Martial Arts Emperor

Chapter 3100 The road is dark, I walk alone [Third update]

Guyun Palace!

He is in Nandi City, located on a mountain.

At this moment, in this ancient mountain, thousands of geniuses gathered beside that ancient pavilion.

"Today, I invite you to discuss Taoism, among other things..."

"One more thing..."

"What do you think about the Blood Puppet Sect and other sects sealing off the south of the Imperial City to prevent human beings from entering?" At this moment, a voice came from a young man's mouth.

And this young man was wearing a robe with white cloud patterns.

It also covers itself.

However, everyone knows that this young man is the genius of Guyun Palace, named Gu Baiyang!

"How do you see it?"

"I feel good about it!"

"The human race in this world, the despicable people, what are they doing here? Do they want to compete with us for the spiritual power here?" At this time, a young man from the vampire clan shouted.

"That's right, who are they? If they don't accept it... then take action. I want to see how they can compete with us."

"It's good if I didn't kill them. In such a big era, it is difficult for people like them to survive. They are as weak as ants. Why do they still want to step here to compete for opportunities?" Another cultivator from the demon clan said.

Then, hundreds of voices sounded, all coming from the mouths of practitioners from different clans.

They are all Absolute Blood Puppet Sect and other sects. This is normal operation.


However, at this moment, a voice suddenly resounded here.


When this sound fell, many people's eyes narrowed and they looked around suddenly.

"Feng Wanjie?"

"Why... do you think my Blood Puppet Sect did something wrong?" Xue Yidao stared at Feng Wanjie with a stern gaze.

"You should know what the current human race is like, right?"

"The ancient tribe suppressed the world

During this time, how many powerful men and geniuses have stepped out of the human race in this world? "

"The Blood Blue is about to come, and how many ancestors of our human race have stepped forward. They may have no background, or they may not come from a long time ago, but they still stand up and fight to the death for the world."

"They...protect all races and the world."

"Why, now that they are this the case for you?"

"I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anything like this."

"I am here today to tell you that insulting the human race in this world... is equivalent to insulting my Wind Clan!" Feng Wanjie's voice was like thunder.


After these words fell, thousands of eyes also fell on him.

"Feng Wanjie, we are targeting the current human race, and this current human race does not include you, the Feng Clan." At this time, a genius said.

Hearing this, Feng Wanjie's expression remained unchanged.

He knows all this.


Not against them?

That's because the Wind Clan is powerful and they are the descendants of Emperor Annan. What if it's not?

The Wind Clan is also the target they are targeting.

What's more, Feng Wanjie came here today not for the Feng Clan... but for the entire human race in this world. He didn't want the human race in this world to pay so much for the world, but in the end, their descendants would be blocked outside the south of the Imperial City!

The Immortal Mountain is about to descend, and the Emperor's Pattern is about to appear... Is this not giving the living human race a chance?

Will the human race in this world not have the slightest chance to compete for the Great Emperor?

Destroy all hope of the human race in this world?

"You should know what your actions mean to the human race in this world, right?"

"If you don't give them a chance to compete for the emperor's mark... If there is no emperor's mark, let alone fight for the great emperor, it will be difficult to become a quasi-emperor or even a half-emperor in this era, right?" Feng Wanjie shouted.

In such an era, if no genius among the human race in the world reaches the half-emperor level...

The future outcome can be imagined.


"Feng Wanjie, it seems that you are determined to stand up for the human race in this world?"

"It's really ridiculous. They are so low-level and they still want to compete for the imperial mark?"

"With their talents, what's the point of fighting for the Emperor's Mark? It's a waste of the Emperor's Mark. Besides, it would be fine if we really let them in... Hehe, we all have itchy hands, let a group in, tsk tsk, we'll kill a bunch of them. ." Xue Yidao of the Blood Puppet Sect smiled coldly.


Hearing these words, Feng Wanjie's expression became even more angry.

They really want to cut off the path of the human race in this world.

If you dare to cut off the road of the human race in this world today, in the future... you will dare to cut off the road of the entire human race.


"Not a word?"

At this time, Feng Wanjie looked at the many geniuses of the human race around here. They had some inheritance and were extraordinary, but now... they fell silent.

"Oh, okay, you... really thought they were only targeting the living human race. Have you forgotten the fate of the herdsmen?"

"Have we forgotten the Holy Clan and the Qingyuan Emperor Sect..." Feng Wanjie shouted.

The Taigu Clan suppressed all directions, and the Mu Clan, Saint Clan, Qing Yuan Emperor Sect, etc. also had extraordinary histories, but they were eventually annihilated. Now Mu Shenyuan, Sheng Xu, Sheng Sheng'er, Qing Qianshan and others are missing.

In the eyes of these ancient beings, how do they distinguish between the modern human race and the ancient human race?

In the final analysis, only

It's just that we can't kill them all at once, we just have to divide them and kill them continuously.

Listening to these words, many people were touched in their hearts.

But in the end it turned into a long sigh.

Looking at this scene, Feng Wanjie smiled slightly.

He understands that these people... don't dare!

In the final analysis, they are just a group of spineless practitioners.

"Feng Wanjie, don't think that just because you are from the Great Emperor's clan, you can confuse people here with your lies. Don't forget that many of the sages of your clan have also been annihilated. The only one left, Feng Zhen, is missing. What's more, in today's era , it is difficult to use the Great Emperor's weapons, and it is difficult to activate the Supreme Quasi-Emperor's weapons. Under such circumstances...the so-called heritage of the Great Emperor's clan is nothing in our eyes." Staring at Feng Wanjie, many geniuses from the clan shouted.

"The avenue is dark, I walk alone!" Here, Feng Wanjie felt the gazes of many practitioners, but he remained unyielding.

Even, the spiritual power in the body exploded, roaring and shaking all directions.

Moreover, at this moment, the power of his bloodline was also released, rippling in all directions. The aura that uniquely belonged to the Emperor of Disaster made many people concentrate.

"The bloodline of the Great Emperor!"

Seeing the ancient figure appearing behind Feng Wanjie, many geniuses trembled in their hearts.

The emperor's bloodline is really amazing.

"Feng Wanjie, what's wrong? You want to fight with us, but you can't succeed. Unfortunately, not only do you have the blood of the Great Emperor here, there are also people on our side who have the blood of the Great Emperor." After these words, many people looked at Xue Lingzi, Xue Daozi, Yu Yingying and others.

Feeling the gaze, Xue Lingzi smiled slightly: "This is your fight, what does it have to do with me?"

"I will not take action against Brother Feng, nor will I take action against you."

"This time, I was just invited by Guyundian to discuss Taoism. As for the rest, what does it have to do with us?"

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