Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1241: :Humanity

You should know that you are so careful that you can't even fly in. How could this person appear here now? This is not from his own Jinwu family! He is human!

"Let me see for myself!"

Luyang Leng Road.

"Wait! I am the great-grandson of the fourth king of my family, you can't!"

Middle-aged gold black discoloration.

Lu Yang's son was cold, around Xiguang's eyes, the eyes of the eyes opened directly, looking directly at this person's understanding of the sea. Great-grandson of the fourth king of Jinwuren? This is a joke to him. What is the great-grandson of King Jinwu, the fourth king, the true son of the Chaos King? So he said, "Kill and kill"


Suddenly, a powerful **** rushed up and walked over from the depths of the temple.

"Are you out?"

Lu Yang raised his head and smiled coldly.

In the front, a tall figure suddenly appeared here, full of strong aura outside. This was also a middle-aged man, but his eyes looked extremely deep, staring at Lu Yang ruthlessly, but then the golden black suddenly changed color.

At the same time, Lu Yang also showed different colors.

"It's you!"

"It's you"

The same two words, the first two words carry shock and anger, and the last two words carry jokes and mockery.

The first two words come from the tall image of the Jinwu ethnic group, and the latter two words naturally come from Luyangkou. Looking across the street, Lu Yang looked cold and ironic. He was an acquaintance at the time. Many years ago, in the first temple outside the starry sky...the ancient battlefield, he saw the ancient golden black. The Jinwuren were in the palace group, the Lightning Bird and Pluto stopped at the same time, involuntarily looking at the tall figure that suddenly appeared in the sky. They feel a lot of pressure on this number.


In this part of the theater, all the Gentiles were very excited.

Their own family, King Luo, came out of the enclosure. They had a moment of courage, and their eyes became cold again, full of poisonous light.

"Four ancestors, save me!"

The middle-aged Jin Wu who was suppressed by Lu Yang Shuhao shouted.

Seeing the appearance of this tall figure, its face suddenly showed a surprising color, because this character is now the fourth king of the Jinwu family, a powerful king of the Luotian class, and today's Jinwu people It is the fourth strongest.


Lu Yang sneered, slapped his hand up, sucking directly on the man's chin.


The golden black screamed, blood flowing.


Empty, from the ancient golden dark black face, with anger surging.

He looked at Lu Yang, gritted his teeth, and shouted, "Let go of him!"

Jin Wuman, who was suppressed by Lu Yang Shuhao on the high platform, was his great-grandson, but this was not the reason for the roar. The main reason was that he recognized Lu Yang, the man who caused trouble for himself in the starry sky.

"Who do you think you are? Just a loser."

Lu Yang sneered.


As soon as this sentence was said, this place immediately caused a commotion.

"How dare you say that the king is a loser? An arrogant man!"

"Humans are such virtues, they are just verbal bluffs. It's disgusting!"

"Even reptiles dare to speak foul language, I really don't know how to write dead words!"

Below, many Jin Wu angrily reprimanded.

Lu Yang looked down indifferently, with no mood swings in his eyes: "Trash just shut up." "The best way is to shut your mouth," he said. ..


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