Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1299: : Grumpy

If there is no strong heart to overcome difficulties, even if the best in the world is in front of him, he will only have a piece of rubbish!

"! Yes!" It seemed that he was very satisfied with Shuhao Lu's answer. Now Luo Lao smiled, and then stopped going to Guanyin. A vibrating shape immediately disappeared in the space between heaven and earth.

For a while, in this large space, only the young man was waving a hammer.

Lu Yang is in the middle of Luoyuanyang Tower.

Liucheng in the southern part of the Zhou Dynasty!

Liu Cheng's name for the Liu family can make the entire city be given his own surname. Only by this can we see what the Liu family should do in the south.

But this time, in the southern region, the three families who are enough to make the southern region tremble are not peaceful!


In the backyard of Liu's house, a figure flew out of the house like a kite, and finally fell heavily to the ground. applaud

"Garbage! All garbage!" A roar rushed out of the room.

The man who fell on the ground stood up and wiped the blood from his face. Although his face was full of pain, he dared not say a word. He could only see the two people in the room through the door.

The eyes of this man showed that there were two middle-aged people sitting in the room.

"Don't be so angry, brother." A faint voice sounded in the room, and the speaker was calm. If Lu Yang was here, he would definitely recognize that this person is not someone else, but Liu Han!

"Three! You can't hold your breath. You are the troublemaker. A cold grunt, and another middle-aged voice said, "For many years, on the southern border, our Liu family hasn't had so many As a result, people can’t find it now. If Senluyang can’t find the fragments of his body, our Liu family will still use it on the land in the south. You are still so tight, you are in trouble, but let me help you Wipe your butt? "

Liu Han shrugged helplessly: "It has already happened, what should I do?"

"You don't want to find that kid?" the middle-aged voice.

With a low voice and isolated from the world, Liu Han's eyes suddenly flashed poisonously: "I wish I could become his widow immediately!"

"Can you still hold your breath like this?" The middle-aged man was obviously a grumpy person, and he stood up angrily.

"Hey, brother, you are really bad-tempered." Liu Han smiled, and only listened to it and said lightly: "The boy was walking and took away the family treasure "Thousand Rocks". Even if we are under martial law, the entire southern region may be Can't find him."

"I have arranged for someone to find the city of heaven. I believe there will be news soon."

Speaking of this, Liu Han's pupils flashed with fierce heat: "This son, absolutely can't stay!"

When these three words were mentioned, the hot middle-aged man sat down and nodded in a daze. "Too impatient these days, I almost forgot them!"

"It's just that if you want to give someone to someone in the south, you have to use the power of the city of heaven. This time our Liu family really lost!" He sighed, and the middle-aged voice condensed.

"As long as no one knows, there is nothing to be ashamed of." The willow tree was very cold.

Speaking of this incident, Liu Han seemed to think of something, and sighed dejectedly: "It's just this time that the reputation of the concubine in the south is completely stinking."..


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