Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1209: : It's raining heavily

Suddenly, the dark river turned to a corner, and a large pile of stones was beside the river. Seeing the shape of the Nangong jade, the Qianyun Sword tossed over and over again. A single swoop would remove half of the big stone. The mental power of the palms gathered and hardened. The big stone was immediately cut off by the waist, and the upper half of the powerful road emptied out. . At this time, the spider had just turned the corner of the street, his view was blocked, and the boulder was not seen flying. When it was discovered, it was too late. The big stone suddenly hit the spider's right body. The huge force it put forward immediately shot it against the stone wall, the body turned over, and the boulder fell down and pressed against the abdomen. The heart, saw its eight feet beating wildly. It's like pain. very much.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nangong Jade hit the surface of the water in the hands of the spiritual force, and the water splashed. With the help of the recoil of the water, the boat quickly rowed away in the dark river. After a while, the spider separated again.

Bang! A bigger water splash suddenly churned up, Da Lang suddenly lifted the boat into the air, and then in an instant, thousands of flowers plopped into the water, and the clothes of all four were soaked, as if it was raining heavily.

Several layers of shuilang broke open in front of several people, and a fluffy spider's front foot protruded. Nangong Yu was startled, and the dry cloud sword crossed his hand and suddenly hit a place with the spider's foot. Suddenly, sparks spattered on the water surface, and the entire dark river cave reflected a bright light. With the help of this striking force, the ship immediately drifted far away. But in the blink of an eye, the spider appeared again.

In a hurry, the boat almost capsized several times. But Luo Xiaocheng tried to maintain balance and control the direction of zh. To prevent the fast-moving hull from hitting the coast. Slow down, navigator. In this case, Nangongyu could still rely on the strength of the Qianyun Sword to resist for a period of time, but only a little slower, the ship would be pierced by a sharp blade at any time. In this rapid shock, Joan regained consciousness. When she opened her eyes, she saw the giant spider jumped into the sky and flew down on their boat. The huge and fierce shape grew bigger and bigger in her eyes, she couldn't help screaming, and closed her eyes involuntarily. I could only suddenly feel the ship moving forward a few feet, like an arrow shot by an arrow, the shape of a spider jumped into the sky, and suddenly fell into the river, splashing with water for a while.

She sat up hastily and walked towards the stern. She saw Nangongyu holding a dry cloud, her face serious, her muscles tense, and her whole body trembling slightly. There was a strong sense of war in his body. A pair of eyes looked at the falling spider, and the corners of his eyes split. All corners of the eyes seemed to be bleeding.

"Son of Nangong, you!" Ran Pengyu suddenly saw a thick pool of blood dripping under Nangong's feet. Although it was washed away by the current, the fresh blood quickly flowed down and was dyed about three feet red. And there was blood dripping on his sword, but blood was a peculiar richness, like red and black.

"Are you injured?" He suddenly noticed that a wound in front was scratched to the ribs by his throat, but luckily the wound was not very deep, otherwise it would be enough to kill him. However, at this time, the blood on the wound was still dripping, and the underside of the wound was black and red.

"Son of Nangong, hurry up and heal yourself, I will." The conjunction did not fall, the water suddenly burst with a splash, and the shape of a spider jumped up, buckling firmly on the stone wall like an iron stone. And the spider's heart seems to be dripping blood, and the flesh and blood inside can be seen through the long mouth. ..


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