Martial Arts Have Mastery

Chapter 326 Small Town

Looking for a random direction, Shen Ling looked at his naked upper body. The blood of the alien beasts all over his body exuded a strong stench, making him want to find a place to wash his body quickly.

He didn't know which direction he was in the steel city, and there was no cell phone signal at this distance.

Shen Ling had no choice but to find a place to take a bath first...

But the river is not that easy to find.

Until dark, Shen Ling didn't even see a lake or a pond. He walked quietly on the wasteland full of ruins, walking aimlessly forward alone.

After five evolutions, Shen Ling's body could still clearly feel the temperature of the outside world.

But in terms of heat and cold, it doesn't seem to have much impact on him.

After realizing that he was not cold, Shen Ling thought for a while and decided to find a place to take a bath first, otherwise he would not be able to sleep with the strong smell of blood all over his body.

When the moon was high in the sky and dark clouds occasionally obscured it, Shen Ling finally found a creek...

He jumped directly into the creek and lay in the water, cleaning his body carelessly.

After washing the only remaining pants, Shen Ling made a bonfire by the creek.

Like a savage, he started digging wood to make fire.

A flame ignited.

Shen Ling built a shelf next to him and put his washed pants on it.

He had to find his way back tomorrow, and he couldn't walk in the wasteland wearing wet pants or not wearing them at all.

The night passed.

When Shen Ling opened his eyes, he had become the target of a strange beast.

The strange beast was slowly approaching Shen Ling, its footsteps stepping on the grass and making almost no sound.

But this strange beast would never have imagined how strongly Shen Ling, who had evolved five times, sensed danger...

The moment it saw Shen Ling stand up slowly and look directly at him, the alien beast sprinted forward, as if it was afraid that Shen Ling would slip away in front of its eyes.

Immortal-killing sword technique!

A gorgeous sword flashed, and the alien beast's head fell off.

After looking at this strange beast that had reached the sixth level of martial arts, Shen Ling dismembered its skin and flesh and roasted it directly on the original bonfire.

“There’s no need to look for breakfast.”

Biting into the meat of this exotic beast that he had eaten for the first time, Shen Ling felt that the taste was acceptable.

The only pity is that there is no seasoning, which makes the barbecue lose some of its flavor.

Not spicy enough!

As he ate the meat of exotic animals, this thought suddenly came to Shen Ling's mind.

Unknowingly, Shen Ling swallowed a whole piece of alien meat into his stomach, and his small belly didn't know how he managed to eat the meat of an alien beast that was several times larger than his body size.

"This appetite is exaggerated."

After wiping his mouth and touching his stomach, which was just a little full, Shen Ling looked at the skeleton of the alien beast next to him with a little shock in his eyes.

He didn't feel at all that he had just eaten so much, and even in his current state, he was only eighty percent full.

A look of shock flashed across her face, thinking that she had only experienced five evolutions yesterday. It was normal for her body to lack nutrients at this moment...

Shen Ling comforted himself like this.

He actually missed that the vitality he had plundered before was extremely powerful, which also allowed his body to not feel empty after evolving.

The reason why he eats so much is just because his body needs more energy now...

In addition, the meat of exotic animals does not contain many nutrients.

Therefore, he can only obtain the nutrients his body needs by eating more.

There is actually an easier way.

That was when Shen Ling just swung his sword, using the immortal-killing sword technique with the inner power of immortality!

In this way, he can plunder a certain amount of vitality before the alien beast dies. Coupled with the flesh and blood of the alien beast itself, it is still possible for the food intake to decrease.

But currently, Shen Ling has not thought of this.

He wiped the corners of his mouth and washed the area where the blood had just been stained.

Shen Ling put on his dried trousers and continued walking in the direction he had set yesterday.

At this moment, even if Shen Ling knew which direction he was going, it was meaningless because he was not sure where he was, and he didn't know which direction the Steel City was in.

"Why haven't I seen anyone yet?"

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Shen Ling felt a little bored.

He didn't see a single strange beast or a human figure along the way, only the endless wasteland, telling the story of the deathly silence here.

A few days later.

Shen Ling kept moving in one direction, and this time he finally saw a car.

A motorcycle was parked on the side of the road, covered in dust and looking slightly dilapidated.

Despite this, Shen Ling was still very happy.

After walking in this wasteland for who knows how many days, he finally saw a road, and this dusty motorcycle also proved that someone had been here before.

After checking the motorcycle, Shen Ling found that the motorcycle could no longer be driven.

First the mailbox ran out, second the motorcycle parts rusted…

This car is basically a total wreck.

However, the motorcycle was useless. After checking the condition of the motorcycle, Shen Ling already had an idea about which way to go.

He wants to go in the direction the motorcycle is currently heading...

Because regardless of whether the motorcycle comes out from the direction the front of the car is heading, as long as the motorcycle is heading this way, it proves that there should be a gathering place for humans here.

At this moment, Shen Ling did not expect that the end of the road would be a steel city.

He knew very well that absolutely not.

He was familiar with the road outside the Steel City, and it was obviously different from the road here.

After striding toward the front of the car for a short while, Shen Ling actually saw a small steel city.

When the city appeared in front of Shen Ling's eyes, Shen Ling observed it for a while.

When he was sure that someone was entering the city, he walked over shirtless.

"This defense is so lax."

Although Shen Ling, whose upper body was bare, attracted a lot of attention, there were no guards in this small steel city.

Shen Ling walked into the city easily, with many men and women looking at him strangely.

After arriving inside this small steel city, Shen Ling discovered that it didn't look like a city, but more like a small town, or a small village...

Roadside stalls can be seen everywhere, and each stall owner has a calm face.

It's like a pool of stagnant water here.

Nothing happened.

Through observation along the way, Shen Ling discovered that the currency used by people here was different from that in the steel city.

The currency used by these people is a bit like the items on exotic animals, and most people trade through barter.

This small town, or rather small village...

It really surprised Shen Ling.

After briefly understanding the city's trading rules, Shen Ling ran out of the city, hunted a strange beast that had reached the third level of martial arts, and brought it back.

"Little brother, you have so much energy!"

Seeing Shen Ling walking down the street carrying an exotic beast that had reached the third level of martial arts, a slightly wealthy man praised him.

In this small village-like city, there is a serious divide between the rich and the poor. The poorer people have no hope at all on their faces, but this slightly wealthy man exudes joy all over his body.


Shen Ling glanced back at the slightly wealthy man, and then responded softly.

Someone said hello to him, but it didn't seem right if he didn't reply...

"Do you want to sell this strange beast?"

Seeing Shen Ling's kind look, this slightly wealthy man asked Shen Ling with a smile.


Shen Ling nodded.

The reason why he brought back this strange beast that entered the third level of martial arts was to sell it for some money so that he could buy some things here.

The slightly wealthy man said softly: "I will offer fifty gold coins of exotic beasts, which is slightly lower than the market price, but it is also a normal purchase price."


Not knowing the value of ten gold coins of alien beasts, Shen Ling nodded lightly.

He gave the third-level exotic beast to this slightly wealthy man, and then took the purse containing fifty gold coins of exotic beasts from the man's hand.

After the transaction was completed, Shen Ling took the money bag and turned around to leave.

He even heard the excited heartbeat of the slightly wealthy man behind him.

Found a bar inside this small village-like city, Shen Ling walked in slowly, and ordered a glass of wine worth three gold coins of alien beasts.

The bar is a great place.

For Shen Ling, here he could not only hear a lot of information, but also make friends with people from all walks of life.

Although he just wanted to determine where this place was and see if he could return to the Iron City...

However, Shen Ling was not very anxious about returning to the city.

Strictly speaking, he actually has no sense of belonging to the Iron City.

After all, he is not from there after all!

After listening to some unimportant news, Shen Ling quickly saw the slightly wealthy man walking into the bar.

Seeing the slightly wealthy man approaching, the girl selling wine at the counter greeted him enthusiastically: "Hey, Boss Ma, why are you so happy today?"

Boss Ma, who looked slightly wealthy, smiled and said, "I just bought a third-level exotic beast for fifty gold coins of exotic beasts! I didn't expect that guy to actually sell it to me."

The girl selling wine at the counter blinked: "A strange beast that has entered the third level of martial arts? It must not be worth more than a thousand?"

Boss Ma, who looked slightly rich, laughed and said, "Of course! This one costs at least a thousand and a half!"

The girl selling wine at the counter winked at Boss Ma: "Then do you want to buy me a drink?"

"Please! Of course please!" Boss Ma smiled and waved his hand, and then said, "Give me a glass of the strongest wine you have. I'm happy with it."

"Okay!" The girl selling wine at the counter nodded.

At this time, in the corner of the bar, Shen Ling was quietly watching Boss Ma playing with the girl selling drinks at the counter, with no emotion in his eyes.

Although if he wants, he can take the head of Boss Ma at this moment...

But if he was cheated, he would kill someone, and Shen Ling didn't think so.

Just teach him a lesson!

Holding the wine glass, Shen Ling stood up slowly, approached Boss Ma, and then gently passed by Boss Ma.

A very weak life force was extracted from Boss Ma's body.

Boss Ma's face turned ten years older at this moment.

"what happened?"

His body swayed slightly, looking at the half-drunk liquor in his hand, Boss Ma shook his head, "Am I confused after just a little drink?"

"Boss Ma, are you not feeling well?"

Looking at Boss Ma, who seemed to be much older after drinking the drink, the girl selling wine at the counter asked with some concern.

"How could I be in poor health!"

Hearing what the girl selling wine at the counter said, Boss Ma smiled and shook his head, "Don't forget how you begged for mercy last time. If I was not in good health, how could I let you..."

Hearing what Boss Ma said, the girl selling wine at the counter didn't blush at all.

In fact, every time she fools around with Boss Ma, she gets a large amount of money for her daily expenses.

If she hadn't been worried about the yellow-faced woman in Boss Ma's family, she would have become Boss Ma's wife long ago.

Although their current relationship is also very messy, it is not considered love.

Just an exchange of benefits.

Returning to his seat, Shen Ling was not interested in the private affairs between Boss Ma and the girl selling wine at the counter.

He now feels more and more comfortable with the inner power of immortality. This ability to extract life force from others really makes him feel a bit miraculous.

However, magic is magic, and Shen Ling doesn't want others to know about this ability...

How should I put it, it's a bit too evil.

Not long after, Boss Ma, who was sitting in front of the bar counter, drank a glass of strong wine, then slowly stood up, hugged the girl selling wine at the counter, and walked directly to the back room.

Shen Ling blinked. Boss Ma looked fifty years old.

In addition, he had just drained ten years of life force.

At this time, lust is still lingering.

I'm afraid that's not the case...

Not even two minutes after I had been thinking about this, an exclamation came from the bar room.

Mixed in with the crowd, Shen Ling glanced towards the hut and saw Boss Ma lying naked on the ground, motionless and seemingly not breathing.

Over there, the girl selling wine, who was dressed a bit chaotically, also looked flustered at this time.

She was just making out with Boss Ma on a routine basis. Why did Boss Ma lie down the moment it ended?

Isn’t this the end?

Soon, news of Boss Ma's death spread.

A very beautiful middle-aged woman walked in with someone...

After entering the bar, the middle-aged woman just looked at the girl selling the drinks very calmly, then waved her hand and said softly: "Let all the irrelevant people get out."

"Yes, ma'am."

Behind him, a group of strong muscular men nodded respectfully.

Under the push and shouts of these men, everyone including Shen Ling was invited out of the bar.

Not long after, there was another series of screams...

In Shen Ling's vision of life, the girl selling wine seemed to have been slapped several times by the middle-aged woman.

However, the middle-aged woman didn't seem to have any intention of killing the wine seller.

In the end, they just carried the body of Boss Ma and left.

"The movement is a bit loud."

Looking at what he had done unintentionally, Shen Ling looked a little strange.

He originally just wanted to take a small revenge on this cheating boss, but he didn't expect that this boss's private life was quite exciting...

Play yourself to death!


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