Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1279: :Is this possible

It is enough to kill nine powerful people of ordinary Taoism. Here, all the audience thought that when the man came out, Lu Yang would stop, but didn't want to, Lu Yang had no face and cut off Maude's head directly.

"Sir, you are too arrogant!"

Yi You's face sank, and the smell of corpses all over his body faintly emerged.

Maude was beheaded, but he did not die immediately. The ghost escaped, ran away in horror. Unfortunately, as soon as Lu Yang shot, he took it in his hand and shut it in the void.

"Yiyou, Linglong, save me!"

He cried.

Originally thought that Yi had a delicate appearance, Lu Yang should not dare to do it, but the result surprised him, because he was assured that Lu Yang would not be in his hands, so he did not even see the movement of Lu Yangjian.

Yiyou said coldly: "My lord, don't do too much, everything is left behind."

"Leave a line for everything? When he wants to kill me, he doesn't want to put everything in danger." Lu Yang appeared cold and ironic: "According to your words, I am leaving the team now and let him go. And wait for him to kill me?"

"My monk has his own pride and personality. If you let him go, he will never disturb you again."


Lu Yangtun smiled and looked at Maude sarcastically.

"Even if I believed it, he wouldn't believe it himself, would he, Maude?"

He said softly.

Maude's face fell behind, and his iron was green.

Lu Yang Shuhao's words clearly show that this is a shame for him.

Lu Yang shook his head and looked at Yiyou and Ling Longxue: "Stop talking about the pride and personality of God, you have been here all morning, you should hear me, or in my opinion, you are a man in the sky. "It's basically worthless, except for that charming name. "

"You know where we are, it's impossible!"

Iyoi's face sank.

When he and Ling Long came here with a snowfall, they had already covered their breath. The eight great Taoists and even the nine strong men could not find them, but their breath was discovered in the early morning!

Lu Yang didn't want to say anything.

He controls the Space Avenue, and just eight days ago, he was trying to hide his breath on his Luyang-yin Avenue. That is a crazy dream.

"Ivy, help me! Help me first!"

Maude shouted.

Shuhao Lu took the hand of spirit and started to work hard, feeling that his spirit was about to collapse.

"Let go of him!"

I coldly said, and took a step forward, the strong killing odor spread, making all the observers around scared, such fluctuations were too strong.

"Is this possible"

Lu Yang remained indifferent.

"You forced me to kill you," she said.

The killing of his body became more intense and terrifying, and the emptiness around him began to twist.

"Because of you, this is far from enough." Lu Yangdan-Tao.

With the spirit of Maude, he looked at him and said, "Give you a chance to live and beg me for forgiveness. If you ask for forgiveness, I can consider letting you go once."

"You, it's impossible! You can't even think of it!"

Maude said angrily.


Someone sneered at the corner of the tablecloth.

His right hand shook lightly, shaking the light, interrupting the left leg of Mode Spirit, and dispelling it in an invisible form.


Maude screamed, his soul was shattered, and the pain was like cutting his heart with a knife.



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