Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1090: ; Let him see through

"Special Guest"

The strong people took a breath of cold air at the scene. Many people’s eyes were full of jealousy. They could be swallowed up by a few invitees, and their identity would not be simple.

Among them, three eyes stared at the departure of the two Lu Yang and died.

"It's them"

"Damn, how could they be invited by Master Tuanxi?"

"It's better to invite Young Master Tunxi. Brother Cheng and the others are invited. Hurry up and inform Brother Cheng that they..."

…Tengjia's next round, this is the so-called fairy talent in folklore. Of course, this is just the legend of ordinary people. For practitioners, the real "fairy" is the most illusory and mysterious existence.

"Please, please" Lantian made an inviting gesture.

Come now. !

Lu Yang set foot on Xia Yun.


The clouds rose from the sky and flew higher and higher, passing through the layers of clouds. At an altitude of 100,000 feet, a copper hall stood above the clouds in front of the two of them.

After a while, Xia Yun collapsed at the entrance of the bronze hall.

"The two sat for a while, Lord Tengxi returned to the Bronze Temple." The sky smiled slightly, turned and stepped onto the clouds, and then fell.

Seeing the sky disappear, Lu Yang walked into the bronze hall.

At the moment of intervention!


Many people’s eyes are concentrated on these two people. There is an exciting pressure in these eyes. There is a slight tremor of Hadesyan’s tender body. It takes a step back. It is white. It is obvious that the pressure of these eyes exceeds Within the range she can bear.


A thick palm was pressed on her back. When she was about to retreat, she couldn't help but stop. At the same time, an amazing aura emerged from Lu Yang's body, as if the sun was burning in the sky. With. It collides violently and directly with the momentum of these eyes.

Take a bath.

Much of the momentum was offset on the spot, only a few signs of terror had not disappeared, but were scattered around the entrance.

Bronze lights filled the hall with Lu Yang. Many young men and women were standing or sitting. Everyone had a terrible fear, except for the strong at the peak of the artistic conception of the fourth reincarnation. Outside. He couldn't see the horizon for several others.

It can make him see through, at least for the fifth time, the power of awe at the level of reincarnation.

And these young men and women, each has a unique temperament, just a glimpse, it is hard to forget such a character, in the tens of thousands of small world, is at the top of the dragon and phoenix, even if the Prince Taijie is too inferior, it is better than these. People are much worse.

Looking at the clothes of these people, they are all unusual. Whether it's a shirt or what they wear, there are strong treasures. These treasures are at least five pieces of quality, and even the top five pieces.

Obviously, the young men and women sitting in the hall have extraordinary identities.

Five kinds of horrors still permeated the entrance, from four men and a woman sitting, not killing, but solidified in the entrance of the hall, like an intentional embarrassment and a special test.

When Lu Yang saw it, he suddenly realized it.

Although they don't know these young men and women, they can still be judged by their clothes, especially the strong men during the Heavenly War. Only the golden robe on the road is completely different, and the precious light is also different.

Obviously, these people are the most powerful young people in the lower half of the kingdom of God. ..


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