Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1047: :By the way

"What does the big man say?" Mr. Shi is more concerned about this issue. She has told her elder brother some specific things, but her younger brother has not made a statement, which makes her a little confused.

Mr. Shi smiled and said: "When I came in the evening, my brother talked to me. He was originally unwilling to intervene in these issues. After all, he did not want to intervene in these issues. After all, he received the news a few days ago that he has decided to retire next year. So don’t worry, let’s come and he will help us.”

"With the words of Big Brother, I was relieved," Shi Long Shuan said.

He thought for a while and asked, "Is Zhang Xiong absolutely reliable?"

"It should be reliable. The boss was not skinny to him when he was alive, and he handled everything that was not on the stage. He is definitely the boss's boss, this time he found out. At first, I didn't believe him, I specifically investigated He knew that the post-death position of the boss would definitely be marginalized by the second one, so he could only support us "don't look at a woman", he knew he could only support us by saying "don't look at the stone". But At least he graduated from a real university and he is not confused at all.

He said: "I think I’d better put some people beside him, so don’t worry. I will leave it to myself. Even if you know, when you say, you can’t control it because you don’t know who will hurt your mother."

"Well, listen to you," Shi agreed with her head.

Mr. Shi continued to ask some things. "Tangning doesn't know, right?"

"I don't know, I didn't sue him because I was afraid he could not breathe. This child is too simple to be involved in the world, and he does not understand the other side of the world at all." When she thought of her son, he There are some ideas, just for his son. She would not do that either. She decided to sell the Tang family's property, and then let her son bring the money to the United States to do what he wanted to do, and never do these stupid things again.

keep in touch. "He doesn't know," he said. "Avoid the snake and wait until we sue him. However, on the other side of the company, you try to persuade Mr. Tang to transfer the boss's shares to Tangning. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Won told me that Mr. Tang is now Many people have been invested in the company."

"I know there is no way. He is now the owner of the Tang family and no one can invade him, but he promised me not to mess with the stocks. Everything is left to Tangning. This week, things can be done very well. Although Mr. Shi is like this Said that he was still a little worried about Tang's arrival.

Change his teeth and say, "We will just stare at it."

Although he had a great influence on the Tang Dynasty, his influence is naturally not as good as that of the Tang family. The Tang family is deeply rooted in the provinces and several cities in eastern Sichuan, and other ethnic groups have to rely on them. If these candidates are allowed, they will naturally choose Tang. He can only exert his influence.

"By the way, isn't the Red Master of Tang and Chuanbei Master Zhao?" How is the situation? If you let two people unite and target the Tang family, things are not good. Don't say whether the Tang family can support it. Even so, you will lose a lot of money. When we do, they will never give up such an opportunity. "Shi Ke Li thought a lot.

He replied: "Tang Ning called me at night and said that the guarantee should be great, but the price paid is not small. Now I am waiting for Master Zhao's news."


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