Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1239: : All killed

When he entered it, he became cautious, because it was already inside the Jinwu family.

"There are indeed some characters."

He squinted at a pagoda in the deepest part of the palace and smiled coldly. In the pagoda, he felt several very strong smells, one of which was particularly strong, comparable to today's horseshoes.

The group of people at Jinwu Temple was very quiet. It seemed that people were going to watch. Lu Yang followed the middle-aged Jin Wu and soon appeared in a place similar to the martial arts field. At present, there are dense figures, all of them are full of powerful heat, obviously they are all Jinwu people.

They seem to be having some clan meeting.

The middle-aged Jin Wu appeared here and walked straight forward.

There is a high platform in front of the field, on which stands an old man with a white beard, holding a cane in his hand, his eye sockets are almost sunken, giving people an extremely melancholy feeling. The middle-aged Jin Wu walked to the old man and said a few words in a low voice, which immediately made the old man appear more gloomy.

"The real lands controlled by my family have been destroyed in more places!"

The man looked down at the bottom, the wooden stick in his hand fell violently on the platform, making a loud noise. Lu Yangyin was in the void, looking blankly at the scene, where there were densely packed Jinwu men. At this time, their faces were full of anger, and they almost clenched their fists.

"Those **** things! I can't believe it. In fact, it destroyed the test base my family worked hard to build!"

"Kill them"

Many Jinwu people are very angry and their eyes are red.

Standing empty, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his eyes looked cold. He knew who destroyed Zhen Yang, it should be Qin Luo, Chen Yifeng and others. The words and deeds of these people made him very unhappy.

"Knock on the door!"

On the top of the platform, the old Jin Wuren once again took a crutches and gave a severe beating on the high platform.

He looks very depressed, no, it should be said that it is insidious, this sunken pupil is like a black hole that can swallow everything, it is extremely uncomfortable.

"Killing, of course, is killing! A test site in my northwest was destroyed not long ago, but." He opened his mouth coldly, smiled suddenly, showing a pale yellow tooth: "But that broke into it. The man, the **** man, fell into the blood of our people and is now being suppressed."


As soon as this incident came out, a great change took place in Lu Yangtun's face, who was hiding in the void.

Those guys, has anyone been suppressed? !

He was absent, but there was a surprising cheer on the court.

"Understood? Great!"

"Dead late!"

"No! You can't make this easy. Use him as bait to pull out a few other people, and you must kill them all! No, for them, dig out their souls and turn them into Puppet soldiers are still too cheap!"

The Jinwu people in this place spoke one by one, and their words were very vicious.

On the high platform, the old man raised his hand, fell on the crutches, and said: “Of course, ants can’t be made easier, but before that, the experiment was destroyed too much, and the gods asked us to rebuild some big Let our people rebuild a large-scale test field."

It's amazing to hear that many Jinwu people are like this.

"Yes, we should create a new real universe first, instead of letting the gods down! There is a Nora star not far from us, and there are many people in it. They are not good at fighting and can use them as materials. Come arrest!"

"Come on, who dares to fight and kill on the spot!"

"Don't worry, just kill it, because it doesn't matter. In any case, the body can still be used as material within five days after death, but it will take more time to catch these people." I haven't saved yet. Energy to deal with the suppressed human reptile and ensure that the reptile’s life is as much as his death. "

Many Jinwu people opened their mouths and their eyes lit up.

At this point, more people's eyes are shining with darkness and full of cruel colors.

On the high platform, the sunken old Jin Wu raised his hand and said: "Let's go, son, let God see the loyalty of the Jin Wu people. One day, my people can move from here to the ninth day!"




Many Jinwu men looked very excited, and many hands took out long swords from their hands.

Then someone stood up and flew out of the court. As they said before, go to a world not far from the star, look for its creatures, and turn it into a sacred new base.


More people flocked, and the eyes were extremely cruel.

It was also at this time that a cold voice suddenly sounded, cold bones.

"go to hell!"

The words are cold, without the slightest human emotion.

Suddenly endless black and white swords erupted from the sky and the earth, and across the sky, they would be covered in all directions in the blink of an eye. Such a terrible killing machine turned the whole world into a dead end.


Jin was the first to stand up and he was directly pierced through the hole.





The blood mist suddenly bloomed in the empty sky, appearing wave after wave, the emptiness was dyed red with a layer of red and a strange layer of blood.


A terrible cry sounded, sad but unwilling.


Above the platform, Old Kim roared with somber eyes.

Next to him are the middle-aged golden black eyes, with a trace of alertness, quickly sweeping in all directions. Then he looked at the sky, where there was a dark figure, and his eyes looked down coldly. In these eyes, it trembled violently, feeling that the soul was about to collapse.

"who are you?"

The middle-aged man said: "Middle-aged Jinhei, said shamelessly."

He was already a powerful citizen who lived for three clear days and seven days, but now the shadow of the sky only gave him a sense of fear, with only one look in his eyes, which was incredible. Most importantly, this is the secret land of his Jinwuren. Who is the character in the void and how did it appear here?

In the sky, Lu Yang's eyes froze, looking down at the golden black man.

He was worried and worried that some of these people would be suppressed. His eyes were naturally cold, with a murderous feeling. He wanted to find the suppressed person immediately, but he didn't know who was suppressed, or where it was suppressed, he seemed ready to get this information from here.

Since he is here, he will not make kimono easier.

At this moment, there was a lot of blood on the surface, those Jinwu men were looking at the sky angrily, their eyes were extremely cold, and the killings continued to emerge.

"Kill them all"

He turned to Lightning Bird.

"Yes, sir!"

Lightning Bird said respectfully. ..


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