Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1131: : Inherited it

Continue to move to the small world in the depths, many people will die in the hands of the sky, some of them have successfully crossed the past and continue to advance to the small world in the depths. The Lu Yangs have crossed over 20 levels of small worlds, and finally came to the 81st level of small worlds. In 81 small worlds, Lu Yang looked at a stone monument standing in front of this small world.

"Ninety-one, this small world may be very unusual," the old monk said.

There have always been so many secrets in the number "99". Surprisingly, the first emperors were all the best among 99 people, and then they were cut off by a hundred sages and four of them were cut off, and they became the "Ninety Five".

In the world of monks, there is a special kind of magic in the number ‘9981, or’99’, and when combined, it becomes 99. In the monk's world, these two figures have a special magic.

Eighty-one small worlds are very quiet, which can be said to be silent, but this is absolutely just a representation and it is impossible. Before that, some monks entered it, and the more they entered, the more obvious the crisis. Eighty-one small worlds may be a mystery.

"According to my speculation, the tombs of the undead king are either in eighty-one small worlds or ninety-nine small worlds. Both worlds are ninety-nine, which means the supreme meaning of heaven and earth. If I It’s God, the tomb of the undead king will definitely be buried in these two places."

The old monk said.

"Well, I think this place has a special power," Lu Yang said.


The skeleton didn't speak, and flew in one direction.

"Well, how much does this skeleton friend seem to know about you?" the old monk said.

This skeleton is mysterious, and Lu Yang wants to know where he is going to fly. Lu Yang and the old monk followed him for about two hours, and the three of them came to an ancient temple.

The temple is large and continuous, with a soft brilliance.

"Why are there a bunch of ancient temples here?" Lu Yang was surprised.

"Is this an ancient building, built by God? Or did you move it directly from another place?" The old monk was surprised.

The immortal castle itself was built by God. In order to bury the land of the master and the undead king, many places are arranged by the Lord himself. He also wanted to see the tower in the sky and see if there is an ancient road heritage!

Three days later, he finally saw a huge, dark "color" tower.

This huge tower is like a huge mountain. It stands in the clouds. You can't see the end of the sky. The folded space covers the middle and upper part of the sky. You can't see its end. There are so many twists and folded spaces. Covers the middle and upper part of the tower.

The rooftop gave Lu Yang an almost suffocating oppression, just like facing an ancient sacred mountain. In front of the rooftop, a small feeling emerged from Lu Yang's heart.

tower! A pagoda has inherited it. I don't know how many times it has been, and no one knows how it appeared.

"Is that the sky tower? Great." Lu Yang quickly flew towards the sky tower. When approaching the sky tower, he would see huge stone tools hanging around the sky tower.

Numerous senses of natural pride rushed in from all directions, fell on the stone platform, and accepted the challenge of others.

If you want to enter the tower, you must defeat your opponent at the top of the stone tower. Only if you win ten consecutive victories can you enter this tower. Of course, there is another way to defeat a monk who has won more than ten games in a row. You can also enter the rooftop. ..


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