Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1201: : You want to resist

Xia Wanzhen said: "You came to the ghost world this time but you came alone?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "There are still a few companions, but they are invisible and we can't see them. I saw you here and didn't restrain the impulse for a while, so I dropped them and ran over."

Xia Wanzhen said: "Then how can anyone tell me that you have reached the ghost world. How can that person know me?"

Lu Yang said: "What does that person look like?"

Xia Wanzhen recalled for a moment, and said: "The man looks mysterious, wearing a black robe. But he can't see his face, but his eyes are red, making people tremble."

After Lu Yang listened, he had seven points affirmed that this person was Lin Yan. The person they are looking for on this trip is Lin Yan. Xia Wanzhen clearly described the appearance of Lin Yan falling into the devil way. He asked: "Where is this person now?"

Xia Wanzhen said: "He is also in this line, and is going to Guangwang Palace."

Lu Yang was startled, turned around and shouted across the river bank: "Lin Yan is in the queue here! Don't reveal whereabouts!"

His shouting stopped, suddenly dozens of ghost soldiers behind him were holding knives and guns. Quickly surrounded Lu Yang and Xia Wanzhen in the center. A ghost soldier at the head had an abrupt face and blue fangs. He shouted and said: "Bold! How can a living person enter the ghost world! It's lawless!"

Lu Yang said, "I'm here to do a little work, and I will leave when I'm done. I still hope to be accommodating."

The ghost soldier shook the big knife in his hand and said: "The ghost world is actually where you want to come, and go where you want to go. Get on me, catch him, and send me to the ghost emperor." Lu Yang said: "I can go with you, but you don't hurt her."

The ghost soldier said: "She condones you to commit such an act, and she should be sent to the Palace of Ten Kings to be sent. The ghost world will not wrong a good person, there will be rewards and punishments. But she will never wronged a bad person."

Lu Yang said: "Her longevity is not over, she should be able to return to Huangquan Road now. You have no right to take her away!"

The ghost soldier said: "If you want to resist, don't forget. You are a human and I am a ghost. If you fight, only I can hurt you."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "I don't need to worry about this. I know that breaking into the ghost world is contrary to the two worlds. But I am also forced to do so. As long as you agree to let her return to Huangquan Road, and don't add it Make things difficult, I will go to meet the ghost emperor with you."

The ghost soldier said angrily: "Bold, dare to negotiate terms with me, you are living impatiently. Come on!"

The ghost soldier gave an order, and the surrounding ghost soldiers rushed out together. Lu Yang is a human body, how could he hurt these spirit bodies? Those ghost soldiers also know this. Immediately rushed up without any worries.

Xia Wanzhen was not well-informed, so she suddenly stood in front of Lu Yang and blocked a move for him. She said, "You go quickly, I will stand here."

Lu Yang shook his head, and said, "I can't leave unless the matter is finished."

As he spoke, a purple light lit up in his palm. I saw a strong wind in the sky, and the ghost soldiers didn't know what was going on, and their figures had been photographed dozens of feet away. For a time, it fell to the ground again and again, all of which turned into a touch of green smoke and disappeared.

The leader of the ghost soldiers was terrified, and he still didn't understand how Lu Yang hit these ghost soldiers. Suddenly, he just felt light on his body, and his whole person was lifted into the air by a huge force, and then he was lifted up above Wangchuan as soon as his body swayed. ..


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