Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1111: : Drinking

It was a real dragon, ancient and powerful, with an eternal aura, facing Lu Yang to kill the past.

The two sides suddenly collided, and terrible energy fluctuations swept the sky and the earth, causing a devastating explosion.

That crazy dragon is so terrible, it seems that you can swallow everything in the sky and Lu Yang in one bite.

"This" many disciples changed their faces at the time.

The two men were stunned by the combination of these two men.

"This son is Lu Yang, who has obtained the inheritance of the Bajitian map. This is the ancient secret created by the Baji gods," said an elder in the ancient temple.

Peacock's bright eyes see the main character in the war through the mirror hanging in the hall, if he thinks about it.

The other old people were pale, gloomy, calm, sneered, and grateful.

The faces of the elders of criminal law are serious, and the expressions have remained unchanged for thousands of years. I don't know what I am thinking.

Everyone is watching this life and death battle.

"I want to kill the dragon"

The cheers of the trembling sky emerged from the dragon's body, and endless fighting broke out.

Hiiragi! The octopus swept across the sky, breaking the dragon's body, and even the horror of the dragon was directly broken into pieces.

Lu Yang walked out, took the octopus map and bombarded Xiao Chen.

The Baji Diagram is too powerful, and Baji Suppression is like Taijiquan.

Even a face like Xiao Chen's strong face is a huge change. The last few types of resistance from the nine major styles of the earth dragon are all attacks against Lu Yang.

But there was no result. At this time, Lu Yang was like an immortal God of War. His iron fist swept all obstacles, killed all enemies, and shattered all attacks.

The picture of the Octopus crossed the sky and destroyed everything. Xiao Chen was beaten to the ground, and a big mouthful of blood spewed from the sky.

Lu Yang stepped into the sky and roared in the sky, "The so-called small supremacy, and so, in the same realm, I can defeat you."

"You" Xiao Chen roared, "This is a long way." "Howl of Heaven and Earth"

Xiao Chen looked up at the wild roar of the sky, and the whole place between the earth and the earth shook a terrible deafening wave.

This is a terrible way to attack the soul.

Lu Yang immediately felt mentally shocked and had a splitting headache.

The world seems to oppress itself.

His eyes disappeared immediately, painful.

At this very dangerous moment, the blood and eyes of the soul trembled slightly, and a beam of blood was turned on. The endless fresh blood pressure in the world suppressed all attacks. Lu Yang immediately recovered his Qingming, but at this time he found that Xiao Chen was dead. The situation becomes extremely serious when the sky and the earth are damaged in nine forms.


Lu Yang drank loudly and retreated to all sides of the world.

His hand evolved from the octagonal map and was pressed in front of Xiao Chen.

There was a loud noise, and the octopus rushed away from Xiao Chen's attack, and wanted to collapse.

"Sacrifice my viper skills with your blood"

Xiao Chen roared to the sky, rushing to the sky, endless wars raged, killing lives.


He roared to the sky, exerting invincible power.

This is one of the core secrets of true collapse.

In a big crash, the life and death of the entire ring were torn apart.

The earth split in the sky.

The mountains in the distance split apart.

The vanity of all ages also made a crunching sound, and seemed to have to bear it, and was about to split. ..


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