Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1007: :anyway

Li's expression at the time was as serious as Li Songshan, far from what he had always been afraid of. He said: "Cousin Lu Yang's words are reasonable, and the south is evil." But to this day, it has been difficult to ride a tiger. "

"What is there to be afraid of? Is it the southern county seat or Longchi Tiger Cave? Lu Yang will also choose!" Li Yunlong's cold voice killed many people in his eyes, but he didn't think there was nothing terrifying in the south.

If Li Yunlong's electric zoom is on, Mr. Li said coldly: "If you look at the south like this, you will definitely fail and come back this time!"

Without waiting for Li Yunlong to transform, Li continued to say coldly: “With Lu Yang’s family prestige, don’t say too well, it’s mainly people from southern countries who have to turn upside down. If this Green Pine Cliff has no support, how can it? It can be stable to this day."

"Isn't this very lawful? Is Lu Yang's father worried that if Lu Yang is with the Wang family, Lu Yang can't get rid of them?" Li Yunlong said proudly.

When Mr. Li saw his son absent-minded and lacking wisdom, he secretly couldn't help it. In the current situation in the southern desert county, if the Ge family stepped out of this incident, it could be justified. But now that the Ge family hasn't even released one, he obviously doesn't want to get worse in this matter. This made Li begin to doubt what his daughter said.

However, it is also possible that Ge Hexing's relationship is not deep, and the two Li Wang's family together make Ge's family do nothing.

They had not thought about what happened to the Ge family, but it was not the time yet, Ge Laozi sat down in Huaxia Town himself. More importantly, with the power of the North, they promised not to fight for hegemony or unify the South from the very beginning, thus winning the South's promise of common progress and retreat. Now, the masses not only sit in the mountains and watch tigers fight. Winded into a rope.

"In any case, you must be careful again and again. When the situation is bad, he will stop and go back to the palace. Losing face is better than losing strength and life!" Li Songshan stroked his white beard lightly. Stroking his voice.

Li Yunlong, although there was a reaction on his lips, he didn't take it for granted in his heart. Although he was fierce, he did not see it with his own eyes. Moreover, after his first war with Wang Zhitao, did he dare to touch his gun Li Yunlong? Lu Yang could only watch as he put all the mineral veins into the bag on the cliff of green pine. Of course, if he can't hold his breath, it's best. No wonder he fell to the ground and killed him when he was sick.

Knowing his son or father, Li Xiaojia was very arrogant when he was young, and he knew what Li Yunlong was thinking more clearly. He smiled secretly, but his face sank, and he said, "This time, you have a black and white brake." 100 dollars. "

The black and white double evils can follow the blue-faced demon **** to have such a powerful force in the county, and its power is not small. After so many years of practice, this field has reached a period of robbery.

Needless to say, for only 100 yuan, none of the teachers trained by Li Yunlong himself is lower than the middle stage, and at least one third is more than the healthy period. And what he is even more powerful is the forced robbery in the later stage. Such a powerful force, not to mention the cliffs, even the entire southern country may be swept directly! ..


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