Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1065: : Can't take off clothes

Jiang Kaishan asked: "We have red envelopes, can we go there?"

A group of boys and girls left and led Lu Yang into...the villa.

Relatives and friends of the Qi family commented on Lu Yang with interest. To find such a husband, most people feel that they are so happy, only a few people are hated and hated. It's me or my own family daughter that I can't find this kind of boyfriend. This makes all seven of them follow the light. Watching others get married at this stage, they can have friends on this show.

Er Fat advanced to the villa. Who would dare to stop with this aggressive look, the next door was Liu Luyang and his girlfriend Yuan Su, guarded by the swimming pool, Yuan Susheng was a little embarrassed. Today, she is dressed beautifully, wearing a purple pink dress.

Some people get in the way, Liang Fat can't kill them directly, they really want to break through, and the bodies of Liu Luyang and his girlfriend Yuan Su can't stop, so both of them got fat and stopped.

Mr. Jiang was busy welcoming up, took out the red envelopes from his pockets and handed them to Liu Luyang and Yuan Su. It is easy for children but not so easy for adults, so he had to do whatever he wanted. Jiang smiled and said, "Liu Luyang, you The cousin is married," he said, "your cousin is married, and he smiled and said, "Liu Luyang, your cousin is married. "If you don't want to, you will be in your way. This is totally unreasonable."

Liu Luyang, holding a red envelope, replied: "Jiang, I hope Brother Zhao can marry my cousin soon. If he doesn't marry her, he will completely agree, but today he has arranged a task for me, so I have to finish, can't they say they want to separate me from Yuan Su?" I had to do it. "

"Well, Liu Luyang, what we do for you is not difficult, what is the task?" Xiao Wang said, time is running out, and a decision is made soon.

After this marriage, Liu Luyang can be said to have met many friends, which will be of great help to his future life. As an ordinary friend, Lu Yang will surely be able to get help where he needs it in the future. So Liu Luyang pointed to the swimming pool next to him and said, "Did you see the century-old flowerpot? You have to send two people to bring it over. You can go into the water, but you can't take off your clothes."

"Don't you feel embarrassed?" Xiao Wang was a little absent.

Wang didn't say anything. He only heard a loud noise behind him. Jack Ma jumped into the water without hesitation. Following Xu Sheng, the young and rich Xu Sheng felt that he was not the best man, so it didn't matter, so he also jumped into the water.

The speed of this reaction immediately made everyone dumbfounded, and all the talents reacted in the next second and couldn't help shouting "good brother".

Lu Yang couldn't help but smile, these two boys really gave him face.

When Ye Xin landed in front of the bedroom window upstairs, she couldn't help but say, "Young people, have a future." She saw the action of jumping into the horse's water and couldn't help but said: "Young people, there is a future. ."

"What, Ye Xin, treat the flower as a fool?" Michael couldn't help joking. Ye Xin didn't say a word, just staring at the pond and swimming on the horse's plate. Look, the boy is quite colorful.

There were not many meetings, Jack Ma and Xu Sheng would be sent back to the shore. In a burst of enthusiastic cheers, both of them were soaked and smiling, but they said nothing. When taking a bath, someone took a towel from them and asked them wipe.

Jiang Jieshan faced Liu again. "How about it, right?"..


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