The whole person was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning. 0

Tremblingly, he took off his hood and groped this person's face for a while. 5

He knew this face even when it turned into ashes. 0

Back then, the Hua family killed the Iron Shoe Thief, and a voice from somewhere told him that the Iron Shoe Thief was not dead.

Until the person in front of me.


it's him.

The shackles in Hua Manlou's heart were opened, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Huahua, what's wrong?"

Lu Xiaofeng discovered something was wrong with Huamanlou.

When Hua Junshan saw that man's face, he felt a little familiar.

His eyes narrowed, "Feng'er, this the Iron Shoe Thief?"

"Yes, the Iron Shoe Thieves are twin brothers!"

Jiang Feng nodded.

After getting the news from the secret guard, the Iron Shoe Thief was hiding in Qingyi Tower.

Maybe it's a landlord of Tsing Yi House.

Jiang Zhenqian checked all the landlords and found no trace of the iron-shoe thief.

After that, the scope will be spread to the entire Tsing Yi Building.

Until half a month ago. []

In the mission hall of a branch building, the iron-shoe thief who had been hiding for many years was found.

"Xiao Feng, thank you!"

Hua Manlou wiped away the tears on her face with a smile.

Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuixue finally knew the identity of the person in front of them.

Ximen Chuixue had a cold murderous intent on his face.

If it's not bad, I'll do it for you.

He wanted to cut the person in front of him into pieces.

He doesn't have many friends.

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou are the only friends he recognizes.

He is a cold-blooded person, and once he recognizes someone, he can have a life-and-death relationship with him.

The faint smile disappeared from Lu Xiaofeng's face..

Hua Manlou lost her light since she was a child.

God knows how he could still develop the character he has now.

"Kill me, please kill me!"

The iron-shoe thief looked horrified. The person in front of him was the little boy he had blinded back then.

He knew it was a dead end.

I just want a good time.

But now, all the meridians in his body are blocked, and he can't even commit suicide.

Hua Ruling came after hearing the news.

Seeing the figure on the ground, murderous aura filled his body.

"Okay, okay, it turns out they are twin brothers!"

Hua Ruling laughed angrily, and then she was convinced that she had been tricked.

No wonder Lao Qi said that the iron-shoe thief was not dead.

He only thought that after Lao Qi passed this incident, he felt a shadow in his heart.


Hua Manlou pointed at the iron-shoe thief's forehead.

The iron-shoe thief died with a satisfied smile on his face without any pain.

"Lao Qi, he is too cheap!"

Hua Ruling is very worried about what happened back then.

According to his wishes, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he would be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts and divided into pieces by five horses.

Hua Manlou said with a relieved smile: "It's all over."

"It's not without some benefit that I can't see clearly."

"At least I have developed a pair of ears. Except that I can't see, I'm no different from ordinary people."

Hua Ruling looked distressed.

Lao Qi had to suffer a lot in order to live like a normal person.

It took a lot of stumbling to get to where I am today.

"Uncle, Huahua kills the iron-shoe thief with one finger. This is a good thing!"

Jiang Feng saw this scene in his eyes, "It means Huahua has really let go!"

Hua Ruling suddenly realized!

Hua Manlou was in a very happy mood, "Xiao Feng, you understand what I'm thinking!"

"Let him pass when he has passed. My eyes cannot see. It is an inspiration to me. It inspires me to climb to the peak of martial arts."

Everyone 5.8 Su FFF backup group 8749 # 9-77)12+ Ran.

Huamanlou actually has such an ambition.

Only heavenly beings can take reincarnation.

Only by breaking through the realm of heaven and man can the eyes be repaired.

Jiang Feng didn't expect that Hua Manlou had such a plan in mind.

Huamanlou's eyes may not need his intervention in the future.

He has a certain amount of luck, and it is not impossible for him to truly reach the realm of heaven and man in the future.

If he takes action, it will even disrupt the trajectory.

This may be God's test for the son of luck.

Ever since I heard about the Son of Destiny.

Jiang Feng had some guesses about many things.

Not many of the protagonists go smoothly.

Yang Guo broke his arm, but later developed more advanced martial arts.

Zhang Wuji's parents died, and the Nine Yang Sutra was completed.

Li Xunhuan's wife was robbed, and Xiao Li was superb at flying daggers

Now Hua Manlou is blind...

The upper limit of this world is larger than before.

These people are destined to have a higher ceiling than before.

Jiang Feng was looking forward to it.

It would be a bit boring to have only one person standing at the top...

Chapter 87 An accident occurred during the Grandmaster Ceremony

Three days later.

The Grandmaster Ceremony is held as scheduled!

The Hua family's status in Huizhou is similar to the Jiang family's status in Jiangzhou.

High status and good reputation.

All kinds of Jianghu comrades in Huizhou were very considerate, and all the famous forces sent people to watch the ceremony.

The guests who came presented the prepared gifts one after another.

"Prince Pingnan's Palace presented ten bottles of Spirit Gathering Pills!"

"The Jiang family in Suzhou presented ten strains of a hundred-year-old elixir and a master-level martial arts skill!"

"Chaijiabao presents a pair of jade stones!"

"The Ginseng Picking Helper will give you a piece of Centennial Ginseng!"

Hua Ruling's face glowed brightly. She stood on the high platform and thanked the gift, "Thank you to all my colleagues in the world for coming to support me..."

Accidents always come so suddenly.

Before Hua Ruling could finish speaking, two figures passed by holding a man with blood on his face and blood holes in his eyes. 02

The guests who came to see this man's miserable state were shocked and confused for a moment.

When Hua Ruling saw the injured man, her heart skipped a beat.

He cupped his hands and said to the audience: "I'm sorry, everyone, enjoy your meal and drink!"

Hua Ruling came to the injured man's side and had a bad guess in her mind, "What happened?"

The blind man heard Hua Ruling's voice and said with a cry: "Master, the escort money has been robbed! Except for me, all the other brothers are dead!"

Hua Ruling clenched her fists and her face was as cold as ice.

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