Martial Arts Evil God

Chapter 1615: The crisis of Dongyu Fairyland!

Under Dongfang Han and Su Yunxi's repeated questioning, Lord Dongyu sighed and continued speaking.

Lord Dongyu said in a low voice: "You all know that the national war is mainly divided into two parts, one is the war of genius, and the other is the war of military."

Several people nodded. Everyone knew about this matter.

"Why are there wars of geniuses and wars of war?" Lord Dongyu asked, but before a few people could answer, he said again: "There are very few countries that do not have conflicts, whether it is a dispute over land or territory, It’s still some festival conflict, or it’s to strengthen the country! But if a real national war is launched wantonly, it will definitely cause a lot of destruction!”

Regarding this point, Dongfang Han and others naturally admitted it.

"If a national war breaks out wantonly, then the entire Qingyun Continent may not be stable and it will be detrimental to practice! Therefore, in order to maintain the relative stability of the entire continent, it is absolutely prohibited to launch a national war!" King Dongyu said: "And arbitrarily Anyone who initiates a national war will be punished by the Heavenly Immortal Kingdom! And this punishment is very harsh!"

"Well, I remember that the Beiyun Immortal Kingdom was destroyed by our country more than 20 years ago?" Dongfang Han said with a look on his face.

"Yes, Beiyun Fairy Kingdom was indeed destroyed by our Winter Rain Fairy Kingdom!" Lord Dongyu Kingdom did not deny it, but said frankly: "However, there are some insider reasons."

"Inside story?" The three of them were surprised.

"The monarch of Beiyun Immortal Kingdom and several other important royal personnel practice evil arts, and use many immortal people of our immortal kingdom to practice them!" Lord Dongyu said solemnly: "This is a fact. The person who discovered it is indeed from our country. Some people, but this matter was investigated and verified by the inspection team of Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom! "

"Inspector of Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom?" Dongfang Han asked curiously. He had never heard of this matter.

"Well, the four celestial fairy kingdoms control four regions, east, west, north and south. The Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom controls thousands of fairy kingdoms in the east. Whether it is a lower fairy kingdom or an upper fairy kingdom, they are all subject to the supervision of the Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom. , After all, what the entire Qingqiong Immortal Kingdom needs is the stability of the entire eastern part of the Qingyun Continent!" Lord Dongyu said seriously: "If our Immortal Kingdom launches a national war against the Beiyun Immortal Kingdom, it will be reported to the inspection envoy, and the inspection envoy will investigate. Afterwards, the feedback was given to the royal family of Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom. It can be said that we got the approval of Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom for launching a national war!”

A few people understood.

Without the consent of Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom, I am afraid that Beiyun Fairy Kingdom will not be destroyed at all. Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom only needs to send some masters, and then Dongyu Fairy Kingdom will be able to be destroyed. This is not just a casual statement. .

In the entire Winter Rain Fairy Kingdom, the sixth and seventh level Golden Immortal monks are probably the top experts. However, Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom sent an Immortal King with some ninth level Golden Immortals to destroy the Winter Rain Fairy Kingdom. Next words.

"In short, the thousands of countries in the east of Qingyun Continent must obey the leadership of Qingqiong Fairy Kingdom!" King Dongyu said: "If you disobey the leadership, the consequences will be disastrous! Therefore, it is impossible for a country war to happen casually!"

"Of course, there are conflicts between many countries. What should we do in such a situation? So there is a national war! A national war is used to resolve conflicts!"

"Both national wars, military wars and genius wars are both important, but relatively speaking, the more important thing is the genius war!" Dongyu Fairy Kingdom said solemnly.

"Oh?" Several people raised their eyebrows slightly.

"Military wars are mainly conducted with countries that have enmity or conflicts with each other! If the winner wins, they can win the opponent's city and territory, but if they fail, they need to give the opponent the city and land!" The king of Winter Rain Fairy Kingdom is serious said.

"In that case, isn't military warfare more important?" Dongfang Han asked.

Although he knew about the National War, he had not asked about the specific situation of the National War before, so he did not know clearly. He only knew that the Military War and the Genius War were both contests about cities and some wealth.

"The main purpose of the military war is to gamble with the cities of countries that have enmity with each other! If you win the military war, you will naturally be able to win the city of the bet!" King Dongyu said: "But there is a special case!"

"Special case? What special case?" Dongfang Han's eyes flashed.

"For many countries that are hostile to each other, military battles can be said to be a good opportunity to win the opponent's city! But the premise is that the genius cannot perform too poorly against the genius of his own country!" King Dongyu said with a solemn expression: "We have conflicts with the intermediate fairy country and the Leibu fairy country. In the army battle, our country will not say that we can definitely defeat their fairy country, but there is no problem in staying at least undefeated! But in the battle of geniuses, if it is the Leibu fairy country The monks have entered the top three hundred in the genius battle, and even if we win the military battle of the Immortal Kingdom, we still have to hand over the city! "

"Ah? Can it still be like this?" Dongfang Han was surprised.

"Yes, those who can enter the top 300 in the genius battle are all extremely talented beings!" Lord Dongyu sighed and said: "There will not be many problems in becoming an eighth or ninth level golden immortal in the future, and there is even hope of achieving it. Immortal King, of course, the hope is not that great!”

"So, the battle between geniuses is important?" Dongfang Han's eyes flashed.

"That can't be said. If two hostile countries don't have the kind of geniuses who can enter the top 300, they will relatively attach more importance to military warfare. Of course, it's only relatively important. Every country hopes that the geniuses of their country can get a good ranking in the genius war. Even if they can't enter the top 300, even if they enter the top 500, it's good! They can get a lot of benefits!" said the King of Dongyu.

"So, Leibu Xianguo has geniuses?" Dongfang Han couldn't help asking.

Leibu Xianguo is a middle-level fairy country. It has had conflicts with Dongyu Xianguo a long time ago. At that time, Dongyu Xianguo's national strength was not much weaker than Leibu Xianguo, but because of the competition for some mineral deposits on the border, they had many conflicts. In the past endless years, they have fought countless times. Leibu Xianguo has more wins than losses, but the losses are extremely heavy.

More than 20 years ago, after Dongyu Xianguo destroyed Beiyun Xianguo, its land area expanded by nearly one-fold. Now it is not much different from Leibu Xianguo.

Originally, Dongyu Xianguo was confident that it could recapture many cities this time, because the overall number of genius cultivators this time was not inferior to Leibu Xianguo, and the top military genius cultivated by Dongfang Xiaotian was in charge of the military battle.

Therefore, the military battle was a sure thing!

The military battle was almost a sure thing. As long as the opponent did not enter the top 300 in the genius battle, then their country would definitely recapture many cities, because the gambling battle was no less than ten cities each time, and at most hundreds of cities!

Hundreds of cities, that is almost equivalent to a county!

That was already a big gamble. After all, Dongyu Xianguo now only has nine counties. It used to be five counties. After destroying Beiyun Xianguo, four more counties were added, and now it has reached nine counties.

You know, Leibu Xianguo now has only sixteen counties.

Of course, Leibu Xianguo once had eleven counties. In the past many years, they have won five counties from Dongyu Xianguo!

That's right, many years ago, when the relationship between Leibu and Dongyu was not so bad, Leibu had eleven counties and Dongyu had ten counties.

Later, endless years passed, and Leibu won many cities of Dongyu one after another.

The hatred between the two countries is huge.

But the overall national strength of Dongyu has been going down. After all, losing so many cities and lands must be fulfilled. After all, the arbitration is Qingqiong, and Qingqiong agrees, so it is destined to be unchangeable, unless it is an important figure of the other party's royal family, such as the monarch who practices evil skills, otherwise it is not allowed to have a national war!

There are many countries that have been destroyed through national wars. Qingqiong accepts this method, after all, no lives will be lost.

"Could it be that there is a genius in Leibu who can enter the top 300 in the genius battle?" Su Yunxi asked.

"Yes, there are two Golden Immortal geniuses in Leibu Immortal Country, one of whom has reached the third level of Golden Immortal, and the other is a first level of Golden Immortal!" Dong Yu Guojun said solemnly.

"Leibu Immortal Country is just a middle-level Immortal Country, but there are two Golden Immortal geniuses under the age of 40? The most important one has reached the third level of Golden Immortal?" Su Yunxi said with a breath of cold air.

"It's really troublesome!" Liu Xirou couldn't help but say at this time.

I don't know why Dong Yu Guojun didn't avoid Liu Xirou when he said this. Maybe he saw that Liu Xirou also understood the way of Golden Immortal and had the hope of becoming a Golden Immortal!

“According to the summary information we have received from our country, there are no less than 600 people who have reached the Golden Immortal level or above in this genius competition!” King Dong Yu said in a deep voice: “There are almost 350 people from the upper fairyland, more than 100 from the middle fairyland, and nearly 100 from the lower fairyland. And to enter, with so many Golden Immortals, those who can enter the top 300 must at least have the strength of a second-level Golden Immortal! But it is also certain that a triple-level Golden Immortal will enter the top 300. From the moment Tianji Pavilion ranked the triple-level Golden Immortal from the Leibu Fairyland on the Dongqian Kingdom’s Potential Dragon List, it can be confirmed that the genius cultivator from the Leibu Fairyland will enter the top 300. It is a foregone conclusion! That person may enter the top 100 of the final genius battle! "

"Yes." Dongfang Han nodded, and then asked: "What if our country also has a person who enters the top 300?"

"If one of our country's cultivators enters the top 300, and at the same time, the existence of Lei Bu Xian Country does not enter the top 100, then the result of the war will not be affected. However, the hope of that genius not entering the top 100 is very small, and no one in our country has the hope of entering the top 300!" Dong Yu Guojun smiled bitterly, and did not finish his words, but everyone present understood what he meant, that is, who of the ten geniuses in their country has the hope of entering the top 300?

What's more, even if someone breaks out and enters the top 300 by chance, what if the genius of Lei Bu Xian Country enters the top 100?

There is a huge gap between entering the top 300 and not entering the top 300, and between entering the top 300 and entering the top 100.

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