Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1051: : Stopped

"Explanation? Explain that things have always been like this. The old man is not stupid and can complain to me, but he will be buried in his heart. Lu Yang and the Tang family are targeting us in northern Sichuan, who trusts my hind legs. The result is" Tan Yin Cruel way".

In the afternoon, Lu Yang took everyone to the private parts of the Tang family. This time, they want to talk about various details. Shuhao Lu Yang occupies almost all of his core advantages. Kong Ye and Chen Tao have already come from China. Coupled with the loess area of ​​the loess area, this is the strength of Mori Luyang.

The same goes for the Tang family. Tang has assembled both his original boss and his own. They discussed a lot of issues in the morning, how to cooperate, how to share the interests of both parties and so on.

Such a big scene is also rare. Lu Yang came with six cars and the wine room was opened. They sat on the sofa and argued with you about various things, but the biggest problem still remained. On this side, Lu Yang clearly requested that the Tang family must now fulfill the promised conditions so that they can integrate their forces and fight against Tan in northern Sichuan. After all, they are the main force in northern Sichuan.

The Tang family’s meaning is that we can’t do this. Who knows that we will give you grassland. When you fetch water, we won’t lose our husband and army again?

The argument between the two sides was based on the argument, and the argument did not end for an hour.

In the end, we can only reach a compromise through negotiation. Chengdu’s equity can be directly transferred or delivered directly. As for the remaining sites, wait for half of the transfer.

In this way, this matter can only end.

Speaking of this, the next thing to talk about is how to face Tan. All afternoon, everyone in Lu Yang's family was in Tang's family.

In the evening, Tang Jiale has prepared a dinner party. This scene is very unremarkable, saying that it is to celebrate the alliance between the two families. At first, Lu Yang wanted to go back and prepare, but he had to stay. Until 10 o'clock in the evening, the people on Lu Yang's side left, Huang Tu Wang followed him directly back, and Chen Tao also returned to the night in southern Sichuan.

The atmosphere is at stake, and there are many battles at any time.

On a rainy night, Lu Yang’s loyalty entered the city. Everyone parted ways. After walking three laps to the second lap, they finally stopped at an obscure small supermarket. Lu Yang was alone, Fang Zheng drove and Zhou Yi immediately turned left. .

Ten minutes later, Lu Yang came out with a large group of people wearing masks, took a taxi, and finally stopped near Sichuan University, and then came to the bank with an umbrella, where someone had been waiting for him.

In this way, Lu Yang Shuhao naturally avoided being followed. At this critical moment, he has carefully built a ship for thousands of years. What he wants to see is Nan. If Nan is discovered, his game will be lost.

However, Anan took the initiative to see him. He sent a text message to the new mobile phone number, and the address was agreed upon by him. If Lu Yang didn't say anything wrong, this was the first time they met last year.

At that time, Anan took the initiative to find him, and the lion opened his mouth to three million lions.

"You have chosen a good place," Lu Yang with an umbrella said half-jokingly, walking to Nan's side.

Zhongnan also did not answer: "Shi Chao started to act, I used Zhang Yachao well, and finally got her hooked. He used 200 million yuan waterproof, and he agreed."

"Two hundred million, dear, you dare to ask, and Shi dare not to give it," Lu Yang, playing so big now? Money is not money. ..


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