"All skills have proficiency ()"

When some people are confused, a sober person is a wise man.

Although the prophet is not a prophet in the true sense, it is undoubtedly beneficial to the entire world ten thousand years ago.

As for why the Prophet targeted Shen Ling, Shen Ling graciously let the Prophet go...

Because of the prophet.

It's just a person whose strength is not high, who may not be able to threaten Shen Ling in this life.

After the matter of the Prophet passed, the leaders of the Zhujiuyin tribe and the Shebishi tribe were also expelled.

Here, the Dijiang tribe, which has annexed the Zhujiuyin tribe and the Shebishi tribe, now has the embryonic form of a huge force.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed.

After fully absorbing some knowledge from Shen Ling, all the ancient people of the Dijiang tribe seemed to be enlightened.

"Another ten years."

Standing on the top of the gravel mountain, Shen Ling's eyes were full of tiredness.

After ten years of busy running around, he still hadn't found any clues about the Pangu Axe.

Does the Pangu ax exist?

This question became more and more bright in Shen Ling's mind.

However, Yuan had no reason to lie to him. Before sending him here 10,000 years ago, he definitely wasn't letting him travel here.

So where is the Pangu Ax?

Various speculations flashed in Shen Ling's mind, and he was short of digging three feet to find the Pangu axe.

But is that useful?

If it works, then it's okay for him to do it...

As long as you can find the Pangu axe, go back to ten thousand years later and use the Pangu ax to fight against the huge figure.

All of that can be said to be a success.

"Let's practice first."

Looking at the Longevity Kung Fu that had already been concentrated in the eighth level of the domain, Shen Ling shook his head, turned around and continued to practice.

For ten years, he has been busy looking for the Pangu axe, but Shen Ling has never given up on his own cultivation.

Now, Shen Ling's information is getting more and more exaggerated.

There is no one below the first level in a body of skills, and the lowest has reached the master.

After practicing for a day, Shen Ling slowly opened his eyes.

A pretty girl was standing in front of him right now, looking him up and down curiously.

"Why are you here again?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, a smile appeared on Shen Ling's face.

This girl, about five or six years old, is the daughter of an ordinary ancient citizen, but she has a good appearance and a weird personality.

Coupled with the fact that he is not afraid of life, he was able to climb over the wall and climb the gravel mountain alone at the age of five or six.

"I want to see what you're doing."

The girl looked at Shen Ling, her big eyes were round and full of curiosity.

"I'm practicing."

Shen Ling smiled at the girl, then slowly got up.

"Why don't you practice anymore?"

Looking at Shen Ling, the girl asked charmingly again.

Shen Ling smiled and said: "If someone is around, I don't want to practice anymore. Tell me, what do you want me to play with you today?"

The girl put her thumb between her teeth and bit her teeth. After thinking for a while, she said slowly, "Let's just play hide-and-seek."


Looking at the girl, Shen Ling smiled.

It's a little childish for him to play hide-and-seek with a child by himself.

But it was this childishness that made Shen Ling feel at ease when Shen Ling became more and more depressed because he couldn't find the Pangu axe.

"Then you hide first."

The girl nodded to Shen Ling, then closed her eyes and began to count silently, "One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight..."

While the girl was counting down, Shen Ling thought for a while and walked towards a place.

While the girl was counting, her eyelids were still jumping up and down.

She was observing Shen Ling's direction, regardless of the fact that she had violated the rules.


When counting to one, the girl opened her eyes instantly.

She chased after Shen Ling in the direction he was heading, but she didn't see any trace of Shen Ling there.

"Where did you go?"

Girls wander around,

After thinking about it, he began to walk towards the edge of the cliff of the gravel mountain.

She carefully observed the bottom of the cliff, and suddenly accidentally stepped into the air, and her whole body fell directly to the bottom of the mountain stream.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed her clothes.

"Didn't I say it, don't come to the cliff."

Shen Ling's voice slowly appeared.

The girl was pulled up, lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "I thought you were hiding here."

Shen Ling tapped the girl's head: "I'm not like some people who cheat even in a game. I told you before that I wouldn't come here, so it's impossible to come here."

The girl lowered her head: "Oh."

Looking at the girl, Shen Ling blinked, and said softly: "Well, how about I teach you how to practice martial arts?"

"Can I do it too?"

The girl suddenly raised her head and looked at Shen Ling with wide eyes, "But my father said that I can only practice martial arts when I grow up, otherwise I will not grow taller."

"Practicing martial arts is not the same as practicing martial arts."

Looking at the girl, Shen Ling spoke slowly.

If it is an external skill like the Regret Mountain Fist, if you practice it from an early age, it may indeed hurt your body.

But under normal circumstances, practicing martial arts has nothing to do with whether you are tall or not.

Exercising too much is the problem.


Shen Ling didn't intend to teach this girl who was less than ten years old to practice the Sad Mountain Fist. What he wanted to teach the girl was his most powerful exercise so far.

It is also the most powerful skill-Longevity Kungfu.

"Then I will practice with you."

Girls are very curious about cultivation.

But her father's words stopped her, and coupled with her trust in Shen Ling herself, she believed that Shen Ling would not harm her.

"Then come over tomorrow morning."

Shen Ling nodded to the girl and spoke softly.

The girl looked at Shen Ling with doubts in her big eyes: "Can't it be done now?"

Shen Ling shook his head and said, "No! Because I'm tired and need to rest."

With that said, Shen Ling began to walk down the mountain.

The girl quickly followed behind.

Back at home in this world, Shen Ling first fed the four great beasts in the family with the inner strength of longevity.

A white tiger that has grown quite strong, a tortoise that is also very large, a green snake that is becoming more and more green, and a red bird that can reach three meters with its wings spread out.

These four animals, who had a good relationship with Shen Ling ten years ago, became more and more like the four great beasts under Shen Ling's feeding at no cost.

Early the next morning.

Shen Ling got up early and came to the top of the gravel mountain.

Almost half an hour later, the pretty girl also climbed up the mountain.

"From today on, you can call me Master."

Standing on the top of the mountain and watching the sunrise quietly for a while, Shen Ling spoke softly to the girl.


The girl said a few times silently, remembering this name in her little head.

"Now, listen up."

Looking at the girl, Shen Ling said, "What I'm going to give you is a technique called "Longevity Kung Fu."

"Longevity Kungfu?" The girl looked at Shen Ling, "If you practice this, you can live forever?"

"Maybe." Shen Ling didn't give a definite answer.

In fact, based on the life energy that his own body can hold, Shen Ling doesn't know how many years he can live...

As a person grows older, the life energy that the person itself can accommodate will decrease.

It is equivalent to a bucket, which shrinks at a certain rate every year.

until the bucket is completely gone.

The Longevity Kung Fu is a skill that can make the bucket bigger and bigger. Shen Ling's current bucket can basically hold a big city.

How long she can live, Shen Ling doesn't know...

But if he maintains this speed of cultivation, he may be able to live in the world after ten thousand years.

At this time, a problem arises.

If he lives in a world ten thousand years later, is that world the same as the world before he came here?

History has been changed, will he still travel to this world?

One question after another lingered in Shen Ling's mind.

But it has no effect on the facts, and even makes no waves at all to the world...

Pangu axe.

With these three words in mind, Shen Ling began to talk about the exercise of longevity.

Over there, the girl listened very carefully.

Then start practicing.


Seeing the girl's serious look, Shen Ling nodded secretly.

In fact, his idea of ​​recruiting apprentices was also decided suddenly.

He never thought before that he would accept a child as his apprentice...

But girls often came to disturb him, and he also felt that it might be a good thing for him to accept this child as his apprentice.

In this way, he has a reason to scold the girl!

Who let this be the master's prerogative?

The girl is practicing the Longevity Kung Fu.

It has to be said that under Shen Ling's careful explanation, the girl's progress speed can be described as extremely fast.

After just trying a few times, after summing up the experience of failure, the girl successfully performed the Longevity Kung Fu for a week.

Round and round.

Without the blessing of the proficiency panel, the power of longevity in the girl's body is also increasing.

It is estimated that it will take less than a day for girls to get started.

Although it can't be compared with Shen Ling, who has turned on the support, but the talent is definitely first-class...

two days later.

The girl who persisted in cultivating on the top of the mountain every day slowly opened her eyes.

Her longevity skill has been cultivated to the first level.

Completed Shen Ling's mission.


Shen Ling nodded to the girl. Although the girl reached the first floor a little slower than he expected, it was mainly because the girl was playful.

Not because of talent!

"I'll give you a vacation in the afternoon, so what should you do?"

After the girl successfully cultivated, Shen Ling unceremoniously issued an order to drive her away.


The girl looked at Shen Ling with wide eyes and questioned.

"I'm tired."

Shen Ling spread his hands and spoke softly to the girl.

Hearing this familiar reason, the girl pouted and went down the mountain reluctantly.

I'm tired!

This reason is Shen Ling's real thought.

It's not because of physical fatigue, but when he needs to be alone, he will use this reason to drive the girl down the mountain.


Shen Ling was alone for a while.

The next day I started teaching the girls how to practice martial arts.

Just as time passed by in such a calm manner, a loud noise attracted Shen Ling's attention.

The sky changed color!

The sky that used to be blue is now red...

The sun and moon simulated by the origin of the world are also red.

Soon after the red sky appeared, the ground also began to shake.

Huge potholes appeared one by one.

It's like the end of the world.

"what happened?"

Looking at this strange scene, Shen Ling, who has lived in this world for many years, also had a little puzzlement in his eyes.

For so many years, he has almost set foot in the whole world in search of the Pangu axe.

However, Shen Ling couldn't understand the reason for this phenomenon.

The ground is still shaking!

Shen Ling stepped forward and started to move towards the center of the earthquake.

Step by step, suddenly, the earthquake disappeared, and Shen Ling's footsteps also stopped abruptly.

He didn't know how far he was from the center of the epicenter, and going forward blindly was a waste of time.

However, this doubt...

Shen Ling really wanted to untie it.

He had a feeling of not knowing where it came from.

If he could know the relationship between the sky turning red and the ground shaking, then he would not be far away from finding the Pan Gu ax successfully.


Shen Ling looked at the ground, then looked up at the sky...

The sky has begun to slowly turn into a normal color, and the ground has no longer vibrated.

Will there be a next time?

Shen Ling thought so.

It is impossible for him to dig a hole in the same place and search like a boat for a sword. If there is no red sky and trembling ground next time...

No, absolutely there will be!

Shen Ling shook his head, he had a very strong intuition.

This will definitely happen again.

Returning to the gravel mountain, Shen Ling continued to teach the girls to practice longevity skills, and then waited for that phenomenon to appear again.

He originally thought that this time would not be too long, but he did not expect it to be a full twenty years...

In twenty years, the girl has grown up.

Shen Ling is still Shen Ling.

His countenance remained unchanged.


On this day, a girl who has grown into a big girl came over.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Ling withdrew his gaze from afar, looked at the girl and asked.

The girl looked at Shen Ling and whispered, "The leader wants me to take over his position, do you think I want to take over?"

"This is your business." Shen Ling said flatly.

"But..." the girl continued.

But Shen Ling's voice came first: "Whether you decide to inherit his position or refuse to inherit his position, that is your freedom."

"Being a leader means being responsible to everyone in the tribe, and it means being responsible for protecting everyone in the tribe."

"If you don't become the leader, it means you won't encounter these things."

"But you will take it."

Shen Ling's decisive words appeared.

As the girl's teacher, Shen Ling knew the girl's character very well.

Underneath the carefree appearance and quirky personality, the girl has a kind heart.

Therefore, Shen Ling was very clear about the purpose of the girl's coming to him!

She's just not confident.

The girl looked at Shen Ling and asked again: "Then do you think I can be a good leader?"


Shen Ling looked at the girl and nodded.

The girl got Shen Ling's affirmation, bowed to Shen Ling, and then went down the mountain.

Here, Shen Ling looked at the sky and continued to wait...

Twenty years passed in a blink of an eye.

Another twenty years passed.

time flies……

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