Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1228: :accelerate

"Unlucky, bastard, it's not too hot for me, you **** thief, stole it from your ancestors."

The manager cursed a few times, and suddenly heard applause behind him, he quickly turned around. At this moment, a black wind generally blew behind him, and only a ray of light disappeared in the dark corner. The man couldn't help but looked back at the cold wind blowing from his ears, but he couldn't even see the shadow of half a person. He looked around and involuntarily fought a cold war, telling the family here to continue searching, but he soon left and disappeared.

In the corner, a few families could not find the fruit, and then moved from here to under the eaves, but no one could find a dark figure deep in the corner of the house, quickly borrowing force from the corner, it is easy to get from the high Turned out from the wall.

Walking out of the wall, the person inside the door was still searching, and the shadow finally stopped. Slowly take off the scarf on her face, and her face can be vaguely seen under the mask under the high wall. This person is actually Linghu Yueer.

Why did she steal from Lu's house? From the day she left Yuzhou.

On the same day, after leaving Hongyun Inn, according to the young man, a man walked out of the city, found a hiding place, called out the black feather blue bird, and walked along the Yangtze River. The seaside scenery is beautiful, the mountains are steep, the valleys are turbulent, and the mountains are floating with thick fog and mist, like a fairyland. Everywhere there are white clouds coming out of the cliffs in the mountains, the chirping of the apes, and the quiet scenery, which makes people forget directly.

Jed walked like this and stopped. Sometimes it was very late. She couldn't see the road below, so she found the cliff, the bonfire, sitting alone on the edge of the cliff, the fire was beating between the sky and the earth, it seemed to be her Faint light. At night, there were beasts on the mountain. She sat in fear near the stove, calmly adding wood, watching the firewood buzzing and whining, as if her soul was born, motionless and awake all night. Sit until dawn.

When dawn broke the next day, she began another day's journey. She is still worried that she will go the wrong way, so after a while, she will come down to find a small town to find out the way. If there is something delicious along the way, she will not give her a chance to taste it. After eating and running, these people still can't keep up with themselves. When his clothes were dirty and torn, he found a tailor's shop, put on some good clothes and left. At least jade has lived for seven years, in the vast Lin Hood, who is a member of the dynasty of three products, knows how to deal with it. It's just that she has a bad temper, but she has never done such a thing, that is, steal something and then grab it. At first, she felt a little upset. However, after one or two times, he did not take it for granted. The days seem to have returned to the time before she was adopted by the fox.

About four or five days later, she entered the boundary of Huainan Road from Shanlu to Huainan Road, stopped and stopped detouring. After four or five days, she entered the boundary of Huainan Road. After the water, around Huangzhou, this day has reached a place close to Qizhou.

The jade fell in a small forest outside the city, gathering energy, and was about to go to the city, when suddenly saw a clear pool not far away. The swimming pool is clear and very clean.

She walked on the road for several days without cleaning. She looked around and saw no one, so she took off her clothes, took off her clothes, and jumped into the swimming pool to take a bath.

The sun leaked from the dense leaves and scattered on the water. She floated gently, the water rippling, and the broken golden sunlight constantly flickered, reflecting her snowy skin, beautiful and charming curves, against the background of her back, Beauty cannot be square.

However, when she was playing happily in the swimming pool, she suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes nearby, Yuzi heard a shock, and hurriedly swam to a nearby stone, only to see a stone bridge not far away. So she quickly walked under the stone bridge and hid under the bridge to avoid being discovered. Soon, the sound of the horseshoe stopped on the stone bridge above her. Jed said upset: "Why doesn't this horse stop sooner or later, but it must stop here while my clothes are still there."

Thinking like this, I suddenly heard the voice of a person on the bridge. "Brother, we really left Qizhou City after this bridge. No, we just left? We have to find a way to get that thing back. They can't take it away for nothing."

Another person whispered: "What should I do? This is the family of Qizhou Road. It is very powerful. Even the Luo Jiahan family in Yangzhou must respect him for three points. What can we do?"

Just now the person said: "This group of robbers, with the support of the Luo family in Yangzhou, openly robbed my Han Chinese. When they return to Yangzhou, they must not be able to afford it."

Yue'er listened in a daze, only hearing what they said "Luo Jia" and "Han Jia". Who is this Luo family? She doesn't know, isn't this Han family Han Lun's family? Yue'er heard a lot of joy, she moved, and flashed across the water like lightning, holding some clothes in her hand, hiding in the bushes.

To increase the speed, two people on the bridge suddenly felt it, and one of them shouted: "Who is there?" Come out! "

As she said, Jed got dressed and came out from behind the bushes. At this time, the water in the new bath still has water droplets on the hair, the sun is shining, and it is very fresh and lovely. The wind slowly blew across the forest, and a fragrance of her daughter drifted away. When they saw a beautiful girl, they couldn't help but regress.

Jed trot around and saw the two men driving a red carriage and wearing similar robes. Although they were simple, they were full of energy. These two belts are made of iron buckles, and there is a big Chinese character in the middle. When the two saw Jed coming, they raised their hands in salute. "This girl, is there something wrong?" he said.

Yue'er nodded and said, "The two big brothers of the Han nationality in Yangzhou?"

One of the bearded men suddenly became vigilant and said, "That girl is listening to us, I'm afraid this is not appropriate."

Jade said: "I want to take a bath in this swimming pool. You want to talk here by yourself, I didn't mean it." The man stopped and said, "Then tell girls not to ask more, not to tell others." We Don't go through it anymore. "

Yue'er hurriedly stopped him and said, "Are you really a Han from Yangzhou?" The man whispered, "So what?"

She happily asked, "Do you know where Han Lun, son of the Han family, is now?" The man was a little surprised, and calmly said, "Is that girl my husband's friend?" Yue shook her head, thinking wrong, and again. Nodded and said, "Then why are you asking so many questions, Han Lun?" You come and tell me. "..


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