiet for Lu Yang. Quiet is more than just a vinegar pot," he said with a smile. Also called Luyang Big Bad Wolf, forget it, or take it away. "

As he said, Lu Yang must put the bell in the storage room. Hu just grabbed the bell and twisted his delicate jade hand on his arm, but his body repeatedly opened his mouth and begged: "Why don't you help Lu Yang? ""

Secretly smiled, the little girl is more ferocious now, knowing it and doing it.

But he knew in his heart that a smart woman like Hu couldn't see that she liked White Moon. Since she and Xu Shun let White Moon serve themselves, she clearly stated that these two women are doing work with one eye open and the other staring at the other. Since she and Xu let White Moon serve themselves, The sour words just now deliberately collided with him, only the heart of breathing.

In fact, compared to Baiyue’s problem, Lu Yang’s headaches are beautiful things. He is not a wood, so how could he not know his intentions, but he was too much. Although the beauty of today has changed a lot, the initial impression is not so easy to change.

The current agent, who has been a dark horse for a long time, is engaged in foreign trade and the evil horse of the mainland. The elders in Yanhuang Mountain were also indifferent, let alone about beauty, and were silent in front of Xu and Hu. But paper can't stop the fire. This matter will be resolved sooner or later, so iron will definitely expand its thinking. But now I don’t have time to think about it anymore. Seeing Hu turn his mind to the sound of the bell, he dared to save Xinzhi, holding Hu Jingjing’s delicate body oil in his hand, he said with a smile : "In order to be quiet, he is willing to dedicate himself wholeheartedly, not to mention magic weapons."

As people think, Hu Jing really just wanted to squeeze him, so moved and indifferent, where he also cared about what he loved, understatement, dim and flawless, and the bell returned to his hands. . He said: "The magic weapon must be as small as this clock, but it must be more beautiful on the outside."

The man listened to some absent-minded words, and then looked at the clock carefully, but no, the cover of the clock was a bit more, but the emphasis on simplicity was still a bit less for beauties.

When he thought of this, his brain flashed a bright light. He said, "Lv Yang only cares about whether this magic weapon is strong, forgetting that women are born to love beauty." The appearance of this magic weapon is also extremely important. Unfortunately, Hu was not present. If she were there, Lu Yang would have forgotten that the appearance of this magic weapon was extremely important. "But let her design the shape and pattern of the magic weapon."

After hearing this, Hu Jing said deeply: "That is, Lu Yang and his sister have been investigating in the city for several months, and found that most of the magic weapons only focus on power, but the beauty is less." Sister Xinjie said at first, although the most important The magic weapon is power, but if the fairy wields a tiger head knife, think about all the scenery. "

What appeared in his mind involuntarily was that Hu stood in the air with a tiger's head knife in his hand. It turned out to be the sunshine of youth. Ho Chi Minh's unpredictable changes and gradually became evil and vicious. He involuntarily fought a cold war. He said: "Xinjie is right, the scenery is good."..


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