Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1304: :you guessed right

As he said, Lu Yang's wrist worked hard again. Only for a while, Li Jiang's face turned into a purple sauce, and his limbs kept shaking in the air, as if he wanted to break free from Sen Lu Yang, but to no avail, Lu Yang's wrist Like iron tongs.

"I'll give you a chance to talk," Lu Yang said, "but if you want to run, I promise you will see Rip in a while!"

Wow! After hearing these words, Li He nodded one by one.


When his wrist loosened, Li He immediately fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Go, why are you doing this to me?" Leng Luyang Lu.

When he heard these words, the man named Li He shook his pupils, but he said nothing.

Seeing this, Lu Yang gave a cold snort, and immediately walked off with one foot.


There was a sound of a fracture, Li He's face was fierce, sweating like rain, but Lu Yang had already gagged his mouth and did not even make a sound.

"I said, don't fall in love with me, otherwise you will break your heart next time!" A cold voice rang in Li Jiang's ear, but it sounded like a call to death.

Only then did he feel scared. He did not expect that the appearance of an incomparable young man had such a fierce heart, fierce hands, and no muddy water!

"We, I suspect that you are Lu Yang!" Li He said slowly through the severe pain, panting heavily.

After hearing these words, Lu Yang's heart trembled.

"Why are you so suspicious?" Lu Yangen's voice.

"The sign says that there is a peculiar treasure in Senluyang, which can change its appearance. You suddenly appeared in that mountain without birds, as if it were similar to the person named Luyang, so." Lv Yang Shuhao smiled and nodded: "Well, it seems that Ronaldo said it very well."

I don't know what Lu Yang was talking about. After Li He said a word, his eyes were fixed on Lu Yang, seeing Di Lu Yang seem to be thinking.

Suddenly, the mystery of the entire Lijiang River broke out, and he straightened up in an instant, and wanted to grab the door and escape!

But the next second.

Lu Yang didn't know when he appeared in front of him, his face was as quiet as water, but his eyes were frighteningly cold!

"They" uttered two words quietly, Lu Yang's face was unparalleled calm.

but. Li He's body was punched at the same time! He couldn't shout, so he fell directly to the ground.

Lu Yang continued as usual: "Congratulations, you guessed it right, but this is also your sorrow!"

Lu Yang shrugged helplessly: "It seems that tonight is destined to have a good night's sleep!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yang's eyes killed this opportunity in an instant is awesome!

on the other side.

In another room in the inn.

"I don't know what's going on." In the room, Liang Jing continued to walk, with an anxious expression on her face.

At this time, the room was full of people. They were all with Lu Yang, but there was a bound person in the corner. If Lu Yang could be recognized here, it would be that the young man almost happened to himself in the early morning. conflict.

"Brother Nine, don't worry, Lao Li is a veteran, there must be a way." At this moment, one of the people in the crowd laughed immediately.

"Yes, Brother Nine, don't worry," he said. "Even in the real world, these three souls will disappear. Don't you think that this little white face has disappeared?" "Then, a man stood up, walked to the young man, and said with a smile ...


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