Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1197: :What do you think

In the eyes of many forces, Lu Yang is just a "little monk." This is the best partner.

Why do you say that?

Because young monks are limited.

If there is any dispute, it is easy to control the situation.

This may be the heart of the people. In the absence of cooperation, there is no good mentality.

Lu Yang couldn't cooperate with these people. Even if he didn't reach an agreement with the three old people, he would not cooperate with these people who came to the door, so they couldn't trust them at all.

Lu Yang looked for a reason to avoid these people, and heard that Lu Yang was underground. The three old banks reached some kind of agreement, and many people chose to withdraw. Who are the three old banks? Can ordinary people mess up?

In Donghai World, almost no one can offend these three old people.

As the days passed, many troops were ready to go to the tomb of Emperor Long. During this period, Lu Yang went to the alliance of the gods and sent Jingka back to Zhuge Hong, and at the same time planned to write a letter, Zhuge Hong said with a smile. There is no need to be so troublesome.

Lu Yang left Zhuge Hong and returned to his former residence. He heard Sun Wufan say that the three old men came and told them to leave for the tomb of Emperor Long tomorrow.

Lu Yang nodded with Monkey Fan. After preparing all the necessities, he boarded the empty ancient ship prepared by the three old men the next day.

"Damn it, that kid is underground and the people in the bank are all mixed up."

The fifth evil dragon looked gloomy. He wanted to kill Lu Yang in the middle of the road, but now it seemed that the plan must be changed.

The three old men are terrible. The sixth dragon frowned.

"What do you think, brother?" The fifth dragon looked at the second dragon.

The second evil dragon said: "They are really scary. They practice for longer than us. If I fight alone, I am not afraid of any of them, but these three people will act together all year round. The three of us are not them. Opponent."

The fifth evil dragon said fiercely: "Fortunately, that boy can live for a while."


This empty ancient ship is sailing on the sea. This journey to the tomb of Longdi requires several extremely dangerous waters and a countercurrent of time and space. The real scary place is the countercurrent of time and space, which is full of destructive power. It’s not an easy task to go through the past exceptions. The empty ancient ship cannot pass, but has to fly over. However, the sea is filled with terrifying and ferocious creatures hidden in the countercurrent of time and space. For the monks, these are all. It is something that can be called fatal and dangerous.

Gerald said: "In this sea full of time and space, many people will be killed, so if you want to successfully reach the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, there is no power that can't do it."

This is terrible. A pedestrian swept into the depths, and the storm of time and space swept towards them. The storm of time and space was intertwined, and everything could be torn apart in the void.

"Hurry up, this is a storm formed by the countercurrent of time and space. If we are involved in it, we are worried that we will die forever."

The appearance of these three old people suddenly changed. They had experienced this before, and they knew the terrifying nature of these space-time storms. Ran Qingluo is now the center of the entire lock shape technique. No matter how several people change, the spells are all issued from Ran Qingluo's hands. For a while, her actions determined the actions of the other three. They could not make a sound at this time, so they could only follow Ran Qingluo. The communication between the four people also relies on eyes and simple body language. At this moment, if there is a slight noise, all ghosts will be discovered. ..


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