Martial Arts Have Mastery

Chapter 338 Brother’s request for help

Looking at Yang Yun who was crying quietly, Shen Ling's heart felt a little painful.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Yang Yun looked more mature, but her face looked a bit more haggard than the person he remembered.

There were still a few traces of tears on the face that didn't even have light makeup.

Shen Ling walked over gently, stretched out his hand and hugged Yang Yun.

"I'm back."

Pressing Yang Yun's ear, Shen Ling spoke very gently.

Listening to Shen Ling's words and feeling the breath close at hand, Yang Yun's eyes were full of surprise, and then she pinched Shen Ling hard.

"It's still a dream."

Seeing Shen Ling's painless look, the surprise on Yang Yun's face turned into disappointment.

"You want to know if it's a dream, why don't you pinch yourself?"

Looking at Yang Yun, Shen Ling had a strange expression on his face.

Not to mention how strong the defensive power is of the body he has condensed now, Yang Yun's current appearance has no offensive power at all.

Although Yang Yun had pinched very hard just now, but...

He didn't feel any pain.

"Pinch yourself?"

Yang Yun stretched out her hand and pinched it obediently.

"It hurts."

With just a slight click, Yang Yun immediately let go of her hand, but after the pain passed, Yang Yun's expression slowly began to change.

It hurts, isn’t this a dream? !

This is real?

Frantically wiping her tear-filled cheeks, Yang Yun hugged Shen Ling and put her head in Shen Ling's arms.

"Are you really back...?"

Until this moment, there was a trace of uncertainty in Yang Yun's tone.

But even though she didn't know whether the Shen Ling in front of her was real or fake, she hugged him tightly and didn't want to let go.

She missed Shen Ling so much that she was going crazy thinking about it!

"of course it's true."

Shen Ling stroked Yang Yun's hair lovingly, and then slowly said, "From now on, we will never be separated."

"Well, don't lie to me."

Yang Yun said happily, then decisively pushed Shen Ling away and trotted into her room.

"What's wrong with her?"

Looking at Yang Yun's movements, Shen Ling looked at his hands, confused.

He didn't do anything. Why did Yang Yun suddenly make such a big move?

what is going on?


Xiaohuan snickered at the side, then looked at Shen Ling who had a strange look on his face and explained, "Young lady probably knew that she looked ugly crying, so she ran back to put on makeup."


Shen Ling blinked. At this time, he realized that men's thinking was completely different from that of women.

Shaking his head slightly, Shen Ling, who felt incomprehensible, followed Yang Yun into the room.

Sure enough, just as Xiaohuan said, Yang Yun was sitting in front of the bronze mirror putting on makeup.

Seeing Shen Ling approaching from the reflection in the mirror, Yang Yun asked aloud while putting on makeup, "Am I getting old?"


Looking at Yang Yun, who was only in her twenties, Shen Ling raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "How are you old? In my eyes, you will always be so young."

"very eloquent."

Yang Yun turned back and smiled at Shen Ling, and then asked, "Do you talk to other little girls like this outside?"

Shen Ling shook his head and said with a slight guilty conscience: "Of course not. My feelings for you are very clear, so how could I possibly flirt with other little girls?"

"I do not believe."

Yang Yun pouted, and Shen Ling hugged Yang Yun from behind.

After some fun and play, Yang Yun's mood really relaxed a lot. After simply putting on light makeup, Yang Yun stood in front of the wardrobe and had a problem.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Yang Yun who looked troubled, Shen Ling asked with a smile.

Yang Yun said softly: "I haven't worn beautiful clothes for a long time. I don't know which one I should wear. How about you help me choose."

"Well, let me take a look." Walking to Yang Yun's side, Shen Ling looked at the wardrobe and finally picked a light yellow skirt and a green top.

Yang Yun put on these two clothes, looked in the mirror, and said softly: "It doesn't look very good."

"It's pretty good-looking." Shen Ling blinked. He really thought it was pretty good-looking.

At this moment, he discovered that Yang Yun's figure was very well-proportioned. This figure was perfect for all kinds of clothes...

How long has it been since you had that?

Shen Ling muttered for a while.

It was a long time ago when he was ten thousand years ago, and it was a long time after he went to that world.

Now, the evil fire entered his mind, and Shen Ling became impulsive for a moment.

He slowly walked to Yang Yun and whispered a few words in Yang Yun's ear...

Then, with a shy expression on Yang Yun's face, he picked her up and threw her on the bed.

After a long drought comes rain!

When Shen Ling woke up in the morning, he looked at Yang Yun in his arms and felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

What a good girl, I actually let her worry for so long.

Touching Yang Yun's nose, Yang Yun's eyelids moved and she soon woke up.

"Don't sleep anymore?"

Looking at Yang Yun, Shen Ling smiled.

"I'm so sleepy." Yang Yun muttered, then put Shen Ling's arm under her head and closed her eyes again.

Shen Ling didn't speak, but soon Yang Yun opened her eyes again: "I can't sleep, I'm afraid you will disappear if I fall asleep."

"I won't disappear." Shen Ling touched Yang Yun's head and said softly, "Since you can't sleep, let me tell you about my experience."

With that said, Shen Ling told about his legendary experience.

After a lecture, several hours passed...

Yang Yun fell asleep in Shen Ling's arms. She heard Shen Ling talk about defeating the giant figure, and then she couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a deep sleep.

"The eldest young master, the young master wants to see you."

After a while, Xiao Huan's voice appeared outside the door.

Shen Ling said softly: "I understand, just ask him to wait for me over there."


Xiaohuan responded.

Here, Shen Ling took his arms out from under Yang Yun's head, put on his clothes, and then turned back to kiss Yang Yun's forehead.

He slowly walked out of the room, ready to see what his younger brother, who was now the emperor, looked like.

Last night, intermission time.

Yang Yun told all about her longing for Shen Ling, and also talked about how she personally took charge and later gave up power to Shen Ping.

Except for the danger that Long Chao is currently facing, which Yang Yun doesn't know, other things that Yang Yun knows about have been told to Shen Ling.

Because of this, Shen Ling learned about Shen Ping's ascension to the throne.

However, he felt nothing.

emperor? !

Power? !

He doesn't care about this kind of thing now, because as long as he thinks about it, this world is nothing in his eyes.

Although the body of the huge figure did not give him any special abilities.

But the original fighting power of that body is already the greatest blessing.

This kind of race born out of destruction is very powerful in itself.

"elder brother!"

Looking at Shen Ling walking into the room, Shen Ping, who was wearing a dragon robe, immediately stood up.

Beside him, Jin Jiang, Huo Lao and others immediately knelt down, and then said in their mouths: "I have met the emperor."

Shen Ling waved his hand and said softly: "Everyone, get up. Also, I am not the emperor now, so there is no need to call me that."


Jin Jiang, Huo Lao and others nodded.

In addition to the three of them, there were two other people in the room whom Shen Ling didn't know. He looked over and Shen Ping immediately introduced: "Brother, this is Liu Ziyue, the current prime minister of the Long Dynasty. This person next to me is Feng Qi, who is writing the military letter."

"Hello." After hearing Shen Ping's introduction, Shen Ling nodded, as if he had met before.

Liu Ziyue and Feng Qi here immediately handed over their hands. If they hadn't just followed Jin Jiang next to them, they would have wanted to kneel again at this moment.

Shen Ling looked arrogant, but his aura was too strong.

It was so strong that even if Shen Ling had no expression on his face, they would feel terrible.

As officials of the second generation, they had not seen this legendary emperor.

But they knew very well how powerful this legendary emperor was.

"How is father now?"

Sitting on the main seat, Shen Ling looked at Shen Ping, who was wearing a dragon robe next to him, and asked in a very relaxed tone.

"Father's body may not last long..."

When Shen Ling came up and asked about his father, Shen Ping smiled and told the truth.

"Is it……"

Shen Ling nodded, and then counted the time, "That's right. With my father's body, it's not easy for him to last until now."

After saying the last sentence, Shen Ling picked up the tea cup and glanced at the people around him: "Tell me, what's the point of coming to me with such a large number of people?"

After looking at Shen Ling, Shen Ping said slowly: "Brother, I don't want to be the emperor.

"This was your throne originally. Now that you are back, I feel that I should not continue to be in this position."

Shen Ling thought for a while and shook his head: "This emperor means nothing to me now. Originally, I became this emperor because there was no other better candidate."

Looking back on the establishment of the Dragon Dynasty, Shen Ling felt a little complicated...

In fact, he doesn't like power.

Looking at Shen Ling, Shen Ping said: "Long Chao is in danger now."

"Danger?" Shen Ling's eyes turned to Shen Ping.

Shen Ping took a deep breath and narrated in front of his brother: "After the battle between you and that god, the Long Dynasty was stable for a while under the rule of my sister-in-law. But a long time passed, and you still didn't show up. Countless people in the world saw you being killed by that god...

I don’t know who released the rumors about your death.

Later, my sister-in-law became increasingly haggard because she missed you. In addition, some ministers felt that it was inappropriate for a woman to be the emperor after all, so they began to obey and disobey my sister-in-law's orders.

Later, my sister-in-law gave up the throne to me, but I didn't have much prestige and I hadn't done anything big in the past.

So, under my rule, things were worse than when my sister-in-law ruled.

By now, an unknown number of people have raised the breakfast banner high. The fastest one should arrive here in a week. "

Listening to Shen Ping's story, Shen Ling nodded.

The Dragon Dynasty was created by him, and there were many unstable factors in it.

Shen Ling didn't know whether Shen Ping had the potential to become an emperor, but if Shen Ping was a coward, then Jinjiang and the others would not leave it alone.

However, Shen Ling was a little unclear at this time...

Do you want to take action or not?

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Looking at Shen Ling's calm expression, Shen Ping felt a little unsure.

He now really hopes that his brother can give him an answer, whether it is fighting or running, he can do either.

"The general trend of the world is that if it has been divided for a long time, it must be united, and if it has been united for a long time, it must be divided."

Looking at Shen Ping, Shen Ling slowly said, "I don't know whether it is a good thing to blindly maintain a stable dynasty."

After hearing what Shen Ling said, Shen Ping also fell into silence.

But when the conversation changed, Shen Ling spoke again: "But I feel that at least in a stable dynasty, the people inside are safe. Coupled with the rules I set before, at least the people here will not be treated badly. Exploitation…

“The Dragon Dynasty still has a meaning for its existence.

"When they arrive, I will take action."

Nodding to Shen Ping, Shen Ling looked at Jin Jiang and Mr. Huo: "Two, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Jin Jiang and Mr. Huo responded at the same time.

The two of them didn't know that Shen Ling's words meant that it had been a long time since they last saw each other. It was a long, long time longer than they thought...

Those ten thousand years of loneliness and despair of being alone.

No other person has experienced it.

After some pleasantries, Shen Ping left with the people.

Shen Ling looked around at the same layout as before, shook his head slightly, and showed a smile on his face.

After he left, the place remained the same as before.

Needless to say, I knew it was Yang Yun's request.

After turning around, Shen Ling returned to the bedroom. At this time, Yang Yun was sitting on the bed, and Xiao Huan next to him kept comforting Yang Yun.

"Young Master, you are finally back."

Seeing Shen Ling, Xiao Huan breathed a sigh of relief, "If you don't come back, the lady will go looking for you."

"Well, you go down first."

Looking at Xiao Huan, Shen Ling smiled and nodded.

He knew that Yang Yun's current state was not right, but he also knew that it was because Yang Yun had not seen him for a long time.

Now Yang Yun is in a state of worry about gain and loss.

She knew that Shen Ling had come back, but she was worried that it was all a dream, a figment of her own imagination.

Shen Ling leaned over. He knew that at this time, as long as he was here, Yang Yun would be able to settle down.

To untie the bell, you need the person who tied it, and for the heart disease, you need the medicine of the heart.

Holding Yang Yun in his arms, Shen Ling was quietly tender for a while. After a while, Shen Ling suddenly said: "I want to go back to see my father, do you want to come with me?"


Yang Yun responded softly.

Around noon, the two people left the new city and rode a horse in the direction of Qihua City.

That's right, Mr. Shen is still living in Qihua City at this time. Even though his youngest son has become the emperor, he has no intention of leaving Qihua City.

People of the older generation have deep feelings for their place of birth...

Shen Ling could actually understand.

Therefore, he did not force Mr. Shen to come here.

For the elderly, the outside world may be good, but after all, they have no sense of belonging.

But when people get old, they are afraid of not being needed...

That's why I feel so lonely.


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