Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1179: : And so on

He said: "Indeed, once it is put down, anything within a hundred miles will be brought into it, calling itself the side of heaven and earth. In this battle, even the master of the spiritual and holy realm will not Want to get out of the trap easily unless he is a spiritually holy master," he said, "Indeed, everything within a hundred miles will be included in this battle. Find out where the heart is."

This is trouble!

Lu Yang Wanwan did not expect that the evil race would be wiped out. No matter which side wins, it is not a good thing for him.

If the devil wins.

In hindsight, the devil may not be easy to let him go.

But the Qiu family’s victory was also a tragic victory. Master Qiu Family lost a lot. In addition, he chopped off Qiu Feiye and entered the Qiu Family record with the monsters, and then did whatever he wanted, no matter which one it was. Give the Qiu family a reason to kill him.

"Forget it, let's go find the snow."

Lu Yang didn't think much about this matter. Anyway, I will see you again when the time comes. I took a handful of blood pills from the storage bag and swallowed it directly. For him, the elixir of this product has very little real improvement. The only purpose is to quickly replenish real losses.

Before resisting the aftermath, he consumed more than half of the true essence and magic essence. After swallowing the blood pill, the true essence and magic essence quickly recovered.

West Yard!

The wood carving art exhibited by Lu Yang is attached to the spirit above. When he looked around, he was surprised that many bans nearby were swept through due to the confrontation between the two big countries, resulting in a large number of bans on the spot. He was surprised that many bans were broken on the spot due to the confrontation between these two powers. Lost his role.

anyone there.

Lu Yang stopped, and a team of Qiu Shi appeared in his vision. The one who welcomed him was the old man. Behind him were more than twenty masters in green and gold robes. Their expressions were a little worse than the old ones. They were all spiritual masters at five or six places. The elite master of the Autumn family.

With a tighter heart, Lu Yang slowed down. If it weren't for the incense curse, the intensity was only 1/3 of the peak period. Even if it was a big hit, there was a certain degree of guarantee, making his heart more astringent. The magic in the sky can only last for half an incense stick at most.

Now, if you are entangled by this old man, it will be difficult to get rid of it, and so on.

"Stop!" the old man shouted suddenly.

No matter what you are afraid of, come on.

Lu Yang stopped helplessly, the magic arm secretly gathered power, ready to sell, took a deep breath, and looked at the old man face to face and so on.


There was a loud roar, and a corner of the yard became a monster owner stained with blood.

Clover's blood knife began to work.

Lu Yang's blood gradually melted, and a trace of a foreign blood line slowly poured into his body through his arm.


There was a loud sound in the body, the muscles suddenly tightened, the green tendons continued to rupture, and the bones were crunching, as if being squeezed by some invisible force, almost broken, even the blood and flesh were broken. Both flesh and blood will be crushed, as if crushed by some invisible terrible force, even flesh and blood will be crushed.

Lu Yang's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his face was red and white, and his nose and mouth were short of breath. Currently, he is being affected by foreign blood. ..


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